Proposed Site for Galt's Gulch

Posted by $ Larrystockett 11 years, 2 months ago to Books
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This is the actual site proposed for Hightec City by Larry Stockett in 2002 when he personally raised $700,000 for his public company, Hightec, Inc. to build the first privately funded city of the new millinneum. His autobiographical sequel to Atlas Shrugged, The New Industrialist, tells the entire true story (according to him) of why he was arrested and thrown in jail for 10 years for securities fraud. The government said the company and Stockett were both scams because what he was proposing to do couldn't be done feasibly with the $700,000 cash Stockett personally borrowed from two investors and personally guaranteed in Oct. 2000.
His new websites at and will be released to the public on 1/15/2014 to coincide with the release of the book. Advanced copies are available for free until then to producers on this site, and to bloggers and others who will exchange their valuable services for Stockett's valuable contribution as an Ayn Rand Scholar and published author for the past 40 years.

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  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years, 2 months ago
    Personally, I'm kinda skeptical as to whether or not this will actually work. It sounds like an interesting idea though, and I'd definitely like to read the book. Mind sending me an advance copy...? :3

    I used to live in Henderson, Nevada a few years back, so I kinda know the general area. That the city would be so close to Vegas is a huge plus. :D

    Anyway, I wish you the best, and I hope your dream to build this new type of city pans out.
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 2 months ago
    Is that in Northern Nevada, maybe near the Ruby Mountains?
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    • Posted by $ 11 years, 2 months ago
      No, It is 10 miles south of the Las Vegas airport in the hidden valley between Henderson, McCullah Mountain Range, I-15 freeway, and Jean, Nevada. The dry lake bed formed by volcanic eruption of Black Mountain filled the previous canyon with pure basalt (lava flow) over 10,000 years ago. The UNLV studied the mineral deposits and volcanic activity and documented the amount of lava flow. It was 7 miles by 9 miles of lava covering 25,000 acres. It is 200 feet deep in the center and at the surface as you climb Black mountain or cross the I-15 freeway and Las Vegas Blvd. between Sloan Exit and the Jean, Nevada exit. You can see it on Google Earth. It is still an empty dry lake with no plants, no desert tortoises, no longhorn sheep, and no economic use whatsoever in the Southern Nevada Land Management Plan. I hired Marnell Correro Engineering, Owners of the Rio at the time, to design the train stations behind the Rio and the Main Street Station. I hired Wright Civil Engineers to design the U.S. Cement Visitor's Center and develop the site use plan for Hightec City. I presented my plans to the Bureau of Mines, the Clark County Planning Commission, Nevada Power, The four area water districts, the Airport Authority, and the Union Pacific Railroad. I spent over $1 million in planning and engineering and the government claimed my business didn't exist because I failed to file a list of officers and directors with the state of Delaware for one year. I was the only officer and director of Hightec, Inc., which was a holding company for seven Nevada corporations which were all validly operating wholly owned subsidiaries.
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      • Posted by $ stargeezer 11 years, 2 months ago
        I know that area somewhat. One the areas my wife and I had considered building a home a few years ago was Boulder City. While I like the climate, I couldn't convince her of the long term sustainability of the ranch we were thinking of building without better water access.

        Our present plans are a undisclosed New Mexico location. About the same latitude.
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