Importance of community in the Gulch

Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 4 months ago to The Gulch: General
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My daughter, wife and I were talking this week about why our daughter didn't like high school. Like me, our daughter said that she found almost no one there with whom she could have an intelligent conversation. For me, that changed once I went to college, and I expect it will for her as well.

Now that I have achieved a certain level in my career, I have lots of friendly professional relationships with colleagues, but very few intellectually stimulating conversations outside of a very limited topic area in which we are among the world's best.

Being more of a generalist than my colleagues, I wanted to have conversations outside my area of expertise. That is part of why I joined Galt's Gulch Online and is a big reason why I contribute as much as I do.

A big reason why churchgoers go to church is to have a community of like-minded individuals. For us, well, we have this forum instead.

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  • Posted by RonC 10 years, 4 months ago
    Perhaps a school system in the gulch wouldn't set the pace for learning at the lowest common denominator, reward employees for mediocre performance, adopt a promotion system that results in top heavy administration, and grades students on participation rather than results. If there were a school system like that, I'd bet your daughter would have a lot more interesting friendships. Just a personal thought, something like that could never happen in our schools. It could lead to young people being self sufficient and able to work for pay in their early teens like G. Washington surveying the new frontier. We could never except a result like that.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 4 months ago
    In my own experience, I found only a few friends in HS and college - everyone else was off being dovey and flowery (guess what era that was!); I made fewer friends in college than I had in HS. It was not until I was in the AF that I joined an odd (not AF) club and actually found 'people who would laugh at my jokes' (and whose jokes I actually found funny). Most of my friends (from that group) are verrrrry liberal, but they are imaginative and intelligent and motivated to do interesting things...and there are a few quiet Randists in the bunch. Up until that time, my immediate family was the only place I could have a conversation.

    It is like one of those urban fantasy novels where you find that the world you thought you knew 'was not the only one'. This forum is an example of a 'world within a world'. I suspect that your daughter might have to find her own subset of the world in order to have a circle of friends.

    I will point out that a school system in the Gulch would be derivative of a self-selecting minority and even without any overt changes in policy or procedure would already be quite different.

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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 4 months ago
      I am glad to have you here in the Gulch, Jan.
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      • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 4 months ago
        Thank you, jbrenner. I feel it is something of an indulgence to me to wallow a bit in opinions that more agree with mine own than is generally the case in real life.

        I spoke above to hearten you if it turned out that your daughter did not find a companion group in college - she may have to look further afield to discover kinsmen. But this is possible!

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        • Posted by $ 10 years, 4 months ago
          My daughter has no problem making friends if she wants to, but she does not suffer fools well (nor should she). Allow yourself a little indulgence. We have worked hard to get where we are here in the Gulch. As Ferris Bueller said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't slow down and look around, you might miss it."
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 4 months ago
    db and I would immediately set up a "Made By Man" lab, where gulchers could test out their inventive concepts with some working prototypes. We would also offer 3D printing services for limited manufacturing runs of products gulchers will need, looking at a wide range of inventive materials. As we build up to full capacity in the Made By Man Labs, we would also teach. Db Mathematics, engineering, physics and me -History, English, Literature. Some things we are working on I would never post on a forum ;)
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  • Posted by SolitudeIsBliss 10 years, 4 months ago
    I understand perfectly jbrenner. My husband and I are both people who grew up moving all over the country (for myself the world) and once we settled into our home here in Ohio it was and still is extremely difficult to find people who are interested in having an intelligent, interesting, fulfilling conversation other than shopping or partying for the weekend. That's why some internet sites are such a good place for venting, outlets and actually finding people who can have a substantive conversation.
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 4 months ago
      It is good to meet you, SolitudeIsBliss. I have seen a couple of your posts, but I think this is the first time one of us has responded to each other's posts.
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  • Posted by Notperfect 10 years, 3 months ago
    Agreed jb. to learn what I have learned here in the Gulch has made me really look at things in this world in a different light. I do not claim to know it all, but it helps to have like minded people helping out with no question. I was always told if you do not ask a question how will you know the answer. Simple terms from a man who has long since passed. My dad would have enjoyed this community. The subjects they taught during his day were a whole lot different than mine and also no Common Core. I think he probably is rolling in his grave. He told me once he took trig. and calculus in high school. Trig. he passed with flying colors. Calculus he passed, but it bored him. When he graduated he went 1 semester of college the quit and went into the field he loved. Truck driving.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 10 years, 4 months ago
    Being fairly new here, and with health situations at home that keep me well occupied, I don't often get the chance to contribute, but these forums are my lifeline! Welcome jbrenner and I can sympathize with your at-work non-intellectuals situation and your daughter's at-school situation. If the Gulch ever decides to move to our own city (not gated, just quietly bought up by $ one home at a time), I will be there! It would be a huge pleasure and an immense challenge to keep up with so many thinking neighbors in person, but until that day, I will happily enjoy our online discussions.Again, welcome!
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  • Posted by Wanderer 10 years, 4 months ago
    Needed in the Gulch: Intelligent socialists willing to explain and defend their beliefs and value systems, instead of socialist lurkers, pretending to be liberal thinkers, who don't advance, but obfuscate the discussion. Start from fundamentals and give me an honest argument, instead of telling me you like Ayn Rand but then in every case oppose the things she stood for.

