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  • Posted by slfisher 9 years, 12 months ago
    This has been all over the Interwebs but I haven't seen any indication that it actually happened. I'd like to see a higher standard of proof. Right now it has all the hallmarks of an urban legend.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 9 years, 12 months ago
      I think you are correct, sifisher. I've seen the exact same photo and similar article several years ago and then some time before that. It's just recycling itself. Robbie53024 is correct because when this first made the rounds they were called cookies in the headline, too. I didn't bother with the article because as soon as I saw the image I thought, "Oh, this again.". As I recall, the first time I saw it the discussions following it were mainly ad hominems fired at conservatives and Christians complete with attached PC-social-psycho-babble to back up whatever the lefties were spewing. Whatever. I figure the conservatives and Christians shouldn't worry too much about this stuff because as soon as the Muslims scream this confectionary is not sharia compliant, the lefties will work overtime to stamp it and its memory out of existence. Later, the mom in question, burka clad, will be publicly begging for her life and it will be Christians protesting her upcoming execution. ;-)
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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 12 months ago
    That's the worst kind of decorating art I ever heard of. This is what Rand meant by saying, "Sex is good--too good and too important for this sort of public anatomical display."
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 12 months ago
    Just another example of the decay of our society. Who with a rational thinking mind would send a class of 2nd graders cupcakes with simulated vaginas created by the frosting? Depraved. She should be brought up by the local child welfare board for fitness of parenting.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 12 months ago
    On second thought:

    This "mother" should be arrested for lewd conduct direct toward minors. Further, she should be registered as a sex offender and be made to do community service related to sexual abuse. Perhaps CPS should become interested in her "relationship" with her children. Maybe other parents can file charges against her as a predator?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 12 months ago
    I wonder how that mom would feel if someone brought in cakes in the shape of a phallus? She'd probably have a fit over that but for a different reason. Whatever happened to the beautiful future envisioned by us old fogies in the 50's? Instead of that shining city on a hill, filled with future wonders, it seems we've taken a side road to dystopia.
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  • Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 12 months ago
    Well, it may have the opposite effect, I can totally think of the kid growing up to be a conservative Republican, think Alex P Keaton :) I have a nephew, still just a baby, but I think this will totally happen to him too. Hipster/liberal parents are traumatizing, hopefully these children can recover and come to their senses.
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  • Posted by eddieh 9 years, 12 months ago
    Gee I haven't read anyone mention "God's hairy balls" yet. We might as well bring religion into the discussion. This woman needs some counsuling about common sense.
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  • Posted by ISank 9 years, 12 months ago
    I'm just ok that it was 2nd graders, and what a f'd up mother that kid has. But were it a 12th grade class, the situation might have been much different and for that I am grateful.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 12 months ago
    Could someone start a rectum cupcake?
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 12 months ago
      I wouldn't want to steal YOUR idea....YOU go for it! :)
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 12 months ago
        Come on help out here. I have no damn idea how to make a cupcake. How would I come up with a recipe for such a cupcake?

        But you know the rectum is such an important body part that is continually derided and used negatively in the everyday conversation of Americans that our children are exposed to everywhere. I mean how many mothers use such derogatory references to describe their husbands in their children's hearing. Shouldn't we be exposing to our children from the earliest age, the positive asspects of this important body part and it's contributions to our overall health and well-being and work to instill a proper respect and understanding?

        I would imagine that there are literally dozens of different shapes, colors, innies/outies, some with hair/some without, big ones/small ones, on and on that could well be demonstrated by the imaginative icing. Of course, we'd probably be most proper by having chocolate as the basic cupcake.

        Just some beginning rough-out ideas here.
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 12 months ago
          LOL and to think I actually took the time to delete "make 'em chocolate" from my previous comment because I thought it was getting a little too gross.
          At least your argument in favor (I so want to say 'flavor') of rectum cupcakes wasn't nasty (in the ignorant/rude sense of 'nasty') like the Mom's email was....because you could have ended it with "and I hope you marry a man who kicks your hairy ass!" :)
          p.s. you might want to start practicing your artistic sphincter icing techniques... Halloween is coming. PPPpbbBBLLlFFFRRRTT!
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