NY high school orders student to remove Smith and Wesson t-shirt, but it doesn't end there...
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 10 months ago to Education
Well, I like the way this kid thinks. He was prepared to have to remove his shirt, by thoughtfully wearing a second t-shirt under the offending S&W one. Zing! Note it's only been teachers and admins who get their knickers in a twist over this.
And aren't we taxpayers affording the schools their operating budget? How is this an agreeable use of my money?
And aren't we taxpayers affording the schools their operating budget? How is this an agreeable use of my money?
If we are truly to have "zero tolerance" which will truly prevent violence in schools, we'd better get pens and pencils away from those evil kids, along with shoelaces, belts, and any number of other ordinary items. All scissors must be the round-tipped variety, if indeed any are allowed at all. No more scalpels in biology class. My nephew was threatened with one by a fellow student. Nothing was done to the bully. Instead, my nephew was sent to his "dean", who provided him with a helpful list of ways to appear more confident and so deter further bullying. I am not making that up.
Any reasonably skilled martial arts student can use a book or a rolled-up newspaper as a lethal weapons. So I guess any and all printed educational materials will have to be off-limits as well.
And probably 'an app for that,' too! Dial up your smartphone and send a picture to your shirt.
Moron teacher objects? Download a different image, smile sweetly and say, "Who, me?" and point to your 'new' shirt.
The future will be even more of a challenge for those bureaucrat/teacher idiots!
But some feel it's all good, as it forwards the cause of Security and Social Justice for the oppressed and disadvantaged, over those who have more than those who do not. After all, who are these better-off to have more than those who... urp... are kept back from... blrbl.. their fair share by the oppressor... pardon me, I must excuse myself...
(Just writing that last paragraph has caused my stomach to righteously and forcefully revolt against its contents...)