TGIFfunnies 10/18/24 EDITION: Cars

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 days, 2 hours ago to Humor
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They Taunt us, Disappoint us, Steer us and Help us.
They Please us, Tempt us, miss them when not around.
They House us, Service us and Exhaust us when down.
We Built them, Changed them
And remember the First Ones.

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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 4 days, 21 hours ago
    I have always loved cars! I grew up in a southern car culture in Jacksonville Florida. My first car was a brand new Ford Pinto. My dad could make anything. He had been a machinist in the Air Force. He dropped a 351 V8 in my Pinto, and it instantly became the fastest Pinto around. He had to strengthen the front end, put in a different rear end, massage the fire wall and make custom made headers. It blew Corvettes off the road! My next car was a Dodge Challenger 340, then a Datsun 240 Z.
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    • Posted by $ 4 days, 21 hours ago
      I had 4 of those 1972 Z cars, one of which was a race car, raced at Lime Rock and also got me into a LOT OF TROUBLE on the street! but my fav was my 61 Ford Starliner, 406 4sp.
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      • Posted by JohnRandALL 4 days, 16 hours ago
        I had a 240 Z and then later, a 280 ZX. But my Toyota Supra was probably the best. I also went through a couple of Alfa Romeo Spyders, one Italian spec, one American.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 4 days, 3 hours ago
          I loved my '74 Jensen Healy roadster. I still long to drive another (with a Lotus engine that doesn't leak oil.)
          I'm deciding on what engine to drop in my '99 Miata. Leaning toward a Honda 3.2l V6.
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          • Posted by $ 4 days, 1 hour ago
            No Wankel?
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            • Posted by freedomforall 4 days ago
              Wankel doesn't have the durability based on what I've read.
              I had 2 but I upgraded the 12A after about 60k miles to the 13B.
              That one was hit from behind (and the 13B sold) at about 55k.
              So my personal experience is that (in the 80's-90's) they were
              quite durable for 60k, but other reports say that's when often
              problems appear.
              The Honda J engines can be good for 3x as long and many
              more mechanics can work on them if/when needed. That
              means that the car will probably bring more when it's eventually
              up for sale, too.
              I prefer a naturally aspirated engine, too, and the J produces
              ample power without turbo/supercharging. The Wankel won't.
              Finally, there is a shop that does the J engine to Miata swaps
              not far from here.
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              • Posted by $ 3 days, 22 hours ago
                I was tempted by the Jensen Healy and then the first Saab Turbos, the little Mercedes came out that year too.
                I ultimately decided on none of them and instead opened my first Car Stereo Store . . . kept me from getting into trouble, Did an install in a Mazda RX7 and thought it was quite quick . . . been driving Ford Trucks since those days.
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 4 days, 21 hours ago
    And one of my first jobs in high school was as a "cart boy" at a golf course, where I became very familiar with electric golf carts. In my view, all these new electric vehicles are just glorified golf carts! Long live the internal combustion engine!
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  • Posted by ohiocrossroads 5 hours, 16 minutes ago
    As a former employee of Cummins Engine Company, that picture of the Cybertruck about to receive a Cummins engine transplant fills me with pride.

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  • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 2 days, 3 hours ago in reply to this comment.
    I briefly skimmed Wiki info on the Maunder Minimum, and have a great deal of questions, I mean, with what periods were the Maunders comparing sunspot activity, and did they take into account improvements in the technology of telescopes and of math itself.

    But I have some other things I need to do first.

    Anyway, I like the obliquity of the ecliptic as a possible cause, and that could be combined with sunspots themselves. The fact that cooling and warming of the earth is cyclic could be related to the ecliptic, as the earth's declination is periodic as well.
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    • Posted by $ 1 day, 21 hours ago
      When leaning about the Maunders and the Carrington event, remember they were using crude technology compared to today. We have two satellites up there that just watch the sun. The sun for the most part reacts to input, ie, comets, meteors, asteroids and dust .

      Right now our sun and entire solar system is traveling through the galactic current sheet, Electromagnetic dust that originates from the center of the galaxy and travels out. We encounter that field every 6/12K years when we move above and below the galactic plain.

      If you live or travel anywhere near Colorado, Ben, (suspicious 0bservers) has just built a ranch/ conference center that we can visit. He is beginning to have conferences again with other scientist speaking from time to time.
      Wish I could get away and go there. I was one of the many people that funded the Mobile Observatory. I did it in the name of my book instead of Olduglycarl.
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  • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 3 days, 21 hours ago
    A lot of these I just couldn't get.

