The Democrats are treading dangerous ground, as they are using the same approach that resulted in rebellion when King George tried it on the colonists, general warrants. When a subpoena is issued, under U.S. law, there is supposed to be justification of credible suspicion of a crime, but a two year investigation indicated no criminal acts to justify further probing. The only uncertainty was about obstruction of justice. A general warrant (not recognized in U.S. law) seeks evidence of possible criminal activity of any kind, based only on a dislike of the party being investigated.
So, the Democrats are seeking to find enough evidence to build a case for obstruction of "justice" when no crime has been committed, and now that the President is resisting being dragged through the same mudhole again, having been already cleared of the original charge, his resistance of an unjustifiable search for any crime (not specified) is in itself called obstruction, and refusal to allow the Democrats to keep an unending, unjustifiable hunt through his life for any crime is called a coverup (of what?).
I hope the President fights this stupidity all the way to the SCOTUS. It is a clear biased, political attack, coming from an attempt to "undo" the 2016 election. If the moderate Democrats who gave the party control of the House are forced to vote the party line, I expect the House will flip back to Republican control in 2020.
This is just a smokescreen to try to distract people from the upcoming revelations regarding the attempted coup on President Trump. It's despicable and common Democrat practice, but lets wait a couple of weeks for the reports on Democratic malfeasance to start rolling out. Trump warned them not to continue or he would hit them so hard they wouldn't know what year it was. Personally, I can't wait to see it happen.
Pelosi is saying Trump is covering up things? That is the "Pot calling the kettle black". How many things are the Dem's coveing up with and for the Clintons. what about the Coverup of the Uranium One deal? What did/does Mueller know about that particular incident? He was Dir, FBI then and received reports form an inside informant abut the money, kickbacks and extortion going on to get that deal signed. If Cover-ups are the talk of the day, let's get all of them out in the open.
There have been many posts that could have been placed in Humor. If it wasn't so potentially dangerous, most of politics could/should be placed as humor.
"a conversational tactic in which a person responds to an argument or attack by changing the subject to focus on someone else’s misconduct, implying that all criticism is invalid because no one is completely blameless: Excusing your mistakes with whataboutism is not the same as defending your record".
Whataboutism is a phrase used to silence those who want to provide perspective by looking at other examples. History provides a context by which we evaluate events.
I think Ms. Pelosi is doing the 'cover up'. She is throwing out accusations to keep from doing her job. She knew full well what she was doing would enrage Trump to a point of walking out. She hates him more than she loves America.
These people are crazy. Accept that and let's move along. We need to design a method for dealing with them. But, I personally don't believe that is possible. Their candidate didn't get elected. They hate Trump. This is a coup! They are Communists and call themselves Socialists. What is the difference if there is one?
"This is a coup!" Agree 100%. The Neo Communists failed in the 2016 election and sprung the "Russia Collusion" coup attempt and the Trump hating cadre of lawyers somehow failed to make it stick. However, in their report (it isn't just Mueller's report, they all own it!) they set up 10 POSSIBLE (not even provable actual) obstruction scenarios to continue harassment of the duly elected POTUS. This is the high priced lawyer method of not admitting defeat by inventing a deflection. IMHO these alleged obstruction scenarios are deliberate plants in their report and are all as fake as the infamous "dosier". Why 10? Why not 7 or 13? It's as if someone called a meeting and said we need a 10 best obstruction scenario list for the report so get busy and dream them up!
Trump can't do this all alone. Re-read about the McCarthy era! I was a conservative Democrat before they lost me with Clinton and then Obama (both Communists). I didn't vote for Nixon though. I didn't trust him! Big Bush lost my vote with his "One World Government". And I knew Little Bush, so what can I say? We have really had some interesting candidates but enough is enough! I'm not frightened, I'm angry! These people have gone way over the line. Trump is the first President in my lifetime who can see the big picture. These idiots want to destroy our way of life. I have a great child I can deeply about and am expecting another one shortly. They deserve our lovely world, not a disaster like these people are attempting to create. And they do want to destroy our way of life. Believe me.
The best way to "deal with them" is to vote them out of office. The challenge there is educating enough of their voters to do so and persuading them to take charge of their own lives.
"We do believe that it is important to follow the facts, we believe that no one is above the law, including the president of the United States, and we believe the president of the United States is engaged in a cover up, in a cover up," Pelosi told reporters on Capitol Hill."
Oh sure.
This slime is so rotten it does not even know how rotten it is.
Coming from a jerk who herself described the methods how the left is covering up, creating false accusations and uses lawless means to destroy its opponents.
Follow Alinsky's communist playbook:"Attack, attack, and more attack. Never back off. Number one rule..
Keep doing it Pelosi. We know you are under pressure but even you are dispensable.
I have lightened up a bit. My little daughter in law just commented to me, 'Those people are complaining about Mr. Trump's tax returns. He is smart enough to have accountants advising him on his business actions. Don't they know that?'
President Trump seems to like acting as if he were engaged in a coverup. It's just what works for him. It's good that so far it appears he has not been caught breaking the law or covering up crimes while in office, but it's embarrassing to have such an attention-seeking clown in the office of the president.
So, the Democrats are seeking to find enough evidence to build a case for obstruction of "justice" when no crime has been committed, and now that the President is resisting being dragged through the same mudhole again, having been already cleared of the original charge, his resistance of an unjustifiable search for any crime (not specified) is in itself called obstruction, and refusal to allow the Democrats to keep an unending, unjustifiable hunt through his life for any crime is called a coverup (of what?).
I hope the President fights this stupidity all the way to the SCOTUS. It is a clear biased, political attack, coming from an attempt to "undo" the 2016 election. If the moderate Democrats who gave the party control of the House are forced to vote the party line, I expect the House will flip back to Republican control in 2020.
Heck, I'd be tempted to ask Nutty Nancy what the year is right now.
How many things are the Dem's coveing up with and for the Clintons. what about the Coverup of the Uranium One deal? What did/does Mueller know about that particular incident? He was Dir, FBI then and received reports form an inside informant abut the money, kickbacks and extortion going on to get that deal signed.
If Cover-ups are the talk of the day, let's get all of them out in the open.
If it wasn't so potentially dangerous, most of politics could/should be placed as humor.
"a conversational tactic in which a person responds to an argument or attack by changing the subject to focus on someone else’s misconduct, implying that all criticism is invalid because no one is completely blameless: Excusing your mistakes with whataboutism is not the same as defending your record".
I truly hope Trump fries them all! MAGA!
Oh sure.
This slime is so rotten it does not even know how rotten it is.
Coming from a jerk who herself described the methods how the left is covering up, creating false accusations and uses lawless means to destroy its opponents.
Follow Alinsky's communist playbook:"Attack, attack, and more attack. Never back off. Number one rule..
Keep doing it Pelosi. We know you are under pressure but even you are dispensable.
You liberal destroyers are all the same