IN THE MEME TYME 10/7/24 EDITION: The Shadow Knows

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 weeks, 1 day ago to News
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Red Necks/Hillbillies/a Billionaire and MAGA WIN the day

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  • Posted by EMC2 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    NO money for you... we gave it all to Ukraine and Illegal Border Invaders.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 2 weeks ago
      Such woes added to all the rapes and murders and sundry criminality caused by the invasion of illegal aliens into our once great nation altogether amounts to anticipated acceptable collateral damage to create overwhelmingly enough new voters to achieve perpetual one party rule for the swampy Deep State's most ultimate of all power grabs. Hey, the worst criminals ain't the illegal aliens, y'all. "High treason" springs to mind.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    LOL, good ones OUC! The Shadow Knows - awesome title based on the last meme! The real Walz, Fudd Walz or Sgt. Walz, is there a difference? Yep, 4th from last has it down pretty good. When I saw the first one it made me think of a spaghetti western (either "A Few Dollars More" or "A Fistful Of Dollars") where Clint Eastwood comes into town and passes a casket maker and says "Make up three more" - all you need is Vance's face photo shopped onto Eastwood's character. Thanks again, OUC! You started my day off right.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    How could I know nothing Walz know to admit in front of a TV camera that sometimes he can be a teleprompter?
    Perhaps for knowing questions during that Fake News interview, "dopey deer in headlights eyes" was also allowed a teleprompter.
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