LinkedIn is turning into a bunch of horse hockey

Posted by $ Abaco 3 days, 21 hours ago to Culture
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Since Trump won the election I have tried and failed to block political comments on my feed. I'd estimate that 50% of the input on the site is now some anti-Trump gripe. On and on... People are out of their minds over this. I am astonished that people will gripe over and over about government being downsized without a peep about the billions of dollars (we so desperately need) that have been squandered for bribes and transing youth in third-world countries (I actually think those are just laundering, too...).

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    Posted by freedomforall 3 days ago
    LinkedIn is run/owned by an irrational, deranged Trump hater.
    I bailed out years ago because of that.
    Don't do business with your enemies.
    Carefully choose where you shop and what motivated you to the specific purchase.
    People can live happily without many devices we are 'encourage' to buy.
    That goes for sources of information and entertainment, too.
    Using cash for purchases can help cut down the amount of noise, too.
    It's hard for the AI to keep manipulating you without data it gets from credit purchase data.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 days, 22 hours ago
    This is NOT people.
    These are BOTS... This is how the PsyOp works. And because they are bots, LinkedIn likely gets $$$ (from us taxpayers) to allow this "subset" of accounts to do their best.

    This nudging is 100% what destroyed MySpace. You could not login without feeling NUDGED to become active on some concept or to take a side.

    They started their tradecraft there. They then spread it to everywhere. And these people have a Sh!t Ton of money behind them, thanks to the Military Budget. They are supposed to be working in other countries. BUT since Obama repealed the law (with congress) that blocks Propaganda aimed at our own citizens... This became the norm.

    Back in my Twitter days, I was taunted with "Okay Boomer" messages all the time (and I am not one, LOL). But the minute we used Okay Zoomer (for Gen Z). OMG, they shut that down as hate speech.

    It is always in one direction... Because it IS ENEMY FIRE.

    And they know 66% will fall for it. (2 std deviations ABOVE or BELOW will not... Making it hard to be proud to be above it. Because you could be in the Too Dumb to understand it group. LOL)

    Chris Martenson calls this "Rats in Cage"
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  • Posted by $ Commander 3 days, 17 hours ago
    I've taken a 3 week break from doing anything productive toward business. I have been watching all kinds of new activity on a few forums. A lot of "new" players, pumping in mass amounts of rhetoric .... 30 posts in a day, showing only a 3 or 4 hour break between the strings for 3 or 4 consecutive days. My gut says these are paid actors using arbitrary AI inquiry or postulate to faction. From a left or right point of view, depending on the posting, some of the message seems plausible .... until I dig into the details. 90% is unsupported by anything traceable as real data or evidence. Photos/images taken from old sources or, old narratives that show up as purportedly new and show origin dates from 10 to 20 years ago.

    Example: Had a claim on Quora that tariff on Canadian goods was retaliatory for the oil pipeline going to Vancouver. China and Canada had agreement in 2012 regarding investment development to further the project that began in the 50's. 2012 agreement was to expand volume to the port. Late 2024 completion and increase from 300 to 890m barrel/day. "IF" Canada could load that volume 27/7 and transport, this could supply around 5% of Chinese consumption daily. There are around only 10 ULCC tankers in the pacific to shuttle crude. This was all cobbled and out of context under strict scrutiny.

    AI. Extreme caution. Dan Appleton posted a 4 part series on Quora beginning Dec. 12, 2021: What is the human mind, how does it work, and what is it's future. Chapters: 1 Photon Sea, 2 The Reasoning Mind, 3 Thought Currents, 4 Human Paradigm. You can look them up if interested (25 pages total) He also published a 175pg book "Our Language Gene" These works will explain the following statement I make: When you step away from direct interpersonal exchange and connect to anything in expressive language that is "not" you are touching upon the fringe of potential insanity.

