Cory Booker says his 2020 running mate will be a woman
Based on this headline Booker is saying that regardless of qualifications he will pick a woman as his VP Running Mate. Now I'm not saying that a woman is not qualified, I am saying you should pick the most qualified person for the position. The are people of both sexes that would make excellent VP choices. Don't play the politics of gender or race in your selection. Go for top quality
That would surely make him elected!
Aw, did me dino use the wrong pronoun?
Due to how not sorry me am, let's try that again.
She is a white woman who thinks she is a black man. That's because she also thinks she's very well hung.
Me dino hopes me made that better.
That reminds me. I'm hungry. Excuse me while me dino goes to hunt down some stegosauri or something.
Perhaps, only The Shadow knows.
As for the name of my extinct for a very long dead dog, the name is hidden in this song--
The dog's name was Bubbles due to the cute way it bounced around as a puppy..
A sister-in-law sent me a mind puzzle desk calendar so I won't go senile.
Guess what" Me dino don't like mind game puzzles.Didn't throw it away but its not here on my desk.
It's somewhere in this room but it's too much a bother to puzzle our just where.
So tread lightly with a dithering old dino.
Words me dino can big time relate to.
Me dino is also trying to write a novel--something I think I'm neglecting way more than I should.
And an Illegal It would be even more appealing to the more Jackass Party~~
Then It can flap it's arms and dance while singing Mary Martin's "I'm flying" from Peter Pan of that 1960 TV special me dino saw way back then~~
OMG! Mary Martin playing a flying boy is kinda Itish if ya think about it.
Heard mention of Fake News hacks picking up Pulitzer Prizes for pathetic hit pieces during that almost hour long interview with Trump on Hannity last night.
They have come up with the new pronouns which have been made mandatory in Sweden to be used in place of she/he. Not that I paid attention what they are.
The problem is that according to the mentally compromised PC crowd, there are 28 different genders.
How can they come up with 28 different pronouns?
A Mark Dice video on YouTube shows that some believe the number of genders to be infinite. I'm not sure how they'll ever come up with all the pronouns for that one...
Then they'll get a lucrative position with a company that has changed the HR Director title to "Chief People Officer".
Now all our problems are solved!
Yeah, after "bestiality" popped into me daffy dino brain, me decided I don't even want to consider the possibilities any stupid 28 genders anymore.
It began to hurt me widdle head.
All I have to do to get my laughs in for the day is listen to one of the 20(?) or so Democratic candidates for a few minutes. I can't think of a single one of them which could fill a thimble with their IQ...
Booker says he will pick a women regardless of qualifications and then says 'go for quality'? Can you have that both ways?
In fact, he is a useless, entitled, and arrogant candidate and is totally wasting the money contributors have given his campaign. He should be just ignored.
(Isn’t postmodernism just silly fun?)