Posted by mminnick 6 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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From the Post:
"Firebrand Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced new legislation this week; unveiling her ‘Accountable Capitalism Act’ that seeks to make the nation’s largest companies “more accountable” to local communities than “shareholders.”
Warren revealed her potential 2020 campaign promise in an op-ed published by the Wall Street Journal, where the left-wing legislator slammed the country’s biggest corporations for not treating their employees as “priorities.”
"That shift has had a tremendous effect on the economy," she wrote. "In the early 1980s, large American companies sent less than half their earnings to shareholders, spending the rest on their employees and other priorities."
"But between 2007 and 2016, large American companies dedicated 93% of their earnings to shareholders," Warren added..."

A couple of points that I don't think need stating but I'm going to anyway.
1. The dates she specifies were the last year of Bush 43 and all of Obama.
2. Share Holders put their money at risk in order to make money. Employees agree to work for a specific wage package with or without bonus. pSmart companies give good wage packages]
3. Communities receive taxes from companies and its employees in return for services rendered.
The three involved actors (Company, workers and community) all receive benefit from this arrangement. All are free to cancel the arrangement at any time. Forcing one component to do more than it's fair share cause the whole system to breakdown.
Yes I know there have been and some remain abuses of the system by companies, the workers and the communities. In these cases all suffer and eventually pass away, even the communities'.

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    Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 1 month ago
    An "accountable government act" would be a better idea. Firing squad for any and every politician who

    (1) does not do what he promises,
    (2) lies about anything to the American people,
    (3) votes on any bill that he hasn't read and/or can't correctly answer a quiz about its content,
    (4) votes for any bill with any provision that exceeds the original intent of the US constitution,
    (5) stays in office longer than 8 years,
    (6) leaks any inside information to anyone.
    Please add your favorites. ;^)
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    • Posted by NealS 6 years, 1 month ago
      (7) introduced any legislation that exempts self from own laws. (I got the idea from below).

      "Accountable Capitalism" is a complete oxymoron.

      (8) votes for Elizabeth Warren or anything she proposes.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 1 month ago
      This is a good idea. Just one problem, Congress almost always exempts itself from it's own laws. This bill would cry out for them to do so.
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      • Posted by exceller 6 years, 1 month ago
        Yes. Congress has an expertise in protecting itself, or in better term, push its own interest before anybody else's. See the Obamacare exemptions.
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        • Posted by $ rainman0720 6 years, 1 month ago
          I've often joked that if I could get the publicity required, I would run for public office on one platform only: Congress and the rest of the United States Government would be required to live under, and abide by, the same laws they pass for us common folk.

          I know I'd be assassinated as soon as my campaign ads hit the air; there would be 534 other members of Congress that couldn't allow me to get beyond that 1st ad, let alone be on the ballot in November.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 1 month ago
    So just why exactly did those companies in the 1980's re-invest in their employees? Because business was booming and the labor market was tightening, meaning that employers had to compete for workers. What happened in 2007 through 2016? Socialist tax and spend policies which depressed business, increased unemployment, and prevented businesses from re-investing. This bill is a staggering example of "let no crisis go to waste" AND an unintentional admission of just how bad the economic policies of Obama and the leftists are!
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    • Posted by term2 6 years, 1 month ago
      Also, today there is the impact of AI today. Computers can handle a lot of high level thinking compared to the 80’s. Robotics had exploded. The payoff of investing in AI is greater than investing in employees in more and more businesses. In addition , creativity is frowned upon and resisted by the establishment. Creativity is one of the things People excel over AI (at least now)
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      • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 1 month ago
        That's because we can't have the common people "thinking". That is a privileged activity reserved for those who have been carefully indoctrinated and controlled.
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  • Posted by DeangalvinFL 6 years, 1 month ago
    And she is "mainstream". Yikes.

    We are losing the battle of ideas - hate to say it. What do we Gulcher's have to counter? Name calling, or she's wrong, or let me explain the fundamentals of Economics to you over the next ten hours, or please take a few months to read Atlas Shrugged, then you wont fall for her nonsense.

    Her ideas are idiotically stupid and there are a LOT of people out there who know it is nonsense. But far too many welcome her statements as truth. It sure sounds good.

