The EPA teams up with UC to regulate your grill

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years ago to Legislation
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A match made in crony hell, if I ever saw one. I was actually not surprised in the least when I read which university was getting the grant to fund this utterly ridiculous waste of money study to limit how I enjoy cooking my food. Btw, because there isn't natural gas available where I live, my stove is operated using propane... Is that getting scrutinized soon, I wonder??

When are the representatives, who supposedly have our backs, going to finally deal with the EPA in an aggressive manner of defunding their punitive projects?? Because enough is enough!
SOURCE URL: http://americanlibertypac.com/2015/03/epa-targets-backyard-barbecues/?utm_campaign=2427528&utm_content=9718374347&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Emailvision

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  • Posted by term2 10 years ago
    As Orren Boyle said when the John Galt line had its first successful run- (paraphrasing)- Their success gives us the tools to bring them down.

    It took awhile for me to realize what this meant- but through taxes and fees, we feed the very government monster that regulates us. Now, I resent sending ANY money to our government.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 10 years ago
    I attended a State legislative meeting in Lansing Michigan yesterday and am so angry and pissed off I can hardly stand it. Government, even at the State level is a cluster **** (starts with f and ends with k and is not fire truck). Government agencies are filled with insane beaurocrats who have no clue and seem to have vendetta's against business people. They have solutions for problems they have not yet invented and seem bent on flexing their regulatory muscle. I am about to say the hell with it, close my business and find my own Gulch.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 10 years ago
    The law of bureaucracies in full bloom. That is, regardless of what the acronym empire was originally formed to do, it will always evolve into a "care and feeding" of its fat self above all other possible justifications for its existence, even if the original reasons no longer exist. The EPA ran out of massive chemical emissions in the atmosphere and waterways to justify itself so now it goes after individual BBQ grills and how much water you use to take a shower. The FDA ran out of nasty out of compliance meat packers so now it hassles grandma baking pies for the church social. Yeah, that BBQ grill you could get at Walmart for $50 will now cost $1050 to meet compliance and you'll have to plug it in to work.

    The IRS paved the way for this. They are an organization that was supposed to originally only affect the richest 1 or 2 percent of the population, but has evolved into a gigantic bureaucracy sucking up at least a trillion dollars of annual GDP for the population to meet compliance and produces nothing but more power for itself. Like the IRS, the rest of the government alphabet soup is arming to the teeth to force their will on the people. Government, no longer ours, is succeeding in making criminals of us all just as Ayn Rand predicted.

    Oh, I still use charcoal!
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  • Posted by $ jlc 10 years ago
    This is another attempt at control, and has nothing to do with pollution, I think. I find it similar to the law that bans building new fireplaces and forbids using existing ones (CA - Bay Area). There are modestly priced catalytic units that can be put in the chimneys of fireplaces and wood burning stoves...but this would allow people to have a back up source of heat and cooking. So the presence of these devices is not addressed: what is forbidden is independence.

    A loophole has been found! People can barbeque in their back yards! So now a 'study' (with a foregone conclusion) is going to be undertaken and this activity will be forbidden - for our own good, of course.

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    • Posted by 10 years ago
      It is a means of cutting out any self reliance. No fires, no warmth. What to do?? Oh, FEMA shelter. No means of cooking your food? Well, isn't that a shame. Give your name to be on a distribution list... Oh look at the good government taking care of its people.. RUN FOR THE HILLS.
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      • Posted by XenokRoy 10 years ago
        ... and build a home with a Fireplace, Solar Power, septic tank and an electric car stored for emergency use.