    Must be a guy thing.
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    • Posted by $ 3 days, 21 hours ago
      I could guess at which one's didn't make sense to you but instead, share with me which one's (By number- there are 14 memes) and I will fill you in.
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      • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 3 days, 21 hours ago
        11, the heart transplant; 12, the future; 8, the camper thingy; the others I think so. The EV and Tesla ones I thought were pretty funny.
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        • Posted by $ 3 days, 20 hours ago
          11 is Elons electric Cyber Truck and that is a Diesel engine . . . as if there room for that engine.
          8 Man pretending he has to have his arm twisted to go camping in that condo on wheels.
          The 1960 Ranchero was a falcon not a full size Ford, I often thought I'd make a ranchero out of a 1961 Ford Starliner (my first hot rod) I'd call it: Stranger (Star Ranger)
          I know you got the: "Was His" meme, (I should have added: Divorce American Style)
          I know you got the "Fred Flintstone" Mobiles as might have been the first cars.
          They weren't slapstick happy but little jabs . . . can't let marginal memes go, try to find a clever way to use them and that's exactly what I did this week. The half ass poem speaks to each meme in order.

          Laughing, you're right, guys like mechanical things they can mess with.
          Someday I'll do something for the girls . . .
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          • Posted by $ Snezzy 5 hours, 23 minutes ago
            That diesel engine is a Cummins. (Notice the C logo on it.) Original 12-valve Cummins is the best small-truck engine ever made. Putting one into some truck with a dead engine warrants consideration. Not for a Tesla, though.
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          • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 3 days, 20 hours ago
            Cars and power tools. Just give me my geometrical curves and analytical Cartesian coordinates!
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            • Posted by $ 3 days, 18 hours ago
              You just reminded me of something I needed to discuss with a budding actuary. Develop a system that will allow us to pinpoint any place we might choose to find after the earth tilts 90 degrees and the solar micro nova finishes the job of erasing our current civilization.
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              • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 3 days, 16 hours ago
                I'll be sure and talk to Mr. Elon on that.
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                • Posted by $ 3 days, 7 hours ago
                  I tried and all he wanted to do is have me invest in his various ventures. The only thing that was interesting is he was willing to share things about his boring company. He wanted me to get "what's up" and telegram but they are not entirely compatible with older laptops and I purposely do not use those dumb phones . . . do not need that distraction.
                  Not to mention, not sure I was messaging the REAL Elon, I am currently being followed by 6 Elons!!!
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                  • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 3 days ago
                    Doesn't he or someone, have an account on Rumble?
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                    • Posted by $ 2 days, 22 hours ago
                      Don't know, not often on rumble. I just do X and The Gulch as far as social media goes and ELON is all over X, not to mention a whole lot of Elon (parody.) wana be's.
                      I just had a Tesla cars only guy follow me . . . Laughing, and I made fun of one of Tesla/Elon's cars and this guy followed me.
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                      • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 2 days, 22 hours ago
                        I haven't been to Rumble for a while, but I sorta useta follow his launches guess it was a few years back.

                        The Tesla EV's may be a mistake on Musk's part. GE once researched a sonar washing machine; the engineers said that thing did everything but clean clothes, and all the while vibrating its fool self to pieces!

                        I personally believe the EV has to use more energy from electricity generated by gas powered utility plants than the gasoline used by regular old 'cars'. You know, 'fossil fuels'.
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                        • Posted by $ 2 days, 21 hours ago
                          Humm, Fossil Fuel, another Rockefeller lie, oil is created deep in the earth and is the second most abundant liquid on earth.

                          In the next ten years we will probably loose our grid. We might be able to keep it going if we have someone like Trump at the helm and prepare for that inevitability.
                          Shields are weak and Solar disturbances play a bigger and bigger disruptive force. It won't take an X100 flair to do it like the Carrington event did.
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                          • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 2 days, 20 hours ago
                            I don't think the 'peak oil theory' has actually ever been proven beyond a doubt, even the idea that the Jurassic period and before, or whatever they call it in geologic terms, is what is responsible for carboniferous reserves. The Russians had at one time entertained the idea, and I think it has some merit, that oil and gas reserves are not due to the accumulation of carbon from animal wastes.

                            Carrington Event? Is that from Beck's Overton Window?
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                            • Posted by $ 2 days, 18 hours ago
                              Laughing . . . no, from History, 1859: all the telegraph wires burnt up, the result of a very strong Solar CME (Coronal mass ejection)
                              Like I have been saying the past 10 years: It's a cycle cilly!
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                              • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 2 days, 17 hours ago
                                How did they know it came from the Sun, and do they know what caused it?

