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  • 13
    Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 7 months ago
    Sorry, no time to help.
    It's urgent that I drive (my internal combustion sports car) to pick up some whole Ribeyes and lots of bottled water.
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    • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
      MMMMM. Ribeyes.
      You can have the loin, give me those Delmonicos every time. A few with bone-in to gnaw on. Maybe the dog gets the bone if she's good.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 7 months ago
        Our oldest dog hasn't been eating much (vet can't find anything wrong) and the little diva insists on rib bones and rib meat, so I share. Luckily she is small. ;^) She prefers ribeye over pork chops.
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        • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
          Obviously, a dog with good taste.
          All those who go for filets and other steak cuts haven't tasted really good steak until they've had prime, properly marbled rib steak. If it also happens to be a really good restaurant you frequent and they serve aged rib eye, you don't even need a knife, if it is broiled just this side if rare.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 7 months ago
            Heartily agree! I love mine hickory smoked, too. I started aging steak in my refrigerator in the 80s. (Yes, they are REALLY tender by now;^) Mostly did top sirloin then and it was much better aged for a couple weeks at least. Excellent flavor and tenderness for a reasonably priced cut, (but without the fantastic effect of marbling found in rib steak.)
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      • Posted by NealS 9 years, 7 months ago
        I always go to Rolling Stoned for my scientific news. And me too, I'm still enjoying my Corvette that took me to age 69 to finally decide to buy one. As far as Ribeye’s, Porterhouse, Flatiron, and Delmonico's, I've recently cut back to save the environment, well actually to save my own environment, my belly. I've lost 30 plus pounds as of this morning, but I still reward myself at least every 5 pounds. I've set a new goal now of just 10 more mainly as a 10 pound buffer to be able to pig out at least once or thrice a week a week.

        I don't worry too much about an ocean rise of 10 feet by 2065, I'll long be converted to ashes by then. Besides I don't really know too many people that live on the coast, and I do have 3 nasty liberal sisters-in-law on the east coast but that's their problem. If I was still around, God forbid, my house might just become waterfront property, and the people below me on the lake would just have to leave. It would also increase the value of my home. Such is life and death.

        The whole scenario of the End of the Earth really has more to do with population, we may have just reached the Earth’s population limit. Maybe war will be the ultimate solution, a big one, bigger than we've ever seen before. Then it can all start over again as the earth recovers and then it will just repeat itself again in another few centuries. How's that for a sadistic scenario?
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        • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
          I'm also dieting. In my case it is a matter of longevity. So far 16 lbs. Another 30 to go. I hate it. I must disagree with your scenario. The earth has plenty of room to support twice the current population. Just look at what Israel has done with that tiny strip of desert. Pretty much nothing man can do will destroy earth environmentally. Radioactivity might destroy most life, though.
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          • Posted by NealS 9 years, 7 months ago
            I'm really not on a diet, so to speak, I just eat a lot less and eat a better choice of lower calorie items. Still love the brats and my wife's famous ribs. just eat a lot more vegetables and fruits for dessert. When I need a snack between lunch and dinner I may eat a tomato now. I still have my late evening scoop of ice cream, but just one scoop now, not two or three. What ever you're doing just keep it up, but enjoy a reward here and there too. Maybe I'll post my 100 day weight loss graph some day, it goes up and down, but overall up. It's those overnight 5 pound up swings that are hard to swallow.

