Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'
To Answer Mr. Holder
1. WW II
2. Civil Rights
3. Voting Rights
4. Balkans conflict
5. Countless relief missions by the Armed Services
When did you disgrace yourseld
1. Fast and Furious
Your term as AG
Asking this dumb A question.
1. WW II
2. Civil Rights
3. Voting Rights
4. Balkans conflict
5. Countless relief missions by the Armed Services
When did you disgrace yourseld
1. Fast and Furious
Your term as AG
Asking this dumb A question.
They just don't get the evolution of human thought, behavior and world view throughout history.
Think I would add is that all this country needs is a good cleaning. Or a good cleaning out?
Relief came with Russia choosing to back off with bringing missiles to Cuba instead of engaging in mutual nuclear destruction.
Fortunately, as it so far plays out, even the Communist Russians had more common sense than Muslim fanatics do.
BTW Hussein Obooboo, thanks or helping Iran out with their nuclear program with that gargantuan shipment of appeasement money. That makes you as much as a traitor as does Uranium One. Is that what you meant by saying "Tell Putin I'll have more flexibility after my reelection" over that hot mic?
If you're not making your full contribution (whatever that looks like to Cuomo), you're not a great American in his eyes.
Here it is. San Francisco, California. April 14, 1906. A Trip Down Market Street.
Here are 12 of the most amazingly beautiful minutes of film ever captured:
- This is before the Federal Reserve Act.
- This is before the Federal Income Tax.
- This is before the First World War.
- This is before SSDI, Food-stamps and the Welfare State.
- This is before the Military / Media / Education Industrial Complex.
Try to visualize this film in living color -- as if you were there walking down that street on that very day.
Four days after this film was made, the great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire occurred ... whether or not there was fire insurance is an unknown to me. What is known, is that the people, the individuals of San Francisco rebuilt their homes, their businesses and their city.
I am a capitalist. I sometimes think that I was born 100 years too late.
“Capitalism was the only system in history where wealth was not acquired by looting, but by production, not by force, but by trade, the only system that stood for man's right to his own mind, to his work, to his life, to his happiness, to himself.”
― Ayn Rand, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
Holder probably doesn't understand how his party, the progressives and their ilk, brought most of the crap on this nation(and the world) in the last 100+ years. If it were up to the leftists parties and their policies, Mr. Holder and his ancestors would still be in slavery. Think about it. Who was the party of slavery? Yep. The dims.
Yugoslavia? Turkey?
As compared to what Mr. Holder.
A Country that allows a Dirtbag like you to become a MILLIONAIRE?
Since you were part of the government, Mr. Holder... And your performance was LESS THAN STELLAR... Are you suggesting that EVEN YOU Failed to make it better, but made it worse instead?
So, in the end YOUR America has given you great wealth, and greater fame than you deserve, but it is NOT ENOUGH. because SOMEONE was left behind? Or because you are NOT IN JAIL where you belong?
Help me out Mr. Holder...
Because I believe LOCKING YOU UP, HRC Up, Comey, and the rest of you deep state dwellars would be a big step towards greatness...
We're still a great nation, just need to clean up the trash in our government. And, it has nothing to do with the POTUS, other than he had the gall to begin turning the ship of state around.
Any doubt? Just look at the policies which the MSM ignores.
What makes us great is the fact that ours was the first nation to be created on the principle of individual freedom. That freedom has been diminished with every step toward collectivism and the crushing of individual initiative by an increasingly oppressive state. If you were to ask President Trump what his MAGA slogan meant, he would tell you it was to move away from collectivist thinking and unleash the force of free American individuals.
Edit add for those wondering: The "shot heard around the world" took place in Concord, Massachusetts in April 1775.
Sadly, I well know that this is not what Mr. Holder had in mind. Mr. Holder is just another creature from the DC swamp, who should be removed from ANY and ALL positions of authority. Then tried and convicted and sentenced for the many and varied crimes that he has committed against this GREAT nation.
He thinks Cuomo said the right thing.
Read the comments to the FOX link. This sycophant just can't fold it in after he wanted "to kick them".
You know, America has done superb things. It has done great things. And it has been a leader in you know, a whole range of things. But we are always a work in process and … looking back, ‘Make America Great Again’ is inconsistent with who we are as Americans at our best where we look at the uncertain future, embrace it and make it our own.”
^^Yes, exactly this.
Of course, that would require a purge of the educational system which is so bent on socialism and destroying this nation. For starters, anyway.
I wish we had an inspiring communicator to promulgate that vision. We really need that now. Gary Johnson said something to the effect of "we don't have to agree on everything, if we agree on these few principles."