The Only Issue That Matters
This is an excerpt. The complete article can be accessed on the link above.
The 2014 election has shaped up as a content-free contest between the parties to prove which of them dislikes President Obama and his policies more. The Republicans have the natural advantage and the polls indicate they may pick up a Senate majority. This will leave Washington gridlocked, but nothing checks the government’s nonstop, liberty-destroying usurpation of power. Freedom versus coercion and its corollary—the individual versus the state—have been the leitmotifs of history. Whatever else the candidates blather about, restoring the Founders’ towering legacy—liberty, individual rights, subordinated and limited government—is the only issue that matters. By ignoring it, we ensure that our government will end up on the same scrap heap as all those other doomed-to-fail governments.
The 2014 election has shaped up as a content-free contest between the parties to prove which of them dislikes President Obama and his policies more. The Republicans have the natural advantage and the polls indicate they may pick up a Senate majority. This will leave Washington gridlocked, but nothing checks the government’s nonstop, liberty-destroying usurpation of power. Freedom versus coercion and its corollary—the individual versus the state—have been the leitmotifs of history. Whatever else the candidates blather about, restoring the Founders’ towering legacy—liberty, individual rights, subordinated and limited government—is the only issue that matters. By ignoring it, we ensure that our government will end up on the same scrap heap as all those other doomed-to-fail governments.
After Katrina pulled the pants of both parties around their ankles, I realized that we were probably 2, maybe 3, concurrent national crises away from "the totalitarianism on the horizon" that Mr. Gore mentions. The threshold could be lower, now, depending on the crisis.
However, the issue of preservation of freedom and the maintaining of individual rights is not at the top of anyone in power's list, with the exception of being in the form of lip service. Overcoming Obamacare, along with the myriad of Obama regime scandals are the targeted issues, but the reason behind it, the usurping of freedom is rarely emphasized. If in the unlikely event that all of Obama's twisting of the Constitution is reversed, without illustrating the reason for the reversal, all that will happen is milder freedom restrictions will be put in place, which might even be more insidious that Obama's blatant ones.
In the beginning of your article: "The common folks were fodder for their rulers, who exercised first claim on their lives and property." One of my ancestors jumped from the British army to the Colonial army in the rev war. I assume he did this because the Americans were offering parcels of land for such an act and he did have such a tract of land in the southern tier of NY State. He was a common Irishman impressed into the Kings army and never had land of his own. The notion of a commoner owning a plot of land free and clear and owe nothing to anyone (no rent, tax free) was unheard of in the old country. He fought for American liberty and freedom.
I, as a free American, own a piece of land with my house on it... well, maybe not. If I don't pay the crown its royal rent I will soon find I own nothing. If I don't pay the crown a share of everything I do or work for, there will be a dungeon for me. The new boss IS the same as the old boss. My ancestor got what he fought for. Somewhere between he and I it got lost again. We the people are right back to being commoner again. Your words illustrate what is lost.
Good to hear from you again. Great story and so illustrative of our conundrum. History repeats. The trick/question is how to stop the cycle? "The new boss IS the same as the old boss."
Great song! I have it (Best of the Who) on my iPhone and I play it from time to time while working in the yard or shop or when driving.
The tract was located in Elmira, NY and there is a street bearing my family name in Elmira. Not sure if it was after him or somebody else with the same surname.
The people who pulled up their roots and came here for all the reasons WE know, did not find themselves in a "bait and switch" situation. They got what they came for.
I hope I can retain what my family remained for.
I don't know. It is quite a dilemma. The Hallings and many others have relocated. Some to wait it out and fight from outside... some never to return. Expatriation is at an alarming rate. It is a sad commentary. I want to stay and fight for the right. I only hope I have enough company to make a difference. Still everyday I hear something else happening that makes me so angry and I wonder what became of our founding principals and will I ever be proud to live here again... living on memories...
"...only the stubbornly myopic do not see the totalitarianism on the horizon."
What a wonderful piece. My appreciation and admiration.
Your work deserves a wider audience. We are fortunate to be beneficiaries.
It's amazing how we went from crude experiments with telegraph in a time when you could buy a news paper, take a train to another city an sell it, to the beginnings of radio in the time between the Civil War and 1913.
It's so true that we could give it up in response to threats like "terrorists" (the word has no meaning) or something other threat.
"While “freedom” and “liberty” occasionally appear in campaign materials, in actual practice they are kept hidden away, treated as one treats embarrassing photographs from one’s younger days."
And, you're correct. It is the only issue that matters. I fear we may have no chance to right the ship of state while the "o" is still in office, and that may be longer than we think. If the appropriate "crisis" can be created, or is available, this administration can declare Martial Law and stay in place for a very long time.
Maybe its just me.
What are the advantages of WordPress for you?
Thank you.
that was me cutting myself on your sharp pencil!