DeSantis Says Feds Being Uncooperative With Investigation Into Second Assassination Attempt on Trump

Posted by freedomforall 1 month ago to Government
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"lorida Governor Ron DeSantis said the feds are being uncooperative with the state’s investigation into the second Trump assassination attempt, including by blocking access to the golf course where it happened.

Gunman Ryan Routh hid for nearly 12 hours in the bushes without being spotted before finally being apprehended when a member of his protection detail saw a rifle poking out of foliage by the sixth hole.

The round of gold was not on Trump’s public schedule and was only a last minute decision, prompting questions as to how Routh, who got within 500 yards of Trump, knew the former president would be in that location.

Appearing on Fox News last night, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was asked whether the feds were cooperating with his independent investigation into the attempted shooting and his answer was emphatic.

“The answer is no, they’re not being cooperative,” said DeSantis, adding that he is “concerned” that vital information is not being passed on."

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 month ago
    That's because they're probably in on it. I personally think connecting himself (publicly) to RFK stepped this up a notch. This is a guy who's law firm is position to ab-so-fuckin-lutely devastate big pharma if they can lift that 1986 law granting them legal immunity for vaccines. Things are getting very serious now. There's no way the establishment can let Trump's team get control...
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 3 weeks, 6 days ago
    Considering the crime Trump was convicted of in the State of New York, how would it be right to vote for him?--But then, look at what Kamala Harris un
    abashadly campaigns for? Should one vote at all?!--But if not, is silence some sort of condonation?1
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