Photo of Hightec City Book Cover

Posted by $ Larrystockett 11 years, 2 months ago to Books
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This is the illustration for the front cover of my new book, The New Industrialist

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  • Posted by $ 11 years, 2 months ago
    This is an architect's rendering of the proposed visitors center for Hightec City in Las Vegas that Hightec, Inc's President and majority shareholder, Larry Stockett proposed to build in 2002. It was my version of Galt's Gulch. U.S. Cement Company was a wholly owned subsidiary of Hightec, Inc., as was the IPO Network (producer of the nationally syndicated IPO Show for radio and television), and Basalt Fiber Industries, Inc. (importer of basalt fiber (Hank Reardon's "Miracle Metal"), from the Ukranian Technical Institute in Kiev, Ukraine.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
      tell us more. what is your book about and tell us something about the industry
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      • Posted by $ 11 years, 2 months ago
        The book is a sequel to Atlas Shrugged. It takes place in 2002 in Las Vegas. Larry Stockett compares his IPO Network radio broadcasts to John Galt's speech in a line by line speech that can be read by itself or in response to John Galt's radio broadcast in Atlas Shrugged.
        Larry Stockett's company Basalt Fiber Industry imported a product from the Ukranian Technical Institute called basalt fiber. It is a replacement for composite materials like Kevlar. It was produced by the Ukrainian Technical Institute and sold exclusively to the Russian Military for 15 years until the breakup of the USSR. Stockett then introduced this product in the U.S. when two Ukrainian engineers wanted to raise funds to build a new basalt fiber manufacturing plant in the U.S. This is Hank Reardon's story in reverse. The communist government controlled the patents and after the breakup, the Ukranians moved to the U.S. to use their patents and knowledge to create a new plant under the freedom of the U.S. patent laws which had expired after 17 years. Stockett called this product Reardon's, Miracle Metal. One of Stockett's companies, U.S. Cement Company was in the process of building a manufacturing plant to manufacture portland cement and proposed to colocate the furnaces required to manufacture basalt fiber with its plant in Logandale, Nevada called Royal Cement.

        Larry also became President of Brush Creek Mining and Development. He compared his hostile take-over of this gold mining company with Francisco D'Anconias building a mine in Mexico and letting it collapse because it didn't contain any copper. The Brush Creek Mine was closed because the former president was stealing the gold in concentrate and nuggets and storing them in his garage until Stockett discovered his fraud.

        Stockett owned Primm Valley Transit Authority and acquired 40 turn of the century railroad cars from Market Street Square in Wilkes-Barre, PA in 2000. He moved them to Pitston, Pa for refurbishment and proposed to relocate them to Las Vegas and use them as a themed railroad traincar hotel behind the Rio Hotel, Main Street Station, Railroad Pass Casino, and The Primm Valley Resort. He formed a company called Primm Valley Transit Authority and proposed a Midnight Dinner Train ride from Primm to the Rio and the Main Street Station in downtown Las Vegas. He compared his railroad experience with Dagney Taggerts building of the John Galt Line. Stockett's great grandfather built an 11 mile spur from Great Falls, Montana to Stockett Montana (S.E. of Great falls) in order to open a mine for coal in 1900. It operated from 1900 until 1909 with over 2,000 miners providing coal for the Northern Pacific Railroad. When they changed over to diesel electric trains, the mine was shut down and the track removed and reused to built the line to Vancouver, B.C. The 2,000 miners either moved out of Stockett, Montana or lost their jobs. It was compared to the Wyatt mine in Colorado. No need for the train without any need for coal, and no need for coal without a train line or other use for the coal.

        Stockett describes IPOs at the source of financing for over 9,500 American Companies after World War II and the depression era. He describes why Midas Mulligan's gold could not have financed $10 trillion of new businesses in America because there wasn't enough gold mined in the world to provide $10 trillion in financing. There also wasn't any way to build the railroads or any of the other infrastructure required to restart America without a source of capital other than gold.

        Stockett compares his experience with Las Vegas "Pull" exercised by the casino owners and why they didn't want Hightec City to create a new South Las Vegas in Sloan Canyon, ten miles south of the McCarren airport, because they didn't want to compete with a new city with 6,000 acres of man-made lakes on a 25,000 acre mining site that U.S. Cement Company planned to excavate in order to produce cement and basalt fiber. They planned to use recycled waste water from the City of Henderson to create the water for reservoirs behind Seven Hills, Green Valley, and Anthem (no relationship to Ayn Rand's book). These reservoirs would store and further purify the water and replenish the 6 man-made lakes that would be created by digging six open pit mines and leaving islands in the middle of each 3,000 acre pit for housing after the pit was excavated and filled with water. The cement plant would use waste water for cooling and recycle the steam in a steam turbine co-generation plant that would create distilled drinking water and water for the man-made lakes. All of this would result in a barren desert lake bed turning into an man-made waterfront community similar to Lake Las Vegas. Lake Las Vegas is a 240 acre man-made Lake 17 miles from Las Vegas. Hightec City could potentially create six 3,000 acre open pits with 1,000 acres of excavation leaving each lake as a 1,000 acre lake. With ten feet deep water each lake would require 10,000 acre feet of water. Las Vegas was dumping 200,000 acre feet of treated waste water into Lake Mead through the Las Vegas Wash and proposing to build an $880 million 25 mile pipeline to dispose of the wastewater. Stockett proposed to spend $40 million building a 3 mile pipeline saving Henderson, Clark County, the City of Las Vegas, and the city of North Las Vegas over $840 million and creating an entire new city on the other side of Seven hills in the hidden valley known as Sloan Canyon (dry lake bed). The Southern Nevada Lightweight mine had been mining one million tons of aggregates for 25 years on the mining claims next to the proposed site.

