California wants to own its own refinery! What would Ellis Wyatt think?

Posted by $ jbrenner 1 day, 4 hours ago to Government
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California policymakers are considering state ownership of one or more oil refineries to ensure a reliable supply of gasoline as the number of refineries in the state declines.

An oil industry trade group questions whether the state would have the expertise to effectively run a refinery, citing a lack of “understanding of the industry and how it works.”

Russia. China. Venezuela. Iran. More than a dozen countries make gasoline at state-owned refineries.

Could California be next on the list?
SOURCE URL: https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2025-02-16/is-california-government-considering-oil-refinery-takeovers-yes-it-is

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 day, 3 hours ago
    Hah, after reading the title and the first line of your post the first thought in my head was "Venezuela", but I see you beat me to it.

    The article cited two reasons for gasoline consumption in the state declining. Reason #3 was left out: people leaving the state, especially the kind needed to run a refinery.

    At least the state can sue itself if anything goes wrong.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 hours, 6 minutes ago
    I lived in CA for 93 days... I Moved out quickly.

    Anyways, I know a lot of decent people who go there and change. They buy into the BS. They raise children the state has to incarcerate and wash their hands of any responsibility when they laughed when the young teenager started smoking weed "We all go through those stages". And then he refuses to go to school, and wants to stay in the basement, smoking weed, eating pizza with their friends.
    You gave them EVERYTHING Except direction, discipline, and goals. And your plan was to turn the world over to people like them...
    Congrats... It worked. Look at the people running the place into the ground. All looters.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 4 hours, 33 minutes ago
    Oh hell, no. Look at how well they have managed forest and brush and fire mitigation. And then they want to own their own thing to blow up? They chased every oil company out with asinine regulations, taxes and fees, and now they want their own? Yea, that will go as well as their bullet train has....
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  • Posted by dansail 3 hours, 7 minutes ago
    Wyatt Ellis would probably have a good long laugh, but also feel a strain of pity for the poor Californians who would be saddled with the boondoggle that has always become State run ventures.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 hours, 28 minutes ago
    A Refinery Represents 120yrs of optimizing outputs based on crude inputs. Certain refineries "prefer" light sweet over dark, etc. etc.

    I BEG everyone to zoom into a picture of a refinery as I did. And just look at the various pipes going around. Just IMAGINE the CA Government DEI Hires trying to figure out where ONE of those pipes go, over and over again.

    Could they do it? Certainly NOT profitably. And probably not in my life time!

    Now, here's a GENIUS idea. Stop ATTACKING the owners of the existing refineries, and help them DECIDE to stay in CA.

    But that's kinda like making sure there is water in the fire hydrant BEFORE the fire. The SIZE of that MISTAKE is not completely apparent until the fire strikes.

    The Refineries leaving is the telltale sign you waited too long, because those that were leaving, probably put off maintenance for the last 10yrs, milking every last dollar out of their soon to be lost investment.

    INSANITY. If only CA could get cars to run on hot air... Then their politicians could actually become useful!
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    • Posted by $ 3 hours, 7 minutes ago
      There was a time in the oil refining business, and times I was involved with multiple environmentally friendly alternate energy methods. No more. I can't take the constant changes in what gets deemed environmentally friendly being less environmentally friendly and more expensive.

      As Ayn Rand so aptly summarized in Atlas Shrugged:

      "But you expect industrial giants — who plan in terms of decades, invest in terms of generations and undertake ninety-nine-year contracts — to continue to function and produce, not knowing what random caprice in the skull of what random official will descend upon them at what moment to demolish the whole of their effort.

      With the sign of the dollar as our symbol — the sign of free trade and free minds — we will move to reclaim this country once more from the impotent savages who never discovered its nature, its meaning, its splendor."
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 hours, 10 minutes ago
        The introduction sentence is quite powerful. I Totally agree. Again, I think of software, when I graduated High School in 1985, microsoft's C Compiler came on a single DISK, and used a BATCH file to install. No setup program. NADA.

        I can only imagine what a Refinery looked like in the 1800s. And how they bolted on trick after trick to extract more value. Ethanol, Methanol, etc. etc.
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