                                Guess I could ask Copilot, if he's even alert at this time of night!
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                                • Posted by $ 2 days, 16 hours ago
                                  Because Mr and Misses Maunder were watching the sun back in those days. They were the ones that coined: The Maunder Minimum: they noticed that the sun goes 11 years at max sunspots and 11 years at minimum sunspots. The magnetic poles reverse on the sun every 11 years, earth does this every 12K years and we are heading for that now. Perhaps 20 years at the rate the magnetic shields have been weakening as the N S poles get closer and closer to each other.

                                  Both poles have left their respective polar regions a while back.
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                                  • Olduglycarl replied 2 days, 16 hours ago
                                  • SpiritWoman replied 2 days, 3 hours ago
  • Posted by mccannon01 4 days ago
    Just got back from a short trip and was greeted by these beauties making good fun of today and bringing back great memories of yesteryear!

    My '69 GTX 440 was metallic blue, but it still would give Greta heartburn and a hissy fit, LOL! Nice RV - I'll take 2, LOL!

    Thanks for making my day, OUC!
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 5 hours, 27 minutes ago
    Love the Cummins diesel in front of that hideous Cybertruck. Mustangs are beautiful. I even like the mid-1970's Mustang II's.

    Only note as before, EVs still save fuel, even if charged with conventional power. They are roughly twice as efficient as normal cars.

    I'm getting an EV next. We have a bunch of cars, so I don't need to worry about range (and I could just rent one). Our town has it's own utility. Our prices are the lowest in the state, and they changed the billing to be even lower, but 5x higher from 4-8pm. If I charge outside those times, I can drive for the price of tires.

    Rented a Kia EV6 to visit FL for my mom's 90th birthday party. Thing went ~280 miles, and still had 20%. Hotel had a charger. Easy-peasy. Fast, smooth, quiet.
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  • Posted by $ 2 days, 16 hours ago in reply to this comment.
    I learned all this in the past 10 years following http://suspicious0bservers.org on youtube and X.

    see, really old dogs can learn new tricks . . . laughing.
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    • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 2 days, 3 hours ago
      I don't know, carl, I'm pretty much stuck in stone, or however that old saw goes. Stuck in the mud, I think.

      As for CME's, seem very interesting to me. Carrington wrote two things he observed that have me speculating that it could be something external, and not internally generated. He said that it seemed to him that the two brilliant lights were elevated above the surface of the sun, and then he stated his observations of how quickly the phenomenon dissipated. This is from his paper:

      "I thereupon noted down the time by the chronometer, and seeing the outburst to be very rapidly on the increase, and being somewhat flurried by the surprise, I hastily ran to call some one to witness the exhibition with me, and on returning within 60 seconds, was mortified find that it was already much changed and enfeebled. Very shortly afterwards the last trace was gone,
      and although I maintained a strict watch for nearly an hour, no recurrence took place."

      I don't know what the average duration of most CME's are, but surely more than a few seconds.

      I'll check out the Maunders.
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      • Posted by $ 1 day, 22 hours ago
        http://spaceweather.com on youtube give you reports every morning. Ben gives you the low down, whether it was aimed at earth or if we'll get a glancing blow. There is an immediate electrical connection between earth and sun and the ejecta/plazma takes 2/3 days to arrive here and charges our atmosphere from the poles down.

        We've been adversely affected more and more from weak CMEs.

        You will learn the most from Ben Davidson of Suspicious 0bservers (Observers with a 0) He puts out text books.
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        • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 day, 21 hours ago
          I'll check it out.

          But, carl, there is no 'immediate electrical connection between earth and sun". Even light takes about 8 minutes to get from the sun to earth, and the velocity of light is the limiting velocity of the universe.
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          • Posted by $ 1 day, 20 hours ago
            That is how it's expressed. Here is the report: https://youtu.be/VjEy6keX9g8
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            • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 day, 20 hours ago
              I went there, but he talks so fast, I couldn't hear that.
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              • Posted by $ 1 day, 20 hours ago
                First mention of the coupling, 51 seconds in and the phrase: 1.02 mins in.
                The "Instantly" refers to the affect of the coupling but the electromagnetic link is consistent.
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                • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 day, 19 hours ago
                  I read through the transcript: "magnetic orientation that coupled with earth's magnetic field" and
                  "magnetic disruptions began instantly".

                  Carl, I'm not sure this guy is legitimate. He is vague and doesn't really use scientific language but seems to just put words together without explaining the concepts.