        The last chapter of the New Industrialist poses the question, "Could the Resurrection of Ayn Rand Save the World?" Stockett wrote the book in 2008 in the middle of the economic collapse. His goal was to try to get people to realize that the government wasn't the solution to the economic crisis, the government was responsible for the economic crisis.

        Stockett puts on a nightclub act at Railroad Pass where he impersonates Danny Gans impersonating Ayn Rand, Hank Reardon, Francisco D'Anconia, Dagney Taggert, Midas Mulligan, Wesley Mooch, and Sigmand Freud.

        In this comic skit Stockett calls The Ayn Rand Hour, he explains why the country needs to embrace some of the principles of laissez-faire capitalism and let the free enterprise system repair the economy rather than the government.

        The book is entirely true to Ayn Rand's principles
        of Objectivism, and is dedicated to her memory.
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        • Posted by $ 11 years, 2 months ago
          One more thing I forgot. I was arrested for securities fraud after I moved out of the U.S. to the Caribbean island of Saint Martin, in 2002. I had already lost confidence in the Las Vegas "pull" moochers. and in the federal government after living in the Watergate in Washington, D.C. and opening the world's first Paperless Office in 1976. I saw every elected official over the years take millions of dollars in bribes (campaign contributions) except Ron Paul and his son Rand Paul. I later purchased a call center in Costa Rica in Aug. 2003, and was arrested there and extradited back to Las Vegas for trial.

          My trial was virtually identical to Howard Roark's trial in The Fountainhead. I was held for a year in a Costa Rican prison without spending a single day in court similar to Hank Reardon. All they wanted me to do was confess to something I didn't do and they would let me go free for time served. I put on no defense. I called no witnesses. I cross-examined none of the government witnesses. I didn't do anything wrong and I didn't believe I needed to prove my innocence. I believed the government failed to prove I was guilty of anything other than failing to raise sufficient capital to complete my business plan. Since most of the money was going to come from saving the four water districts more than $840 million, I didn't think I had to prove that
          I actually had the money. Donald Trump didn't have to prove he had the money to build Trump tower on the Las Vegas Strip and he opened an office selling condos years before he raised the money. I only had the best business plan ever written to privately finance the first new high technology city of the future by selling stock in my public company, Hightec, Inc., which I was the 80 majority shareholder. My shareholders loved my business plan, my samples of basalt fiber from the Ukraine, my websites with pictures of my proposed visitor's center, basalt fiber manufacturing plant, cement plant, man-made lakes, and model homes built out of concrete and basalt fiber rebar at half the cost of ordinary portland cement and one tenth the cost of ordinary steel rebar. This product, basalt fiber rebar, is now the most successful new building material in the world, just like I claimed it would be in 2000-2002. Google all of the manufacturers in the world on who are located in the Ukraine, Russia and China. There is still not a single manufacturing site in the U.S.
          I still believe I have the ability to implement my old business plan after serving ten years in prison for trying to do something that scared the s--t out of Cemex, U.S. Steel, and many other established competitors who didn't want to compete with basalt fiber or half price cement reinforced with chopped basalt fiber.

          Read my book. If enough people want to change the world, we are the only country in the world where we are a government of the people, by the people and for the people. We just need a few people with the vision to lead us to a better futuristic vision of living.
          Ayn Rand claimed she only wanted to meet a few people in life who had the creativity and ideas to change the world. I am one of those people and I met her in 1968 when she visited Richard b. DeMille, my next door neighbor in Montecito. His father, Cecil B. DeMille, was her first employer in Hollywood. She was the editor at large for the L.A. Times at the time. I was the editor and publisher of California Digest, a monthly magazine featuring pro and con articles on monthly topics before the state legislature, speeches of then Governor Reagan, and recentCalifornia Supreme Court decisions.

          My complete bio is on, Facebook, and will soon be published in The New Industrialist at, and I will send you copies today if you give me your email address. After you read my book you can determine for yourself whether I am a recidivist securities violator and the world's greatest con man or whether I just spent the last ten years living the worst reality tv show ever. Be as skeptical as you want but at least read my side of the story first. Don't take the government's version of the story as the truth. The government never told my side and the jury never heard my side of the story. Read my recent press release and story at ( on 1/15/2014.
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