Full text of Nunes memo

Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 7 months ago to Government
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The "Uncivil War"being exposed.
People need to be jailed for this criminal conspiracy.
SOURCE URL: https://www.vox.com/2018/2/2/16957588/nunes-memo-released-full-text-read-pdf-declassified

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    Posted by 6 years, 7 months ago
    Arizona Sen John McCain't says republicans are doing Putin's job by releasing the Nunes Memo.
    As the swamp drains I hope he dries up and blows away. Ryan that turncoat says the memo and the Russian investigation are separate. Hmmm
    RINO sightings are rampant.
    Kerry's skull and bones has stopped his world tour as a Trump basher for a moment to weigh in on the reckless release of the partisan weaponized democrat controlled FBI efforts to undermine our constitution. Arrest these Benedict Arnolds.
    Comey tweets as he heads an ethics course at
    This is just the first phase released next is State Dept,and Obama DOJ, FISA court.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 7 months ago
      If Putin's job was to rid the world of demoncraps and progressives then that's a Good thing...although I don't think putin is all that altruistic...after all, he is a "Progressive idiot" himself. Unless, of course, he is playing "Last Man Standing".
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      • Posted by Temlakos 6 years, 7 months ago
        Putin's job is defending his country and hardening it as a target. He's doing that. Among other things he is encouraging his citizens to arm themselves.

        And get a load of this: Rep. Adam Schiff, the Ranking Member of the Intel Committee, actually said Putin supports the Second Amendment to encourage Americans to kill each other in spur-of-the-moment duels!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 7 months ago
    Thanks, Dobrien, me dino really been wanting to read that. Suppose I coulda made a real effort to look it up. Duh!
    McCain is a pain. What he said about releasing the memo doing Putin's job reminds me of peeking at All In With Chris Hayes on the msnbc channel shortly before the memo was declassified and released..
    As fast as I surfed there, his little kid's face with big glasses was oh so seriously peering into the camera and saying that releasing the memo would jeopardize national security secrets.
    I was all like, "Oh, go sit on something, you stupid dweeb," and surfed on.
    Last night me dino was watching the memo being discussed on Watter's World when I sez to meself, "Let's see what the a--holes are up to" and descended into the evil that is the msnbc channel.
    Don't know who they were but I saw the rather ugly faces of two women and two men all at least into their 60s and altogether smirking as they put down the memo.
    My reaction was an audible "YEESH!" and immediately returned to Watter's World.
    Imagine if The Evil Hag had won which all the now exposed careless idiots of the DOJ's and FBI's crusty upper crust thought was a sure thing.
    We'd have no idea that Madame El Presidente of our extended Obamanable banana republic was up to the reckless treason revealed by Numes Memo, that just the tip of an iceberg with more memos to come.
    Let us give thanks unto The Donald despite all his imperfections. No one else coulda beat the phantom menace of The Evil Hag.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 7 months ago
      I have also tried to "descend into the evil CNN"
      I can hold my breath longer than I can listen to the
      Soviet style journalism. I also thank Trump for his tenacity and willingness to fight these traitors.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 6 years, 7 months ago
        Steven Crowder did a 16hr live stream of CNN.
        When it was over, and to this day, he says he would rather be water boarded AGAIN than to watch CNN like that.

        His fans keep voting for him to do it, because he cuts it up pretty nicely. But it is truly a form of torture for an educated mind!
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 7 months ago
      Interesting. After me dino finished writing the above, me dino noticed that the 2 (due to the point) I gave Dobrien for giving us this post~I like to call 'em threads~had returned to a 1.
      Appears the mouse coward is back or some other pathetic troll.
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      • Posted by 6 years, 7 months ago
        Thanks Dino,
        Yes I have had a boogie on my tail for awhile.
        I would prefer they would state their disagreement.
        Enjoy your day!
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 7 months ago
          That coward can boogie on my tail for all I care.
          Me dino blows my nose at creepzoid harassment.
          Notice you at least have your 2 back that should be a 3.
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          • Posted by 6 years, 7 months ago
            mycket uppskattat.
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 7 months ago
              Google Translate sez dat means "much appreciated" in Swedish. You're welcome.
              Now half-Swedish me recalls a conversation overhead in a Marine barracks either during 1970 or 1971.
              Two black Marines (well, one of them) asked an Oriental Marine about his ancestry..
              Oriental dude: "Japanese."
              Black dude: "Can you speak Japanese?"
              Japanese dude: "No."
              Black dude: "Why not?"
              Japanese dude: "Can you speak African?"
              Dead silence followed only because me dino was stiffing a giggle.
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              • Posted by 6 years, 7 months ago
                That is very funny. I was a thirteen year old freshman in high school at that time and felt fortunate that the lottery for the draft ended before my year came up.
                Our age did not have to register for the draft (selective service) they quickly changed that the next year and since then as far as I know.
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                • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 7 months ago
                  The prospect of being drafted is a crappy thing that constantly hangs over your head.
                  Crappier is getting that letter with Nixon's smiling face that congratulates you for being selected for the armed services.
                  Like whoopty-doo! This is supposed to make me feel good during the Vietnam War?
                  Then I was told I had been again selected for the Marines. I had an immediate vision vision of yelling "Gung ho!" while charging a chattering machine gun that was about to take me out.
                  The only good news I heard later was that Marines were being pulled out of Vietnam and that I was to be a supply clerk.
                  Drill instructors still drummed it into me that I was a "lean green killing machine" but that was OK.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 7 months ago
    The FBI needs a top to bottom cleanout. They have become America's Gestapo, fanatic, politicized, and trigger happy.

    This latest violation of rights is only an extension of the brutality they have inflicted before, and if the perpetrators are not expunged, it will only get worse.

    Ruby Ridge, with an innocent woman's life taken, resulted in praise and awards for the FBI thugs responsible. The Waco screwup, which ended with the death of over 70 people, and again no one was punished for excessive use of force.

    The Lavoy Finicum assassination, in spite of celllphone video which showed he was unarmed and announced he was as he stepped from the car, and showed that the car's occupants were subject to continued gunfire (possibly an attempt to eliminate any troublesome witnesses) after Finicum's death, produced a public lie that the victim had reached for a gun. Even the FBI's own video showed he didn't reach for his chest until after the sniper's shot rang out.

    Real investigative journalism would have uncovered these unspeakable acts against the American people, but our media have become culpable in the idea that certain kinds of Americans deserve to die. Maybe we can enlist the help of Judicial Watch, which has proven to be more effective than Congress, to bring the foul behavior of the FBI to the forefront and challenge the DOJ to take action or be subject to the same kind of legal force.
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  • Posted by starznbarz 6 years, 7 months ago
    RICO statues were written for this type of crime. If Americans showed the same zeal in demanding our representatives act in the capacity that their oath of office REQUIRES that we have put into taking down the NFL, we would be making serious progress in returning to Constitutional rule of law. Ill guess there are a few lawyers here, what are our options? If we know what to demand from our reps. we have a better shot at forcing their actions - even if its only to go to a microphone in their district and bloviate about accountability - it will get it into the public`s awareness...maybe.
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 6 years, 7 months ago
    During my second reading of the memo, I tried to draw a flow diagram of the transactions and people. My #2 pencil was well worn by the time that I was done. What a maze; purposely done. The main culprit is the Steele guy: The money bag holder is the DNC with laundered money from the Clintons. Leadership at the Justice Department and the FBI have fallen to the level of a third world country. Disheartening and Scary!
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