Deep State Traitor Buydem's Three Forks

Posted by freedomforall 9 hours, 11 minutes ago to Politics
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"The Fork Move
One of the techniques used by Biden to derail Trump’s policies and tarnish his new administration is based on a chess move called the fork. It’s a relatively simple but powerful move.

In a fork, one player advances a piece to a space where it is attacking two opposing pieces at once. The bishop is good for this because it can move diagonally in any direction and can advance as far as it wants in a single move.

A white bishop might advance to a place where it threatens a black knight (ahead and to the right) and a black rook (ahead and to the left) at the same time. The combination of the advance with two lines of attack creates a kind of “Y” pattern, which is how the name “fork” arises. Black might be able to save one of the pieces by moving it out of danger, but the other piece will definitely be lost. The idea is that the player caught in the fork may have choices but will definitely lose in some manner when the move is played out.

Joe Biden and his team have set up several forks on different chessboards to ensure Trump suffers defeats in the weeks and months ahead. It’s important to understand these forks because investors may also lose as the game progresses."

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