New York - Prop One: A Trojan Horse of Epic Proportions- Effectively Gives All Rights of Americans To Alien Invaders

Posted by freedomforall 1 week, 6 days ago to Government
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"If Prop One passes, it will unleash a massive tidal wave of chaos upon our citizenry, our norms, and what we hold dear in our society. In other words, life as you know it will no longer be the norm. If Prop One passes it can lead to:

the weakening of your parental rights and giving the government control of your children (which is already happening in schools across the State thanks to this outrageous and unconstitutional “guidance” the Department of Education issued last year);
making New York a permanent sanctuary state where illegal immigrants (including criminals) can’t be deported;
opening the door for non-citizens, including illegal immigrants, to claim a constitutional right to receive the same taxpayer-funded benefits that citizens receive (like government assistance, medicare, social security, disability compensation, subsidized health care, etc.) and could eventually include the right to vote
abolition of girls’ sports and female spaces like women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, showers, dormitories, prisons, etc.
abolition of single-sex spaces such as high schools, colleges, clubs, organizations, etc.;
the chilling of free speech
the legalization of reverse discrimination."

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 week, 4 days ago
    As a resident of the Peoples Republic of NY I am definitely voting NO on prop 1, but it may be spit in the wind in such a fallen state. I decided NO before you posted this, FFA, but glad you did for others to see.
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