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The Studios hated the Beverly Hillbillies Show so much they tried to cancel it almost immediately, but audiences loved it.
Every time they tried to cancel it, the public wrote tens of thousands of letters of outrage.
It ran for another Eight Seasons!
It ran four seasons in the top ten, another four seasons in the top twenty.
This is exactly what the Hollywierd Elite thinks of you
It was purely driven by advertisers looking for a more "sophisticated" market. -their words.
That was exactly and precisely the time I started watching less and less TV. By the mid-1970's I was watching exactly ZERO TV!
I found a real life, and it didn't involve spending endless hours sitting in front of the Idiot Box.
Remark below about America losing it's innocents during WW2 is true, as we learn now days, we were played like fiddles,
Wars should always be defensive first, offensive once we're sure the enemy is not giving up.
Can't remember where I read or.heard that.
Me and the Lord are very thankful that no manly parts shall engage with THAT!
Sylvester Stallone to the rescue:
This is a must see, Elon to the rescue!:
President Trump
We will no longer have time for the pain
Never have room for the pain
Not since we've known you