        Make sure you have a good 5 cords of wood stored somewhere and plenty of food. A few guns to keep away all the people who let the government be prepared for them.
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        • Posted by 10 years ago
          I have a fireplace, septic, my own well, and big woods. A boat. Want to sell it, and get a smaller one. And I have a stream that runs through my woods, as well as game trails. And the smallest garden, which is getting enlarged. And a big honkin' GAS GRILL! Pffff
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          • Posted by Mamaemma 10 years ago
            Sounds wonderful, NMA
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            • Posted by 10 years ago
              Thank you. I like it :-). I just would like it to be in some other state besides this one...
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              • Posted by XenokRoy 10 years ago
                Move to Utah, there is a 15 ache patch just north of me :)

                You would have to get a well permit and drill to about 680 feet to get a flowing well. A bit expensive but doable.
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              • Posted by Mamaemma 10 years ago
                What state are you in?
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                • Posted by 10 years ago
                  CT (Communist Tyranny)
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                  • Posted by Mamaemma 10 years ago
                    My husband is from western Massachusetts. They have beautiful summers, but the winters are tough. We are in South Georgia.
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                    • Posted by 10 years ago
                      We are in the Litchfield Hills of northwestern CT. The winters are tough, but your summers are equally so! The heat and humidity is what made me flee Richmond, VA.
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                      • Posted by Mamaemma 10 years ago
                        Oh, you haven't had heat til you come to south GA!
                        The only thing you can do in the summer is swim. But we are 3 hours from the FL panhandle, and i LOVE the beach.
                        Every location has its good and bad. I just hope we don't put the Gulch in the cold!
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                        • Posted by XenokRoy 10 years ago
                          We need two gulch's.

                          The high humidity heat would kill me dead. Rather have a fire for heat in the winter than swelter in the the heat of summer :) Good thing we all like different stuff
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                          • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years ago
                            Hello XenokRoy,
                            I have lived 95% of my life in Mi. Frigid, dreary gray skies, little sunshine, car eating salt on the roads, ice, snow, shoveling, slipping, falling down and breaking your keister and shut in for months in the winter. Summers are nice but too brief. I lived for a few years out west. Hot, dry, lots of sunshine, hail storms that dent the crap out of your car... Still tolerable. I have vacationed regularly in Florida. Sunshine, hot, humid, stagnant stifling air and uncomfortable in mid-state, but much better in the Keys where there is a nice ocean breeze and always the cool water nearby. In my travels I have set foot in 45 different states, but never Hawaii. I hear they have the best weather with average daily high temperatures of about 81°F and lows of 65°F at night with slight variables depending upon season and elevation. I understand it is very expensive to live there.
                            If we could only find a way to take over one of the islands... hmmm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcvsE1tF...
                            Well it is a lovely dream anyway. :)
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                            • Posted by XenokRoy 10 years ago
                              That would be great. I have been in 48 states at some point, some really just driving through others with some time. Including Hawaii and Alaska. Hawaii is a great climate and an island there would be the best. Even in what the local people call the bad time of year (January-February) its is absolutely nice.

                              A surprise location, if you like it a bit cool but not snowing, I would not have thought of as being so good is the Alaskan keys. They get cool enough that you need a fire to take the chill of at night, but never get really hot. The warm pacific ocean current keeps the winters warmer than I would have ever thought, but does not heat up the summers.

                              We could all pull together and buy admiralty island and then once we all moved there declare our personal succession (along with our assets) from the US and start a new country. We would just need to be recognized by another national leader and have a constitution done and walla new country. It would be far less costly than Hawaii.


                              Constant Disputes between the US and canida on fishing rights would be one of our biggest problems as we would be in the middle of that, otherwise its one of the best places I have ever been for doing a real life gulch. Lots of much smaller islands around that would cost much less to purchase.

                              Wishful thinking....
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          • Posted by XenokRoy 10 years ago
            You sound a lot like me.

            15 ache farm and 20 ache pasture, wood burning stove with a shed full of wood, septic, artesian well, 30ish head of cattle and grow enough to feed them plus sell. 1 ache garden.

