Coincidence? Conspiracy?

Posted by $ rainman0720 2 weeks, 2 days ago to Politics
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I’m putting this in Politics since I raise a conspiracy theory about the left (oh, there’s a huge surprise…).

For a very long time, the aviation world has been almost eerily quiet (in terms of things going wrong). But since Trump was returned to office (I still love saying that), here's what we’ve seen:

- A commercial jet and a military helicopter have a mid-air collision
- An engine on a jet catches fire during the takeoff roll
- A baggage truck gets hit by a plane wing and tips over, critically injuring the driver
- A Japanese Airlines plane’s wing hit the tail of a Delta Jet

Hell, Shrillary has already tweeted, blaming Trump by saying “…airline safety that has already deteriorated on your watch…”, although Sean Duffy did a magnificent job of blowing her ass out of the water with his response.

But years of nothing, followed by four incidents (that I know of) in the two weeks that Trump has been President? Sure as hell makes me want to put on my tin foil hat. Either that, or I’m certifiable and should be locked away for everyone’s good (including my own).

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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 weeks, 2 days ago
    After Russia, Russia, Russia from the Deep State, anything is possible.
    The left has been projecting their incompetence on everyone else for decades.
    Lots of complex systems are failing now after 50 years of discrimination against competence in favor of skin color and gender hiring.
    That it has taken this long is a testament to the ability of all the retired engineers born before the 1960's.
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    • Posted by $ 2 weeks, 2 days ago
      Agreed on your first three points.

      As for your fourth, as one of those retired programmers, I totally and absolutely agree with you. If we hadn't done our jobs so damned well in the late 1990s, there would have been disasters around the world when we rolled to 2000. For example, of every seven power companies around the world, five of them would have come to a grinding halt when the clock struck midnight.

      "Get the hell out of my way" has never been more relevant or important than it is now.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    Funny...I travel a lot for work and I'm considering imposing a travel ban on myself. I've got one more trip next week (probably see a fellow gulcher!). After that....I don't want to roll the dice much longer. It's a holistic, overall failure of the system. A lot of over-vaxxed people making mistakes. Reminds me of Atlas Shrugged...
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 weeks, 2 days ago
    I can't help but think the USA put a man on the moon way before there was a Department of Education and way way before the DEI plague struck.
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    • Posted by $ 2 weeks, 1 day ago
      I think the Dept of Education is the perfect example of the lib/prog belief that the feds can do it better than the states because they know what's good for you more than you do. It fits their "one size fits all" mentality as well as any other governmental entity.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 weeks, 1 day ago
        DOE, total failure. I was listening to the radio (headphones) as I shoveled the snow off my driveway minutes ago and learned Maxine Waters and others are trying to storm into the DOE building in DC to protest "whatever". I'm SHOCKED! SHOCKED mind you! I didn't think Maxine could spell e-d-u-c-a-t-i-o-n. Anyway, a single guard is standing his ground and not letting these Marxists in - bless that man! LOL! More to come...

        Edit add: Speaking of Max, a day or so ago she was participating in a protest against shutting down USAID and screaming into a microphone she said we need to spend the money "right here in Washington". I had to back up the video to hear that part again to be sure I got what the moron actually said. Yep, she's protesting the shutting down of a government program that wastes taxpayer dollars all over the world because "we need to spend the money here". Way to go Max! Cough-cough. Does she even know where she is?
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    Before Trump, everyone was white knuckling it, trying to hold down the fort. With Trump here, management has someone to blame. So they LET some people go home early, etc. And suddenly, 1 person doing 2 persons job in the Control Tower. Etc.

    Am I surprised. No. We've also head a record number of pilots have heart attacks and die post JAB, after reducing their required health requirements so we didn't lose them all at once.

    Complex Systems have EMERGING behaviors. They are not truly predictable. But they can only take so much abuse before the problems start to become self-explanatory!
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 weeks ago
      Nicely expressed. Lead-lag effect is often in play as we are seeing post jab. Same as with all the chemicals in the food supply. I spent the better part of my career in the chemical making industry and do believe the overall effect of modern chemistry has been a big positive in our lives, but not all chemical endeavors have been positive. Need to sort it out. I'm thinking RFKj is really on to something and hope he gets confirmed.
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  • Posted by jimslag 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    The acts of the Left no longer surprise me but I am sure getting tired of being gas lit by the Left and seeing a rehash of the same arguments they did in the first go-round. If I never see another DumocRatic Presidency, it will be to soon. they deserve to die in darkness, alone and afraid.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    Lots of interesting (as yet unresolved) discussion in X Community Notes on that, including the fact that it wasn't "years of nothing" but I am with you that until I was apprised of that, I didn't realize that it was, actually, years of not very much. I'm not a Wikipedia fan but here's a list of air crashes since 2000 involving passengers. Some were charters or otherwise not public flights, but some were just lesser-known airlines. So, Hillary was wrong from the get-go. Not surprising. But, yes it DOES appear that someone wants to make a point, a very deadly one for those involved...


    Be that as it may, I am happy to see Duffy make mincemeat of her argument.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 week, 6 days ago
    Like many folks, I have a love of trains. My grandfather was an engineer for the NYC and many an early morning was spent by the crossing, waiting for his locomotive to roll by, whistle blowing, waving from high up in his cab, then a wad of cotton waste cradling a roll of Necco Wafers sailing out and down. After it was safe, Grandma let us go collect the booty.
    I have been back and forth from Seattle to Cleveland on Amtrak a number of times, but now I am preparing for perhaps my last trip. Friends 3 hours away live 1/2 mile from their station as I live 1/2 mile from mine. In early March I plan on a mini-vacation via round trip Amtrak. I will miss those rides, but even a short trip like this is a possible disaster. I will be wearing my tinfoil hat.
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