California wants to own its own refinery! What would Ellis Wyatt think?

Posted by $ jbrenner 1 day ago to Government
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California policymakers are considering state ownership of one or more oil refineries to ensure a reliable supply of gasoline as the number of refineries in the state declines.

An oil industry trade group questions whether the state would have the expertise to effectively run a refinery, citing a lack of “understanding of the industry and how it works.”

Russia. China. Venezuela. Iran. More than a dozen countries make gasoline at state-owned refineries.

Could California be next on the list?
SOURCE URL: https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2025-02-16/is-california-government-considering-oil-refinery-takeovers-yes-it-is

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  • Posted by $ nickursis 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
    Oh hell, no. Look at how well they have managed forest and brush and fire mitigation. And then they want to own their own thing to blow up? They chased every oil company out with asinine regulations, taxes and fees, and now they want their own? Yea, that will go as well as their bullet train has....
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 21 minutes ago
    A Refinery Represents 120yrs of optimizing outputs based on crude inputs. Certain refineries "prefer" light sweet over dark, etc. etc.

    I BEG everyone to zoom into a picture of a refinery as I did. And just look at the various pipes going around. Just IMAGINE the CA Government DEI Hires trying to figure out where ONE of those pipes go, over and over again.

    Could they do it? Certainly NOT profitably. And probably not in my life time!

    Now, here's a GENIUS idea. Stop ATTACKING the owners of the existing refineries, and help them DECIDE to stay in CA.

    But that's kinda like making sure there is water in the fire hydrant BEFORE the fire. The SIZE of that MISTAKE is not completely apparent until the fire strikes.

    The Refineries leaving is the telltale sign you waited too long, because those that were leaving, probably put off maintenance for the last 10yrs, milking every last dollar out of their soon to be lost investment.

    INSANITY. If only CA could get cars to run on hot air... Then their politicians could actually become useful!
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