Obama could seize assets of US citizens with his pen and abuse of executive order use
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 10 months ago to Government
To ignore this would be foolish. Because of Ovomit's voracious appetite to have everything his way, or he will write an executive order to get it, bodes ill for all who call themselves Americans.
These leeches do not realize that some people responsibly put back money for their future, while others spend every dime they make, and then expect someone else to help them with their futures - and government in Obamaland, thinks that is a dandy idea. If we do not get rid of the moochers in D.C., that is exactly what is going to happen.
This simply must be stopped. Obooma and his puppets are destroying our country. This is OUR Country by right of birth and blood. He needs to return to Indonesia.
There once was an act called the Freedom of Information. This administration has reversed that act and now are trying to make us responsible to them instead of it being them responsible to us as the FOIA states.
I recently posted an article about the middle east and the Muslim Brotherhood. Our eyes need to stay focused on Israel and the middle east. This man does all he can to throw our attention away from what is happening there. He is part of this and will stop at nothing to create situations that grab our attention so that we do not see what is happening there. This way when something does and it is about to, he will merely cry that he had so much going on that he let this one slip by. If you add all that happen in past months alone, you will see his attempt with smoke and mirrors to keep us in so many directions that we will not hold him responsible in any way. He is not smart enough to blind us all but he is sure trying to do so.
You can count on hearing that they have attacked Jerusalem or that area very soon. I hope I am wrong but it does not seem as if I am. Sure is strange that the announcement of alliances supporting the brotherhood is happening while all of what is going on else where has the main news headlines..
Obama has one talent, smoke and mirrors. He speaks at people, and distracts them while he signs executive orders or covers for commie friends. He will never answer to the people, as he has no answer, and will only run for cover to his handlers. He has a phone alright, to call Valerie Jarrett or Ayers to ask for directions.
Distraction is the name of the game, while they work in the dark doing their dirty deeds. Meanwhile, the sheeple stand by with their hands out and their minds empty to anything going on. Until they come for their pensions, they do not care if the 401ks of others are taken.
Most don't even know what the Muslim Brotherhood is, and likely think it is okay, as it is being tolerant of other religions. Maddening! Our nation is dying from its own ignorance.
All eyes need to stay focused on Israel. To me this is merely another means to accomplish their goal's.
and telling our greatest ally in the entire region to figuratively go fly a freakin kite. ovomit also tells Putin to stop forcing on the Ukrainian people what they do not want. Really? Have you seen the polls on ovomitcare recently? Sorry to have gotten off topic. But the idea that the feds could/would seize whatever the heck they wanted does not strike me as something new.
bet too many of them have profited from O's
policies to want to rock the boat.
I have a terrific job in a non-mooching, non-looting university, so I can "hold out" in waiting for a return to American exceptionalism for a longer time than most. Accelerating the demise of America is something that I could consider, but I'm not sure ready for that step yet. It's one thing to "retire" like Dan Conway, and it's another thing entirely to actively bring about the end like Galt et al.
I think you're choosing to see things the way you want - not the way they are.
How could this possibly affect Putin?
Putin is former KGB. He's put in place operations that are so far out of O's abilities to comprehend, and have already made the so-called sanctions look like a fly swatter next to Putin's missile launchers.
What should Obama be doing?
Executive Order 13074--Amendment to Executive Order 12656
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to reflect the appropriate allocation of funding responsibilities for Noncombatant Evacuation Operations, it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12656 is amended by adding a new section 501(16) to read as follows: ``Subject to the direction of the President, and pursuant to procedures to be developed jointly by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State, be responsible for the deployment and use of military forces for the protection of United States citizens and nationals and, in connection therewith, designated other persons or categories of persons, in support of their evacuation from threatened areas overseas.''
William J. Clinton
The White House,
February 9, 1998
Executive Order 13074 --
Noncombatant Evacuation Operations
"The President has the power to seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, call reserve forces amounting to 2 1/2 million men to duty, institute martial law, seize and control all menas of transportation, regulate all private enterprise, restrict travel, and in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all Americans...
Or when a Republican did it:
Bush Outlaws War Protest -
Citizens Face Full Asset Seizure
New Executive Order Stomps on the Fifth Amendment
"...any (citizen) person who undermines efforts to promote
economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq."
Did anyone get the license plate of that Mack truck that ran us over yesterday? By executive order, the Secretary of the Treasury may now seize the property of
The Secretary may make his determination in secret and after the fact. Click here to read this new little gem out of the Bush Administration.
What's it say, you ask? The White House will decide if you are in any way "undermining efforts" in Iraq, or related to Iraq or pretty much anything else, the Treasury Department is authorized to seize your money, property, stocks, etc
But you girls get your fear-moistened Hello Kitty panties all in a bunch when the BLACK Democrat does it...how telling. How telling.
So, it's not really about ECONOMICS. It's about the black guy in the White House.