                  He needs to define in just what way a magnetic orientation is meant, and how is it oriented or what that means, and how this causes magnetic disruptions, and what type of disruption they are.
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                  • Posted by $ 1 day, 19 hours ago
                    That's cause he is speaking to us, specific language, unless one IS a practicing scientist, kind of leaves us in the dark,
                    Now, I know some of it, I've been listening and reading it for a long time but to speak to others, one must uses plain language . . . and there is nothing wrong in that.
                    He is accepted in the scientific community, a few assholes but most are cool people.

                    I only use specific language if I have to or talking to a professional, in fact, I don't even like that anymore. Once I understand something then I can describe it simply to others, get everyone on board and excited.
                    Now that I am old ugly and occasionally forgetful, understanding something is just keeping me interested and alive.
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                    • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 day, 18 hours ago
                      Well, maybe...but I still think he lacks some validity.
                      For one thing, he SELLS so many things!
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                      • Posted by $ 1 day, 18 hours ago
                        Would you sell different things to not just survive but to continue to do the things you love?
                        Did you know that he was a research lawyer but he loved watching a learning about the sun so much he quit in order to do this full time.
                        He writes text books and research papers, his wife writes the kids books and they sell T shirts etc for the business.
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                        • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 day, 18 hours ago
                          It just seems like, sorta, snake oil or something. I may be wrong, and I really shouldn't draw any kind of conclusion yet anyway. When you have another interesting video, let me know.
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                          • Posted by $ 1 day, 16 hours ago
                            Real science, the way it should be, seems like snake oil but government funded snake oil is treated like real science. . . but it's not.

                            No one understands the sun like Ben Davidson. It's his life long passion.

                            There are tons of informative videos on his page, 10/12 years of work, not to mention reviving Cyclical Catastrophe Science, the kind that was told, . . . if ya want to study natural cycles, you won't find funding.
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    • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 2 days, 3 hours ago
      And he went on to say that there was an occurrence of magnetic storms on earth, mostly northern hemisphere but also noticed in the south, about 4 hours after midnight, when his observations took place at about 11:17 am on Sept 1.
      So about 16 or 17 hours later, and copilot brought up information showing that that is about twice the average speed of the velocity of the sun's plasma, from sun to earth.
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  • Posted by $ 22 hours, 39 minutes ago in reply to this comment.
    The catastrophe at the end of this 12K year cycle is...and the continued weakening of our magnetic field puts us within 20 years for the final sequence for this cycle of civilization.
    We can see this event about every 12K years going back 72K years. Every culture tells a strikingly similar story.
    Those that survive will have to start all over again.
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    • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 22 hours, 13 minutes ago
      Do I get to choose who I want on my cloud?
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      • Posted by $ 21 hours, 48 minutes ago
        ? have no idea . . . are you referring to after death?
        Don't know how old you are but I don't think I'll make it past the next 10 years, all but three in my family passed in their 50s, I'm 72. . . so if I go first, I'll let you know.
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        • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 20 hours, 11 minutes ago
          Guess you don't remember the Stones: Hey, hey, you, you get offa my cloud!
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          • Posted by $ 19 hours, 27 minutes ago
            I do but you referenced that for a reason . . . didn't you? Maybe you were being sarcastic maybe that comment was to lead to something else.

            If there is anything I have observed from you is, that you don't speak off the cuff for no reason at all.
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            • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 18 hours, 50 minutes ago
              In high school, back in the day, 'bout sixty years ago, we had a little game where we each had a 'cloud' and could choose who we wanted to be on our cloud. (Course nowadays that strictly illegal or at least not inclusive or something). There are, you know, certain people whom one just doesn't want to be around. So they don't get to come on your cloud!! It was fun, a time when we could still choose our friends.

              So if the human species had to start over, I wondered if I could choose who I wanted to be around.
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              • Posted by $ 17 hours, 37 minutes ago
                I am fond of saying that I hope the Best us survive and the worst of them do not.
                I've hassled over this for a while and have come to some unsatisfying concussions (you read that correctly). : we have the right to sequester but not the right to vanquish; unless, of course, our lives are being endangered.
                Kinda sucks but it's to our advantage not to compromise our best selves.
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                • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 16 hours ago
                  Well, if the best are the ones to survive, it will look good for the human species; if the worst do, it will just come around again.

                  Anyway, I plan to fully exterminate from the minds of men the malignity and malevolency of any sort or type of Marxist or Leftist thought. Not by 'vanquishing' but by teaching.

                  (Sometimes I'm not so sure it's working.)
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            • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 18 hours, 47 minutes ago
              For instance, and this is how I feel about Leftists, Marxists, Communists and that bunch of kooks: they made us eat their 'stuff'; they put it in the TV, they put it in the radio, they put it in the movies, in education, and in government. They put it in the streets. And now it's payback time.

              (I tried posting this on RT, but it's being moderated or something.)
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