    They only need 51% of the vote to "win". The real truth won't win the day by itself. We must try harder and more intelligently in our communications to actually reach the general public.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 1 month ago
      That is why democracy always fails, and the founders of America designed the constitution not to have universal suffrage. Economic slaves and other ignorant voters do not consider the long term effects.
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  • Posted by chad 6 years, 1 month ago
    The ability to turn America back to the idea of liberty is gone. That she could sponsor such a bill and have congress not throw her out for doing so indicates there are no representatives who consider the constitution and its limits on powers of the government relevant.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 6 years, 1 month ago
    Thi woman wants to make capitalism about as real as her faux Indian heritage. Those are NOT the eye of a Indian. She wants to make companies government controlled and force them to support her liberal ideas Backdoor socialism.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 6 years, 1 month ago
    The strength of the Marxists is consistency. Theodore Roosevelt in 1903 said “I have always believed that it would be necessary to give the National Government complete power over the organization and capitalization of all business concerns engaged in inter-state commerce.” Senator Warren clearly wants to be the "complete power" We have no one effectively arguing for laissez-faire capitalism. Ayn Rand maybe but she's dead.
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  • Posted by NealS 6 years, 1 month ago
    I think someone should take her out before the liberal left ignoramuses start chanting for it, and the complete and total ignoramuses all jump on the bandwagon.. Or am I not allowed to say that? I only presume I can, since the "elite stars" can spew nonsense about blowing up the White House. If not, I retract and disavow my statement as complete rhetoric under the "Temporary Insanity Act". I just hope she runs for president. I can't believe there are more than 30% of the people that would take the chance, even against Trump, to actually do so. This whole scenario should be such a mute point that no one even talks about it. I dedicated 100% of the earing of my (small) business to myself and my stockholders (me). The employees that didn't like it didn't get to work there.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 1 month ago
    Funny, her complaints should be leveled at herself and other humanoids like her. They are the problem; inept, corrupt and incompetent "so called" CEO's are complicit as well in their "Crony Crapitalistic" system inwhich everyone benefits except the employees, consumers and competitors.
    It is clear she has a cockeyed view of free market capitalism and thinks the system seeks a free ride on the backs of others...however, one can see here that This is not the "system" she seeks to fix...she attacks only the one that actually works.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 6 years, 1 month ago
    Elizabeth Warren (Pseudo-Indian) and all Progressive Leftists will be the first ones up against the wall when the revolution comes (or Civil War).
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  • Posted by exceller 6 years, 1 month ago
    The left is perfecting the war against America.

    This is a new slogan. It sounds good and that is what matters.

    None of the slogans the left is running with has any meaningful goals but they sound good to the socialist/communist ear. If you ask any individual on one of these rallies devoted to the "cause" you'll find they have no idea what they are demonstrating against or for.
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  • Posted by exceller 6 years, 1 month ago
    That photo of her may have been taken from the logs of a mental institution: demonstrating what a demented person's typical facial expressions are.

    She probably took this idea from Google: employees are already dictating there what the corporation can or cannot do.

    It must be a nightmare for any normal person to work there, among the lunatic left.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 1 month ago
    I think separating liability from ownership has issues. I doubt Warren's proposal would fix it, but I think there's a legitimate problem. Public corporations do things their owners, management team, and boards would not do if the business's leadership, ownership, and personal liability were all in the same people. By separating them, retail investors buy mutual funds based on performance, and the fund managers investing companies to get that performance. They pay analysts to give them early signs of short-term earnings surprises. The corporate boards of directors focus on the short-term. The directorates are often interlocking, so they have incentives to overlook long-term mismanagement of investors' capital and unethical activities. The management team, board, analysts, fund managers, and retail investors (i.e. owners of the business) can all end up doing things they wouldn't be a part of if they owned and operated the business.

    I don't know the solution to this. Allowing investors to buy small fractions with no personal liability has huge advantages in allowing businesses to raise capital. While I'm skeptical about tinkering with business law, I don't agree at all with the indignation saying shareholders have a fundamental right to have limited liability and elect whatever board of directors they want. I'd have to learn more. Is this Warren's attempt to fix the problem or just pandering to people who don't believe in capitalism? It could be a little of both.
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    • Posted by DeangalvinFL 6 years, 1 month ago
      Problems of Crony Capitalism I think is what you are getting at.

      A partial solution could be to only allow actual human beings to vote their shares. Passive investors or otherwise indirect ownership, ie mutual funds, would not be able to vote.

      Furthermore, for any of the top say 300 companies by Revenues, no one could serve on multiple boards of directors.
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