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Neanderthals also had red hair, but whilst I liked to tease my red-headed friends about this, I had to stop because: (1) the mutation for red hair in modern humans is different from the one in Neanderthals (ie we re-invented it), (2) I discovered that I am 3% Neanderthal.
There is a pretty good article here: http://mathii.github.io/2017/09/21/bl....
Middle easterners and Germany were mainly Bs, Italy and western Europe were mostly As...including Sweden etc of which is My heritage.
AB blood is just a statistical outcome of having both A and B people in a breeding population. B blood type is pretty rare here in the US - less than 10%. Functionally, we are a population that is about half A and half O. I know this well, because part of my job was crossmatching blood for emergency transfusions; I worked in a hospital for 17 years.
I have not heard about A blood group disappearing and then being dying off. Thank you for a topic to research.
The info I got was from eat right 4 your type and Live right 4 your type...I would suggest the Live right book... (I think, it's been a while)- Has all the info and background the eat right book has, plus secreator status, exercise for each blood type, etc.
I've followed his diet suggestion for 20+ years and it changed my life. Wish I had the info before they killed my hyper thyroid...all I needed was to change my diet.
His book, Genotype is a great informative read as well.
See: http://right4yourtype.com
I have to laugh at the greenies trying to stop red meat eating...if they only knew. O's NEED clean red meat, it's like a medicine to us. A's are the vegetarians in our society, they should not eat red meat unless they are laplanders...it's amazing how everyone gets it wrong.
Many years of strong scientific evidence.
Ever hear the saying: One mans food might be another mans poison. (never could find out who in history said that first).
Sorry...couldn't help myself :-)
Hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving.
I am quite a mix 1/4 Irish 1/4 German1/8 British
1/8 Danish 1/8 Bohemian1/8 Swedish
How about you?
By the way my three kids were blue eyed blonds. As is my wife . My Two grandsons are Redheads with brown eyes their momma is an
Italian brunette .
I am a rare genotype of O positive, (green eyed) and being almost a clone of my Dad, I always assumed that he was O positive as well until I ran into his blood donor card in his personal effects. Seems he was, A Negative!, not to mention he was born with white hair and blue eyes. Shocker!
So, like you, are we decedents of aliens???
15% of the population (the last stat I've seen) is a minority, of course, but I wouldn't consider it rare. Also, RH Negative "O" blood is considered "Universal Donor," so how does this "not mix well" with Positive blood?
I am not trying to argue, OUC, merely asking for clarification if you have it. :-)
I have no red hair nor green eyes, but my blood type is O- so I suppose that makes me 1/3 alien. My kids (both O+) have accused me of that for years! :-)
The results of, say, A dad Rh negative and a mom Rh positive (which was the case with me) harmful effects tends to escape the first born but there after causes miscarages and birth defects as was the case with my family.
Just as the body fights against another invading blood type it also tries to kill an opposing Rh factor in the womb as well.
I don't think it would be safe to put Rh positive blood into an Rh negative person. I never heard of that being tried nor considered safe.
If I get the chance, I'll check into that.
Actually, the concern is with a RH-Negative MOTHER and a child who was sired by a RH-positive father, who is more likely than not himself (the child) going to be positive.
The Negative mother gets the antibodies during the birth of the Positive child, and they are waiting there for the next Positive child so they can kill this interloper.....I experienced this myself and hate to think of what I would have missed out on with the likely death of my second child. (I got the shots, of course.)
As a result, however, I now need to be tested for Hep-C because even though I never took an illicit drug, didn’t sleep around a lot and never HAD a needle, much less shared it, the blood products in the early 70s were never tested.
AB-negative (.6 percent)
B-negative (1.5 percent)
AB-positive (3.4 percent)
A-negative (6.3 percent)
O-negative (6.6 percent)
B-positive (8.5 percent)
A-positive (35.7 percent)
O-positive (37.4 percent)
Examination of early cromagnon skeletons show that their brain capacity was, on average, greater than current humans. What happened? Evolution does strange things, or were they the "pure" breed of humans planted by aliens? Have fun pondering.