    VIOLENCE WORKS! All around the world, everywhere I've been it's been obvious the side willing to do the most violence wins. So it is in conflicts of the mind; those who allow their opponents to avoid the fight will be subsumed into the very groups they failed to oppose.

    Enough of these shills. Where are the flaming socialists, telling us they have a right to the fruits of our labors?
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    • Posted by Maritimus 10 years, 4 months ago
      Hello, Wanderer,
      Do you really need a socialist here? Wouldn't you get what you can get all around? Common good, social justice, equality on virtually everything, only government can provide morally good things etc. etc. I am particularky upset about their concepts on equality. Do you think that various tyrants who carried a "socialist" in their self-attached labels ever considered themselves equal to anybody else? Should a creative genius have the same income as the drug addicted (virtually never sober) bum? The way I understand our Constitution, we are all equal under the law, i.e in front of the government. How can we then allow government to treat us so blatantly unequally? "We the people" are allowing it at our eternal disgrace and ultimate demise. What do you think?
      All the best.
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      • Posted by Wanderer 10 years, 4 months ago

        I think you need to stand on the wall and shout: "I OWE YOU NOTHING! AM FREE! YOU ARE MY BURDEN ONLY INSOFAR AS I CHOOSE TO CARRY YOU!" and then get down before swat teams from the BATF, DEA, EPA, FBI, FDA, USFS, USDOJ, Secret Service, USCBP and any one of the dozen other armed agencies of the government shoot your ass.

        In the meantime, I'd rather debate Bernie Sanders, an honest to god socialist, than people who pretend not to be while they use the IRS to pick my pocket. That's what I see here, shills who are socialists, but won't admit it, dancing around issues and refusing to argue from basic principals.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 4 months ago
    Not necessarily instead... for some of us it just adds to being well rounded. And sometimes, that community is where you can also find like minded individuals.

    I absolutely understand where your daughter is coming from, JB. It's somewhat disheartening, not only that there are so few intellectually stimulating people in the morass of public schools (including the instructors), but that it is expected for you to lower yourself down to their level. At least it will get better once she has left the sheeple factory behind!

    Glad to see you here, JB!
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  • Posted by desimarie23 10 years, 2 months ago
    I joined the Gulch for similar reasons. My friends and family don't entertain intelligent conversation. Nor do they care to discuss anything of value. Mostly they don't care to form opinions on pretty much anything...which I find to be dangerous, especially with the way things have become. Anyway...I come here to find the intelligent conversation and learn new things...the discussions definitely keep me on my toes. I am so happy to have found this forum.