            The earth in itself could support a lot more people if it was only up to the earth, but I don't think people can support many more people. Too many tend to gather in large communities and that's where most of the troubles start, and then someone wants to control everyone else and half the population disagrees. Eventually we'll probably just destroy ourselves, perhaps by nuke or some other means. Perhaps the plague was natures way of refreshing the earth from man. If man had the mentality of other wild animals we might stand a better chance of survival.
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            • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
              I agree that humanity as a group is not particularly rational. I don't think that resorting to the primitive like animals is the answer. I just don't know, and it is far from any expertise that I have. So I'll leave it to those scientists who are truly scientific with no agenda to accomplish.
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              • Posted by NealS 9 years, 7 months ago
                It doesn't take scientists to prove to me that man under some of the described conditions (big cities) we're starting to experience today will resort to the primitive like animals. I agree it is not the answer, it's just a fact. The proof, Chicago, Washington DC, Ferguson, Baltimore, and others that just haven't exposed their true nature yet. I feel Seattle will be going in that direction sooner than later with the crazies that are infiltrating the city council. They will soon divide the residents into small dissenting groups, eventually fighting each other. But Seattle has great plans, interest free loans for Muslims, $25 additional tax on arms sales, 5 cents tax on each round of ammunition (just passed by a vote of 8:0), even .17 and .22 caliber rounds, and now rent control. Like I said once back in 1969, "I've got to get out of this place, if it's the last think I'll ever do." I don't even live in Seattle, but I know the psychos will soon spread to the eastside. They're big on climate change too over there, spending more money on bicycle lanes than fixing the roads. I just wonder what local laws will change because of climate change. Now were short of water because they dump the reservoirs in case there's too much snow melt, of which we didn't have a lot this year. We spent last weekend looking for a new home about 5 hours further east, but so far haven't found the one.
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                • Posted by NealS 9 years, 7 months ago
                  Can I reply to my own reply, is that allowed? I just looked at my post count. That last post was number 1969. That's got to be a sign, a good sign that I be getting "out of this place" soon, just like the last time, in late August 1969. Wow, where have the last 45 years gone?
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                  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
                    You're preaching to the choir. I'm from Detroit.
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                    • Posted by NealS 9 years, 7 months ago
                      Sorry..... Are you from it, or in it? Or both?
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                      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
                        Left Detroit area in '89. I was saddened to see the city I grew up in turn into a cesspool. Let me just quote from a brochure written when postage was 1.5 cents. "The industrial achievement of Detroit Seems incredible.It is the 4th largest city in the United States and it produces 94% of all American passenger automobiles such as Ford, Dodge, Plymouth,Cadillac, Hudson, Graham, Desoto, Chrysler, Packard and Chevrolet. Among the 2,300 other industrial plants are U.S. Rubber, Kelvinator, Burroughs, Fisher Body, Parke Davis, and Great Lakes Shipbuilding.
                        ....Detroit has many beautiful parks and five million travelers come here every year. Belle Isle Park is famous the world over being located on the Detroit River and having every feature needed for the enjoyment, such as casino, yacht club, boat club, bath houses, and a horticultural building." That was an abbreviated except. Today, under 70 years of liberal rule that same city stands as a monument to ruin and despair.
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                        • Posted by NealS 9 years, 6 months ago
                          It's really sad, we've gone a long way since then. I left Wisconsin in 1953, went to S. California, wonderful, family atmosphere, clean, and law abiding. I left S. California in 1976, as my neighbors were all installing bars on their windows and doors. Now I'm looking to move from western to eastern Washington before I lose my cool. Mostly car prowls are taking over even the best neighborhoods, and break-ins seem to be increasing. Seattle (even the eastside communities) will eventually look like Detroit. I actually thank God that I'm 73 and won't be around to see all of it.
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                          • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 6 months ago
                            I gotcha beat @ 81. I feel exactly as you do. If things deteriorate at the rate they seem to be accelerating to, assuming room temperature may be a blessing.
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  • 11
    Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 7 months ago
    Unfortunately, Climate Change has reached the point of no return.

    Of course, when I say "Climate Change", I am not referring to the claims of today's federal grant chasing Neo-Lysenkoists, but rather the globalists strategy to impose a de facto world government through the imposition of a worldwide carbon tax.

    They will not stop until they are stopped.
    And the will to stop them does yet not exist in the strength required.

    So, yes, I agree: Climate Change has reached the "Point of No Return".
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 7 months ago
      "...the globalists strategy to impose a de facto world government through the imposition of a worldwide carbon tax."

      Sigh. Yes. Maybe...

      Jan, not entirely without hope
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    • Posted by NealS 9 years, 7 months ago
      If we throw more money at it in taxes, don't you think it will stop. That might get pretty boring, no climate change, just 68 degrees and moderate sun shine. I kind of like a few clouds, living in Washington, the one on the west coast, or the left coast). Just think if we spent all our money (in taxes) on it we might be able to make it totally stop changing. It could be 68 degrees everyday and all night. Unfortunately however we'd never be able to agree on what temperature to set it at, and could we agree on what day it should rain?
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  • Posted by terrycoughlin 9 years, 7 months ago
    Melting sea ice is causing sea level rising?
    Try this! Place a glass on a napkin and fill it up with ice cubes. Pour in water until it is full to the very top.
    Wait until all the ice has melted. The napkin will be dry and the water level in the glass will be lower by 10%.
    Ice occupies 10% more volume than it does when melted (That's why it floats!) Therefore, the melting of the sea ice will lower the ocean sea levels. Reality check!
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    • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 7 months ago
      actually, the water level will be the same, because the ice's extra
      volume sticks above the water level ... and when it melts,
      it just occupies the lower 90 percent of its volume. . any lowering
      of the water level comes from evaporation. -- j
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 9 years, 7 months ago
    Anything supposedly about science that lacks verifiable numbers (or a method for the reader to produce his own reliable numbers) really is not scientific.

