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Lady even showed ther spot whar ah goes under mist a whole mess of graves topped by pretty artificial flowers year round..
Done been thar muhself ter pay respects ter other dirt naps.
But when ah kin no longer exit at muh own site, ah done paid $100 extra ter have a Protestant chaplain say ther words.
Ah'm shore muh kin folks will preciate muh shellin' out greenbacks so they ain't gots ter do it fer me.
It's called respectin' them who'll come ter pay respects, y'all.
Me ain't no hoodoo voodoo big britches scholarly looky go see in ther dictionary math-mati-shun!
I like to state things pretty from time to time, thought you'd get a hoot out of it.
Now for a stupid movie? Has originality been cancelled?
Generally, I hate remakes. "Carrie" has been remade to death. The remake of "The Fog"~~the original a favorite of mine~~stunk. The remake of "The Magnificent Seven" big time stunk!
The only remake me dino found to be outstanding is "The Night Of The Living Dead." I even bought the DVD.
Hey, so what I'm changing the subject here? Free country almost. I give a hoot when I don't pollute.
I get people with toilet problems everyday. By the way, there is no such thing as "UNIVERSAL" !!!
#6 has never been put up after me....
#2 - so true!
Thanks for these - always looking for the smile on Friday AM.....
Hardeeās offering. lol
All the signs are funny thanQ
That's how I saw it in my head after finding meme number 1, anyway . . .