    JBrenner, it's interesting that you made the church/forum connection--I tell people..."Some people have the Bible, I have Atlas Shrugged."
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  • Posted by $ 10 years, 4 months ago
    I decided to watch Atlas Shrugged 1 while my daughter was getting ready for high school graduation in a couple of hours. My daughter came in and said that Dagny Taggart was her hero and then explained why. I could not be more proud!!! She is en route toward being a Dagny.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 4 months ago
    The problem comes in associating learning ability with age instead of by intellect and personal discipline (both necessary for learning).

    While I acknowledge in concept the idea of having kids play with kids their own age and develop socially with kids their own age, I don't believe that academic learning should be so restricted, as it only results in a "Harrison Bergeron" approach. If you've never read the short story by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., you can find it online for free. It's a great story all about the enforcement of "equality".

    What your daughter probably suffers from is having self-discipline and intellect that exceed that of her classmates (big surprise).
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    • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 3 months ago
      I taught at a school for bright kids for 20+ years. It was always a kick to watch them realize that no, they WEREN'T the smartest kid in the room anymore, and no, they weren't even smarter than the teacher......and then, the biggest thrill of all was to see them realize that not always being the smartest one is A Good Thing and take off!
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  • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 4 months ago
    J, could we substitute "neighborhood" -- community reminds too much of commune ?
    I love your participation and that of this great bunch of friends who make the gulch very special !!! -- j
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
      Communes are our friends. My town has many bona fide communes, where residents take turns making meals. It's funny how they advertise that they're open to families, students, and "workers". It's funny they don't say singles but "workers". Anyway, people going to live the way they choose are our friends. I admire them for living deliberately in intentional communities, even ones I don't want to live in. If everyone did that, the world would be a better place.
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 4 months ago
      Word choice was never my strong suit. Neighborhood does work in this case. However, how many of you notice that today's neighborhoods are not really friendly any more? I haven't seen parents saying "Be home by sunset," or kids contacting each other to play pickup basketball, football, or baseball since I was a teenager in the 1980s.
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      • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 4 months ago
        yessir, we are living in a different world ... since I was a teenager in the 1960s! I just talked with a neighbor via cellphone an hour ago, and said Hi to the NSA too, so we are lucky here -- a little cluster of 3 families along a lane where the trees close in over the road to remind us of the Smokies, just to the east of us.
        this is my first home, Jb, after 60 years of searching. my wife and I had it built 7 years ago here in an actual gulch (with topsoil 14 feet deep in the bottom). and, surprisingly, I have found another home here online. never thought it possible.
        Thank You for your good work and for being a wonderful "houseguest" here with us!!! -- j
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        • Posted by $ 10 years, 2 months ago
          I could be your maid like Dagny. I wasn't invited. That makes me a crash lander, so I am an uninvited house guest.
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          • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 2 months ago
            WoW, Jim! this is a trip back in time!

            I found this place 13 months ago while doing a
            firefox search for Ayn Rand stuff. just wandered in
            and paid for membership;;; felt like I belonged here,
            since I've read AS 3 times and I've been a devotee
            since 50 years ago.

            but you've been here 10 months and a week, says
            the timer on your first "post". so, if I pay you in
            gold, will you stay? I have some right here, no
            kidding. our little home is a safe deposit box.

            Thanks Again for all of your talents and contributions,
            sir, and for your kind offer of help! Would You
            Please Stay For Supper??? -- j

            p.s. Happy Fourth To You And Yours, Also!!!

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            • Posted by $ 10 years, 2 months ago
              Of course, johnpe1, to some extent, I am kidding, about the maid bit. I did pay my way into the Gulch online, but no one invited me per se. I guess Scott deSapio invited me indirectly with an e-mail advertising the movie.

              I do like Au and even have quite a bit outside Atlantis.

              I have been an AR fan for about 6 years, but didn't know where the Gulch was for quite a while. I had to stumble into it kind of like Dagny.
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