    They mention the ocean acidification, but they (carefully?) avoid giving any measurements or methods for measuring. The big about melting ice raising the sea level is causing my stomach to turn.

    Even when you see numbers you need to judge whether or not the numbers are real. For example, is an "average temperature" really a temperature? Or is it something else? I could go into a lot of suggestions about faulty averaging and about faulty collection of data. Sometimes data isn't even real, but is simply wishful thinking. According to a scientific study 73.2528% of all statistics are simply made up!
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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 7 months ago
    Yes, of course. If we're past the point of no return, nothing we do will make any difference.

    Remember also: those same "climate scientists" have a legacy of falsification of data they have not adequately dealt with. Michael Mann, for one, has a nasty reputation among real scientists: that he will not accept criticism and that he will offer a thesis with flawed, if not outright false, data to back it. And that's what he did this time.

    Remember "I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to the [proxy] series to hide the decline"? The "Mike" is Michael Mann. The author of that incriminating quote is Phil Jones, head of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England. Which is the British equivalent of NASA.

    Very few "climate change" alarmists have any respect from me. James Hansen is probably the only one. Not that he convinced me he has any better data than Michael Mann and Phil Jones had. But because he proposed a solution that actually might be practical--expansion of nuclear energy--instead of the "decivilization" others consistently propose.
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    • Posted by VetteGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
      Yes, I've also marveled at how the "solution" always seems to be solar (that only generates electricity half the time at best) and wind (that only works when the wind blows).

      Nuclear is a proven source of power 24/7 but almost never even gets a mention.
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      • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years, 7 months ago
        Yep, it's a clear indication of actual agenda when the same people who say we have a crisis because of fossil fuel generation also celebrate the closing of nuclear power plants and the removal of hydroelectric dams.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 7 months ago
    If we all just switch to eating tofu... the problem is solved... (because growing billions of acres of soybean is less of an impact than raising livestock?)

    So, according to the stupid article, agribusiness is responsible for soaking up all of our fresh water and arable land.. but ... says we should eat more plant-based food.

    So, the plants fall out of the sky like Jesus making manna apparently.

    Where do these people come from? They need to be forced to wear signs on their forehead so you don't get stuck behind them in the TSA line or something as they walk through the magnetic detector with a body full of metal and they take it off one earring at a time or whatever and keep "hoping for the best".
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  • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 7 months ago
    I feel better already... I have about 60 trees on my property +/-, about 10 of them are Sequoias that are only about 25 years old and well over 100 feet tall & about 10 feet in girth. I guess I'm doing my part!

    I also planted another sequoia a couple of years ago and while watering that thing last night, realized its about 30 feet tall already. I guess that makes up for my internal combustion engine... plus all my idiot neighbors that can't grow a boxwood hedge without it looking rather sad.
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  • Posted by dukem 9 years, 7 months ago
    Check out Mark Steyn's latest two compilations on climate change idiocy. The hockey stick guru, Michael Mann, is suing Steyn for expressing his opinion about the quackery involved.
    Or, you could just jump aboard the bandwagon for the New World Order, and turn over all power to world government, which will soon have a new leader, Barack Obama. See, Big Brother really is smiling!
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 7 months ago
    I read as far as the middle of paragraph 2 where these "phony" climatologists say the sea level will rise 10 feet. NONSENSE!
    The climate is getting colder and that is as a direct result of a 206 year cycle of no activity on/from the sun. summers are some what cooler than in previous years and winters are significantly colder. The old farmers almanac is predicting the coming winter will be colder than the last and therefore longer. Their prediction last year was that it would be colder than the year before, and it was.
    This cycle will last for the next 20 to 30 years and then we will see a return to a warmer climate if one is still alive. Me probably not unless I live beyond 100 and know about it.
    The politicians have made this a political conversation and like all political conversations from politicians be weary wear waders and carry a shovel.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 7 months ago
      I fear that you, and others, may be correct in predicting a cooling cycle. I am not yet convinced that this will happen, but I have eliminated any cool zones from possible targets in a physical relocation.

