#AtlasShrugged still not auto-completing on Twitter (#JeSuisMilo Day 5)

Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 2 months ago to Culture
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For those not following this, a quick recap: many people are theorizing, due to Twitter's silence on the issue, that Twitter has gone full Social Justice Warrior.

On Friday, they removed the verification badge from Conservatarian provocateur columnist at Breitbart Milo Yianoppoulos. This is a highly unusual move by Twitter and one that many people are calling a "punishment." Along with the un-verification, Twitter has been suppressing certain search hashtags from auto-completing in their search box. One of these hash tags is #JeSuisMilo (a hashtag which protests Twitter's actions against Yianoppoulos). Another one of these hashtags is #AtlasShrugged.

The market reacted yesterday and NASDAQ TWTR hit a new 52 week low. However, the stock recovered some of its losses with early trading this morning.

Twitter is a private company, yes. However, it is a private company which promotes itself as a Free Speech platform.

What say you?

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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 2 months ago
    There is free speech in the Gulch up to the point when someone is clearly a troll. The FAQ here specifies the opinion of the site owners.
    Elsewhere, it depends upon the owner's personal opinions and there is ALWAYS some bias regardless of any claim to be unbiased.
    Twitter is not objectivist; they will cave to popular sentiment when they feel it's to their advantage. They will irrationally violate free speech and deny doing so when someone disagrees with their opinions.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 9 years, 2 months ago
    OK, this old guy doesn't want to seem like an idiot, but I figure this is a safe place to ask a perplexing question. That is, exactly what does the pound sign (#), now called hash tag, mean when used to lead off a phrase such as "#AtlasShrugged" or "#JeSuisMilo" as shown here?

    Yeah, one of my grandkids showed me how to open an account on Twitter a few years ago, but it seemed pretty useless to me and I never used it (an amusement for twits, I guessed, hence the name Twitter). It also annoys my email Inbox from time to time wanting me to sign up for twits from a Kardashian or Clinton or some other waste of atmosphere, confirming my initial assessment. Now I'm seeing this "#" thingy showing up all over. So, what's up with that?
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 2 months ago
    Twitter is stupid in my humble opinion. I dont DO Tweets. Why have instant communication with hundreds or thousands of people on where I am located or what I am doing. Waste of time.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 2 months ago
    I have no use for Twitter, Facebook or any of those.
    I recently learned via my PC that two males and one female are looking for me on Facebook.
    I think the female found me about a month earlier.
    Out of the blue I received a phone call from Texas.
    Lady said she's a distant relative who asked, "Do you remember when we were both eight-years-old and my family visited yours in Dothan, Alabama?"
    I was like "Uh, no."
    When she mentioned an Uncle Kanute, I told her that rang a bell.
    We had a nice talk. Turned out we both dislike Obama's evil agenda.
    Those two males looking for me can look up my phone number like that lady did, finding me in the Birmingham area. .
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