            My family is nearly independent on food. We would not eat quite as nicely but could survive on what we have for years. My week spot right now is power. I need to buy solar and perhaps put in a windmill though I think the latter would be less effective where I am at.
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years ago
    the bigger picture is the encroachment on the daily lives of citizens of the USA. eliminating the epa is necessary since they have non-thinking individuals who believe they can do anything they want especially now that the current top dope in charge is encouraging them to do what ever they can to disrupt the daily lives of the citizens.
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    • Posted by 10 years ago
      This is exactly the problem. The agenda driven drones at the EPA, with the carte blanche blessing of this administration are taking over the daily life of all of us. The blatant overreach of the government is unprecedented since the inception of the USA. This is like living under soviet rule! I say ENOUGH!
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      • Posted by MinorLiberator 10 years ago
        I agree, except i think more than ENOUGH morally happened awhile ago. Although The Regulator-in-Chief is certainly doing everything in his power (and I believe as all of us here agree well BEYOND his legal power) to effect what Rand called The Anti-Industrial Revolution. I'm sure the taste would not be enhanced, but maybe some shrugging entrepreneur could invent a coal-fired BBQ (if there already isn't already such a thing) or one that runs on "dirty oil" shipped directly (overland) from the tar sands of Alberta. Take that, Barry!
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  • Posted by SaltyDog 10 years ago
    Thank goodness the EPA is finally doing something about it! Why I can't think of anything that could be more harmful or create a bigger problem for climate change than a juicy porterhouse out back on the Weber! Further, they went to the right place to get help! Who could be more objective about all of this that UC?
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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 10 years ago
    I saw this last night and it cried out "Post me!. But i knew somebody would.

    This has a little bit to do with pork (pun intended), but as others have said in prior postings, everything to do with extending control over every aspect of our lives, no matter how mundane. And also to do with this (or similar) bureaucracies justifying their own existence (some existing little weasel was paid to come up with this study), and adding more weasels to police our backyards when this study concludes, inevitably, what a threat to our very existence BBQ'ing is.

    Yes to the extent possible we should expose and defund as many of these absurd projects as we can.

    But we need a much bigger solution, which I hope to speak to after dinner.

    To my regret, I can't make a stand re dinner tonight. Still too cold where I am to fire up the barbie, much less clear the snow...
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  • Posted by Snoogoo 10 years ago
    Fight them with their own twisted logic.. by killing the cow you are preventing the cow from producing 'harmful' methane gas, which is also a greenhouse gas "Gasp!" so really by eating the cow and preventing its toxic gas attacks you are saving the planet.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 10 years ago
    They don't understand. The burning grease adds a particular and critical flavor to the meat - just like burning good apple or hickory chips will do.

    I say we let them light my grill. With a short stick and gasoline.
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  • Posted by teri-amborn 10 years ago
    What is it with California?
    I can no longer obtain the paint for my house that actually WORKS IN WISCONSIN because of California teaming up with the EPA and eliminating VOCs in paint.
    I told my paint dealer that the temperature extremes in California are: August in Badwater Basin in Death Valley to January at the peak of Mount Whitney and NO ONE LIVES IN EITHER PLACE!
    My home experiences those weather extremes in a one-year cycle and I live here! I need something that works for me in real life...not something that allegedly works in some educated idiot's mind in California.
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    • Posted by 10 years ago
      There are so many items that the EPA has banned because of some POTENTIAL threat, that in reality are not, and the replacement they push is actually more hazardous. The whole agency and its minions need to become eliminated. What a waste of our money to fund such nonsense, and give such people power to inflict this tripe on us.
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  • Posted by Stormi 10 years ago
    Years ago, we tried the catalytic converter insert for the fireplace - BIG MISTAKE. The thing drew moisture to the insulation around it and we had to rebuild the fireplace. They are already a pain in cars, with warning lights, now they want them in grills., GET LOST EPA!
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  • Posted by voodoo59 10 years ago
    These sh**bags have no adult supervision- like most of the rest of the federal government. It's time to remind those Republicans why we elected them last year- the government is out of control and bankrupting us. Defund, cut back, reduce, disband, close down, eliminate- those are the words we want to hear coming out of DC!
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