    Wish you happiness and fortune.
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    • Posted by $ 3 days, 13 hours ago
      Hehe... Yeah. I have been thinking that what I'm seeing is a bunch of bots. I've seen bots and paid posters doing things like raid forums like our Gulch. And, for many years I found bots on FB. They'd post some passionate, short statement in favor of the globalist agenda - sometimes even with an insult thrown in (because everybody is supposed to be concerned about what others think of them. Then, I'd trace it to the posters facebook page and there'd be two or three pictures of the person from a distance, fuzzy, often with one or two fellow idiots not named. It was a solid pattern. Most humans...You could go to their FB page and see what they look like and their interests. None of that on these. Pretty funny. Popular social media has been there to influence the masses. This is why they had a total fit when Elon snagged Twitter. I was thinking, "Why do they care so much?" It was stupid. It's all....ALL about control. Linkedin is just about totally unusable anymore.
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  • Posted by AmericanWoman 2 days, 23 hours ago
    It's been that for over 20 years that I know. When people on the site ask others, they barely know to give them a glowing recommendation, knew it was worthless.
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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 2 days, 22 hours ago
      A couple of former students asked me to write them LinkedIn recommendations, and I told them that I reserve my recommendations only to be sent directly to their potential future employers. Otherwise, the recommendation looks fraudulent.
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  • Posted by rhfinle 2 days, 17 hours ago
    As I understand it, LinkedIn is run by Microsoft, so you can pretty much expect them to act like that.
    I only keep LinkedIn contacts with work-related people I know. I get offers to "link" with others every day, usually East Indian headhunters who don't actually know or understand my field, and I don't bother to read anyone's comments there, but mostly when I get an email notification that "someone said something...", I still have to log in and hunt for it to read it. So what. I just recieved my second Socialist Insecurity check, and my company laid me off two weeks ago, a little sooner that expected, but screw it. i have yard work to do and a book to write which has been hanging fire for too long.
    PS, Abaco, I lost my Dad too, ten years and four days ago, and I don't think as much about him these days, but sometimes, when I'm dreaming, I find he's off to the side, watching and not saying anything but giving silent approval, which is what he used to do.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 2 days, 19 hours ago
    Oh I am not having any trouble at all figuring it out. The answer is: look at who is/was benefitting from the waste, fraud and abuse, and then look at who will benefit from the reform of those same things. This is valid fast past LinkedIn, but LI is a microcosm of just what you are saying.

    Ayn Rand didn't use the term "moochers" lightly.
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  • Posted by NealS 2 days, 22 hours ago
    I dumped LinkedIn years ago, and Facebook dumped me a few years ago. IO tried to sign up to FB again recently, to read some links people have sent me. FB told me that my email address was permanently banned (why?) and I would have to use a different one to establish an account. Screw it, one email is more than enough for me. I can play Boycott too, but Temu must have a lot of data on me today. I figured it out, these on line "special" ads are nothing more than Temu shopped items at twice the price, and get a discount for two or more.
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    • Posted by $ 2 days, 22 hours ago
      Yeah...Just yesterday I looked into starting a FB profile because a lot of the fishing stuff I want to get to is there. Yuch. My email, that I rarely use, is suspended. Haha!!! That's funny. FB REALLY wants to know who you are. I even got a message from them saying they wanted a video clip of my face (showing all angles). WTF? Don't think so...
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 days, 22 hours ago
      I am curious if you can use the + addition to your email.

      myname@gmail.com is my email.
      I can also use
      myname+some_text@gmail.com in order to create a unique email, that GMAIL knows is really just "myname". The plus sign is the key.

      Many domains support this automatically.
      Also, with Gmail for sure. You can add "." anywhere, they get removed!!!

      So my.name@ == myname@ == m.y.name@

      I use this in environments where I am not allowed to register a second time so I can see if I am being shadow banned or I can track the differences in message delivery/content.

      HTH. It allows you to APPEAR to have a different email. Without needing a different email.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 days, 2 hours ago
    LinkedIn only matters to me if a post is from someone I know and even then I don't bother with it much. Its editorial content took a left turn way back. LinkedIn floods my inbox every day and every day I hit delete-delete-delete without opening.
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  • Posted by jimslag 13 hours, 17 minutes ago
    I left Linked in about 5 years ago, to much BS and the few people I had followed seemed to have left also. Reid Hoffman is a jerk and a criminal as far as I am concerned
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