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  • Posted by Ibecame 9 years, 7 months ago
    They said that about "Rock & Roll" in the '50s, the "Hippies and War" in the 60s, "Global Cooling and the coming Ice Age" in the 70s, "Ozone Depletion" in the 80's, "Global Warming" in the 90s, and now "Climate Change" until the next phase comes along.

    To quote a old radio announcer "Whats this world coming to."
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 7 months ago
    1) Not using [so called] fossil fuel, might help the environment in developing countries but will do nothing for c(lie)mate. Co2 is a coolant for our ionosphere and it doesn't come from Co2 release at ground level anyway. Co2 is also an electrical dispersent, which is a good thing seeing our magnetic shielding is weakening. Not to mention, life on earth depends upon carbon and carbon dioxide.

    2) Planting a tree will likewise do nothing for c(lie)mate. Ox-day/Co2-night is a wash.

    3) Organic food is a good thing for our health and our environment; but will not do anything for the c(lie)mate.

    4) Yes, we could do a lot better with our waste for a more healthy environment but STILL, it will not change our c(lie)mate.

    5) 60% of our population depends upon clean red meat for good health...and cows do not effect our c(lie)mate.
    The most abundant of all so called warming gasses is water vapor...but low and behold! it doesn't come from ground level, [the lower troposphere] It comes upon the cosmic winds, creates clouds and rain.
    Species will still go extinct, happens all the time and will happen again with or without our's nature.

    The environment is just that, where we live.
    Weather happens every day and night.
    C(lie)mate is consistent weather patterns over a long period of time and is not the same everywhere.
    During the major ice ages, Co2 was 3000ppb and our warmest period in c(lie)mate history was a whole lot warmer than it is now;
    and guess what?...Again!...there were a whole lot less ''Footprinting" and we had no SUV's burning [so called] fossil fuels...

    I rest my case.

    Everything we are experiencing c(lie)mate wise is a natural cycle, sometimes it's not pleasant, but guess what? We're all still here to talk about it.

    Check out: [edited for extra content]
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  • Posted by vido 9 years, 7 months ago
    If there is a point of no return, it is for those scientists grants. We're almost at 20 years without warming, ice cover is increasing again, sea levels are not rising significantly, every single doom and gloom prediction by these alarmists has failed.
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  • Posted by ycandrea 9 years, 7 months ago
    I love you people! I've been reading all of the comments and l'ing mao! The thing I loved was when all the gov't paid scientists came to a "consensus" that global warming exists. They purposely did not call it a "fact". They said what they were told to say or there would be no grants. Hello Dr. Stadler!
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  • Posted by ycandrea 9 years, 7 months ago
    I have news for them. Climate Change has been happening since the world began. We have little impact on it. To think man can change the climate is like saying keeping ants from walking around will eliminate earthquakes. Even though man has a great mind, we still cannot overcome the sun. These people that think we can change the earth's climate are so full of themselves. In a bad way.
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  • Posted by salta 9 years, 7 months ago
    I've always thought planting a tree is like a placebo. It has no effect but it makes the person feel better, and feel like they are making a difference. There are many good reasons to plant a tree, but CO2 just is not one of them.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 9 years, 7 months ago
    I could only read just so much of that article and had to stop. I just need one question answered from the don't-eat-meat-because-it causes-global-warming advocates:

    If all those millions of buffaloes that used to crap and fart all over North America couldn't bring on global warming in their day, then how come a bunch of cattle ranchers and steak houses have to take the hit for it today?
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  • Posted by broskjold22 9 years, 7 months ago
    Stop using so much gas! Stop using so much electricity! Stop using so much water! Stop using so much! Start being modest! Drive a Prius! Turn the AC to 80F! Water your lawn twice a week!

    Yes, do all of these things, and you will be the chosen of the new revolution. The less you use, the more sustainable you become. That is, until you stop driving to work. That is, until your productivity is at 60% in your green office. That is, until you stop showering or your dirt yard destroys your homes resale value.

    What is the funniest thing about all this? That each of the commodities listed above are government controlled besides the price of gas (at least directly). So no, until US nationalizes oil, we have not reached the point of no return.

    Five things you can do today: (1) Purchase stock in American oil and gas companies, (2) purchase or continue to drive a vehicle and demand the government not meddle in regulations affecting the price of gas, (3) understand that real science is not equal to empiricism, (4) understand that climate change is meant to induce guilt more than it is meant to help the environment, and (5) if you want to drive a sports car to pick up whole ribeye and bottled water, then do it, and PAY.
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