Oregon governor under fire for potential comp fund raid
Here is what these socialist pigs will do. Steal money they stole from people for one purpose, and then take it for another. They have an unsustainable system that gives away money to people in a way that will not last, then they steal from other people to fund it. Looters and criminals.
CITIZENS PAY TAXES to Maintain and Improve the Infrastructure' Enforce the Laws and Support the Military to PROTECT AND DEFEND this nation, as well as PROTECT OUR BORDERS.
Congress and, quite often, the Executive Branch have DIVERTED THOSE FUNDS to vote buying schemes, weaken the Nation for political reasons and their own person wealth and POWER OVER THE PEOPLE.
The governor of oregon was merely honing the skills needed for Federal Office.
NOT to Protect of Defend the Nation, or for the Maintenance and Improvement of the infrastructure which are the only Legitimate reasons for Taxation in the first place.
So, the "misappropriation"is being done to CORRECT A WRONG.
The President is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the control of Americas Borders.
Neither the House, nor Senate has the power or authority to DENY HIS OBLIGATIONS to the Constitution and THE PEOPLE.
Refusing to fund the Border NEEDS of the Nation are an Act of Treason by FAILURE TO PERFORM their own Constitutional Obligations.
The Constitution CREATED the government, The Military Already existed.
I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
President Trump can ask the Joint Chiefs of Staff to begin investigations into any and all possible acts of Treason against the Constitution.
It comes down to the whole "against all enemies, foreign and domestic;" phrase.
Actionable evidence would be grounds for arrest and removal from office pending Military Tribunals.
A very large percentage of the upper brass has become Politicized and need to be investigated on their own as well.
Obama weeded out a lot of Generals and Admirals that did not adhere to his plans.
General Flynn was destined for destruction by the deep state years before President Trump decided to run for office.
It seems to be teens and female young adults who do it most. I do not see it as a political pointer but more as showing immaturity, trying to present a nonsense idea without the bluster that will come later.
I'm noticing more and more liberal "frog talkers", too. That is, they croak out their words. It's happening in my own family where certain liberal cousins used to speak in normal tones are now all uptilting sentences and frog talking.
Is it just me or have others noticed this as well?
Texas, anyone?
The socialists masquerading as liberals know that they can't pay for all of the "free" stuff they promise without stealing as much wealth as they can from the productive members of American society. Even more concerning is the fact they've adopted a delusional fiscal theory, called Modern Monetary Theory that claims the amount of indebtedness of a nation with fiat money is irrelevant, since it can just print as much money as it needs. Somehow that fantasy brings images of greenbacks quickly becoming toilet paper in value.
All crime in whatever form is ultimately theft. Socialism is THE "...ism" of theft. Once one adopts socialism, all other crimes are acceptable.
Living in poverty and denying any manifestation of comfort and pleasure was for the masses, an order that was brutally enforced by the state.
Those on the top lived the life of the elite.
There i$ a $imple rea$on why Sociali$t leader$ want to be the one$ who lead.
Voted for her.
She'll get away with it. They will find an excuse why it was legal.