Dude, like Benghazi was two years ago.... OMG
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 10 months ago to Government
Ok, so I can understand why he is the FORMER spokesperson, as opposed to being the current. The way in which a person expresses himself matters on a global stage, such as what his (former) job required?
So like, I guess not, Dude.
So like, I guess not, Dude.
Please forgive the catharsis. This is the only place I've ever made this public, but I feel a certain brotherhood with many of you.
You really drove home the point that came to my mind when I heard the "DUDE" comment. Two years ago does not make the situation any better for the friends and families of those four dead Americans who - to the very end - knew in their hearts that our government would not let them down. Except this administration did just that. It is criminal, both literally and figuratively, and someone should be held accountable.
Yes, "what does it matter!" "dude, it was over two years ago..." are the thoughts of sociopaths in this horrible tragedy
You have my deepest regard, and am so very sorry for your loss. I'm so sad that such a horrific thing happened to your son and your family. No words that I can say could make you feel better. I'm humbled you shared that.
You are correct that lives are irreparably changed when a life is lost, especially when there are no answers forthcoming. The lies, obfuscation and continued lack of concern is criminal in the extreme. Impeachment is the least of the actions that need to be put into motion. The families of the slain deserve nothing less. Their loved ones were taken by TERRORISTS. No mincing of words or politically correct bs here. Now, finally, they may get some peace if no one drops the ball.
There are wounds that time does not heal and that lame a$$ paper shuffler needs to be made to understand.
Thank you for opening up this great hurt to us. I hope we will be found worthy of your trust.
Thank you and everyone for their consideration. It was 22 years ago and we've moved on, somewhat diminished, however.
Don't you realize that when folks blame Obama that offers aid and comfort to the real enemy? Is hating Obama that strong? Why would anyone want to support those animals who are actually pulling the trigger?
If discovering that the politicians in the White House were creating policy expressly for the election results is not news, it is at least recent history and should be documented accurately. While about half of the country doesn't care as long as their entitlement check is in the mail, the other half of the country believes this guy should, at the very least, be impeached and removed from Office.
Check this out: http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/...
The Republican right has been very good at that sort of thing. You can see the beginnings in the Southern Strategy they used to separate Catholics and Evangelicals from the Democratic Party with the abortion issue, among other things, using primarily fear.
If all of the media outlets you are posting links to had any semblance of being real journalists, why do they go back to the same tired old mantra of "Blame Bush"? When your only story is to try to deflect away from a current story, you can't in any way call that objective (and I'm not even talking Rand-style Objectivism)!
What were we talking about?
The emails were suggestive to those who take such suggestions. They were NOT a smoking gun as Fox would like you to believe.
Guess that's "honest" corruption.
Now that we proof that the white house was covering up bengazie, trying to blame a video that few ever saw and fewer understood, instead of the real culprit, barry and his ineptitude. Now we'll at last see if his ability to duck and dodge and duck any charges will finally end and he'll be thrown out of office.
The only problem will be that he may return to Illinois - perhaps we can arrange to have him housed with our past three governors in prison.
She lied to the public repeatedly when she knew the truth. And she was told to do so by the White House to cover up the fact that they were running guns to Al Queda under the guise of supporting the overthrow of Qaddafi. Then the Ambassador was supposed to try to get them back, and was assassinated for it. And the government left him there to die to make sure he couldn't testify about what he was doing.
I don't approve of what Libby did, but he wasn't covering up the deliberate murder of a US Ambassador.
Sheesh, and what about all those who died under Bush? Why didn't they get help in time? Did Bush really tell us the truth?
This whole thing is a concoction by Fox News to swing people away from Obama. It's today's version of McCarthyism.
I find it sad so many have been duped.