"...and I hope that we find a better use of language when we are trying to speak as members of Congress that are sworn to protect the Constitution,” Omar told reporters Tuesday after Pelosi’s address."
Use of language? Says a Somali whose language is not English.
She has no right to say anything about the Constitution. We all know she is sworn to uphold the Q'uran. So shut up and be glad this country gave you home. If don't like it go back to Somalia.
IMHO, Omar's only affection for the US Constitution is when she can use it as a tool to slap around anyone disagreeing with her furtherance of Sharia and Islam. See Taqiyya.
It is not amazing. The US is their major enemy. Part of the Islamic conquest plan is to move ever larger groups of followers into a country until they can grasp control and convert it to Islam by force if necessary. Look at portions of France and England that are no go zones for non-muslims. This strategy is working in parts of the US as sell. As evidence look at the voting in Minnosotta. Islam established a majority in her district and put in one of there own to prtopagate the faith and use our laws and customs against us to move forward.
Use of language? Says a Somali whose language is not English.
She has no right to say anything about the Constitution. We all know she is sworn to uphold the Q'uran. So shut up and be glad this country gave you home. If don't like it go back to Somalia.