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Getting both Bugs and Spock together, and then the road runner!!! Does that bring back memories!! And the president of Columbia!!
Well done, Sir!!!
As for another why~~think about a domestic dog's age and then ask yerself ain't thet thar coyote be too dang young ter be a-handlin' a firearm. Hell wid thet Road Runner. Thet thar Brad needs ter be charged wid child abuse.
BTW, my transplanted into Alabama now deceased Yankee parents would not even let me have a BB gun.
Presently I own 6 assorted firearms. Marines taught me how to shoot as well as the Alabama Department Of Corrections.
I can reach a choice of a 12-guage shotgun loaded with double-aught buck and a 357 Magnum from my bed.
Either will definitely make my ears whine if forced to shoot cornered in my bedroom.
Also BTW, guess what's the last long gun I bought so far. Guess that makes 7 guns.
Hey, parents, are you looking down? Finally got me that air gun. Isn't that a Daisy?
Started on .22's but had a .30-.30 by the time I was 12 - and of course shotguns. But along with that came learning safety -
Even later when I was an assistant scout master I would go with the boys, including my son, to a summer scout camp up in the mountains that included activities like .22 shooting and double axe throwing! All gone now and the little darlings of today have no idea of what they are missing!
What strikes me as incredible is two of my little nieces got to see snow in Tallahassee, Florida.
I also saw a news photo of snow covering Panama City Beach! Never imagined that could be possible. One hitch about that beautiful beach. Sand there is absolutely white. If snow wasn't covering the tops of picnic tables in that photo's foreground, I could not have been able to tell there was any snow at all.
There actually being snow in the Florida Panhandle and where I never saw any growing up in Dothan, Alabama, is the reason why libtarded control freaks changed "global warming" to "climate change."
Or as old dino recalls being taught in elementary school, we're probably not even out of the ice ages yet.
Or maybe why some scientists want to monkey around with Mother Nature and bring back woolly mammoths that can step on cars.
Didn't Jurassic Park teach (I read the novel before they made that first movie) there are things we can do but shouldn't do?
And that includes the freakin' weather!!!
Another great bunch…I do look forward to Friday Funnies!
Jack and Jill went up the hill.
Each one had a quarter,
Jill came down with fifty cents.
Think they went up for water?
Edit add: I like that it ends in a question in keeping with OUC's themes of the memes for today.
(Give 'em both real jobs.)
Thanks, OUC! 👍
Thanks for another home run, OUC!