The Indoctrinated Brain...This book is scaring the hell out of me...
I'm about half way through this book because I only take the time to read it when I'm flying over the Pacific for work. I will report in detail later today. Ironically...Nehls points out that fear can be bad for brain health...and this book is scary as *&%#. Here's a hint...Now, I understand fully why Fauci got that pardon. The potential long-term damage that's been done is epic. They knew that. And, almost nobody understands brain health to the level needed to have any concern. The knowledge, science, and data are there. But - yet again! - almost nobody bothers to read it (as was the case with autism and other pharma-induced illnesses).
I may have mentioned it on this forum recently. Now that I'm back dealing with more construction crews along with design and regulatory professionals I have noticed a certain "brain deadness" across the board. I'm seeing some crazy behavior and apparent reduction in problem-solving skills. I wasn't sure what was causing it. Now, I'm pretty sure I know.
I'll follow up later with some of the facts from this book. I want you guys to know...
I may have mentioned it on this forum recently. Now that I'm back dealing with more construction crews along with design and regulatory professionals I have noticed a certain "brain deadness" across the board. I'm seeing some crazy behavior and apparent reduction in problem-solving skills. I wasn't sure what was causing it. Now, I'm pretty sure I know.
I'll follow up later with some of the facts from this book. I want you guys to know...
This book gets into the campaign against these elements. One section early in the book about D3, "Causal Prevention That No One Wanted" - about how effective D3 is for fighting Covid, but the media/pharma/government complex didn't tell you. (Not only that...they demanded Mark #uckerberg sensor you for bringing it up on Facebook). By the way...These three elements are essential for a healthy hippocampus, which acts as the filing system for your memories. Unhealthy hippocampus -> Alzheimer's.
Long story short....Knowledgeable people in the gov/pharma complex understand the damage that was perpetrated on people in recent history. And, the data's all there as referenced in this book. Now I know why Fauci got (and didn't reject) his pardon. He knows. He's not stupid. The media IMO are the ultimate useful idiots, happily sopping up the advertising revenue from the pharmaceutical companies while toeing the line.
About 20 years ago I started tuna fishing (omega 3s). My diet changed drastically. Back then I noticed that something happened to me. I was the pest in the meetings at work who would blurt out a solution to a problem while my colleagues remained perplexed. My brain was kicked into overdrive! At that same time I was deep into research to try to heal my son's autism, learning a great deal about how the brain functions and our American neurological morass. From then on I've been very interested in neurological health in terms of what's happening in America, to Americans. I've decided that when I cut way back on my engineering work in a year I am going to apply my knowledge to try to help people. I'm going to catalog all of these studies, spread the gospel about the basic things people can do to have a healthy hippocampus. I may just call it "autism prevention".
From what I'm understanding from this book - both the spike protein in the virus and that generated from the vaccines are going to result in neurological degradation in the form of Alzheimer's. It's been doing all kinds of bad things (hence, Fauci's pardon). The science is established. The coverup is well documented. The path to easy neurological and immune health has been denied to the general, unread, public. Not only does the spike protein not stay in the deltoid muscle, but it's found a way to pass through the blood-brain barrier. I remember when I first head of that barrier....It was when I was talking to doctors who were trying to help my son when he was a baby.
Take your vitamin D3! Consume omega 3s. Only use salt with iodine. Do the same for your children and expecting mothers.
....As I was reading this book while sitting in SeaTac Airport last night a young man stood up between the rows of chairs at the gate and announced, "Excuse me everybody. My name is **** and I have Asperger's on the autism spectrum. The airline cancelled my flight and didn't get me a hotel. I need to spend the night nearby at a hotel but my credit card is in the negative. Can you help?" I handed him money, followed by others doing the same. At one point I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to ease his concern, and told him that some of us have had to spend the night at the airport terminal and it's ok. Broke my heart, though. We don't need to do this...
Alien Invasion.
Novel Viruses.
Terrorism .
And my personal Favorite "The Climate Change Threat"
All Fear P0rn.
Every bit of it perpetrated by the MockingBirdMedia and Hollyweirdos.
The real threats are (in no particular order)
> Digital ID's.
> Gubament issued crypto currencies. CBDCs.
> 15-Minute Cities.
> Being forced to eat food that is banned in every other country.
Even insane countries aren't poisoning their population with glyphosate. i.e. Round UP Which is a first cousin to Agent Orange!.
> Government mandated Clime-mutt Chains intrusion on all our lives.
i.e. No fossil fuel stoves, furnaces, water heaters, cars, trucks, buses, trains, boats, BBQ grills, meat, where you can live....?
Where in the Constitution does it say that Federal Storm Troopers can put a limit, or even forbid your and my freedoms to this extent?
You (better) have control over your emotions.
You also must discern what is likely to be a lie and what is likely to be the truth.
The Central bankers who run the SeeEyeAye, who in turn run Swampington D.C. are scared, very scared.
The truth of their enslavement plans are coming unraveled.
Like a cornered rat, they are going to do something very stupid in a last ditch effort to control the masses into global governance.
It will likely happen sooner, rather than later.
"No one knows the hour" - William "Bill" Cooper
I'm looking forward to your observations. 👍
Heavily Vaxxed.
Wow, she seemed Heavily Vaxxed.
We have fewer and fewer people capable of analysis. Much less DEEP Analysis.
Clif High has referenced "Vaccidents".
Where drivers almost forget they are driving.
They do things like open the car door and step out. Let go of the wheel and go looking for something. Like they are 100% distracted.
I am glad I get to retire in the New house I bought 30+ Years ago. Being the only owner, I know it will last, and it's paid for.
Looking forward to hearing more.
I went to PURCHASE it and that's when I realized I've already read it. LOL. (this is what happens when you plough through too many books).