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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    Thanks for the sobering memes, Dobrien. The gut wrenching truth of billions wasted on foreigners while our own people suffer is sickening and now Kommie-La can't wait to pour taxpayer money into Lebanon. There's evil afoot right here in River City.
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    • Posted by 2 weeks, 1 day ago
      Yes we arm Israel . They attack others and we pay for both sides. Stop the fuQing killing.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 weeks, 1 day ago
        Play both sides and both sides will mistrust and hate you.

        Israeli military action, IMHO, is quite justified. How long should it take if Mexican drug cartels started launching missiles into American cities before we send in the Marines? What should we do if the cartels ran a raid on one of our towns and murdered 1200 of our civilians of all ages and made off with over 100 hostages? The way I see it the Israelis are doing the best they can do with what they have got to do. Being our ally, we should support them to get it done and over with as quickly as possible (for now, at least).
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        • Posted by 2 weeks, 1 day ago
          Well We have over 250,000 dead from Fentynal in the last 3 yrs have not seen anyone including our Govt make any serious effort to stop those cartels. I suppose if the most secure border in the world and with an iron dome. If they Can’t stop paragliding go carts and it takes 6-7 hrs to stop those sophisticated invaders even though they had 1 yr to prepare for it or to deny that it was a threat. Plus. A week before Egypt also warned them. With Taking no defensive posture . It almost seems like they wanted event to create the sympathy to set the Middle East on fire and drag US into it. Oh ,and is that great ally helping US with our Border invasion or our Natural disasters. Never seen anyone help US. But by all means take out Hamas, that was a Netanyahu created and supported group. SMFH.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 2 weeks ago
            The drug trade (and human trafficking) I figure is supported by corruption in our government on our side of the border more than anything else. Not all are corrupt, but just the right ones in the right places - like election tampering. Other factors, IMHO, such as mutual benefit are going on as the cartels make a fortune (and many on this side of the border) and the Marxists, like the ones in the government now, get to "transform" America by working together.

            What's left of Free America doesn't have the stomach to do what is necessary to end the power and devastation of the drug and trafficking trades and Marxist America uses them to reach the "transformation" goal. We The People are screwed as a result. The drug body count among family and friends, especially the young, is going up - latest victim just two weeks ago a niece is now a fentanyl vegetable in a hospital unlikely to recover.

            Not sure what all the history is between Netanyahu and Hamas, but I've seen bits and pieces pointing to what you say - I believe you brought it up here in the Gulch. It looks like a scenario the US got into when it supported Islamic extremists in Afghanistan to push out the Russians decades ago where eventually we ended up with Al Queda and the Taliban. Unintended consequences creating a mess that needs to be cleaned up.
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            • Posted by 2 weeks ago
              So sorry to hear about your niece! My prayers for her parents!
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              • Posted by mccannon01 2 weeks ago
                Thank you. It has not been a pleasant journey for them. Very sad to say the least.
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                • Posted by 1 week, 6 days ago
                  I have been loud and clear about the tragic results of Fentynal trafficking for years on this board . Your nieces parents life has been changed and devastated . It will take support and many years to get relief from the grief. We are losing as many young folks to it every year as we did during the entire Vietnam war. Plus 350,000 child migrants (Slaves) lost and unaccompanied . Very likely thousand's of those are dead after being terribly abused.
                  We have all these issues at home as well as Natural disasters that we have and are about to suffer from. If Those events happened in Israel would have our leaders send to them pallets of cash , but we will not see one fuQing shekel from them. We need new allies!
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                  • Posted by mccannon01 1 week, 6 days ago
                    You have been loud and clear. We've had other deaths among family and friends due to the drug trade as well as the pain and suffering of anyone in proximity to the addict. In and out of hospitals and rehab like a revolving door not to mention the emotional distress and drained savings and wealth to try to "help" a loved one. The losses were all younger people started as teenagers looking for a thrill and never believing they would be the one to get addicted. A trap set by cartels and other heartless greedy types. I know four people in my extended family that even went into the military hoping to stay straight. One is dead from OD, one is my niece mentioned above, the third lives a tragic on-and-off drug life, and the fourth seems to be doing well at the moment. Do I sound angry? I am.
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                    • Posted by 1 week, 5 days ago
                      Healing prayers for the survivors Mac. Real tragedies that get lip service ,if that, from the mockingbird media. But weeks on the tragedy that a Christian baker won’t make a cake for some Queers ( There term) is a big thing.
                      I also said this . “If Those events happened in Israel would have our leaders send to them pallets of cash , but we will not see one fuQing shekel from them. We need new allies!” Can’t thinQ of what any of our Ally’s have actually ever done to help US in my lifetime. Same with con-gress I suppose.
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                      • Posted by mccannon01 1 week, 5 days ago
                        Amen to your observation our "allies" are absent in helping us in times of disaster. The only time I can recall in my lifetime of a foreign power coming to our rescue was a Japanese medical ship that showed up to aid a Florida hurricane about 30 or 40 years ago. The European nations have NEVER helped us as I can recall. I hope I'm wrong on this, but I don't think so. Israel right now is in no position to help anyone, but I know that hasn't always been so.
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      • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 2 weeks ago
        We have a special money printing apparatus that prints it up just for Israel. And no other entity is entitled to it. I believe the head of the Fed assures Netanyahu of that.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 2 weeks ago
          Welcome to the Gulch.
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          • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 2 weeks ago
            Thank you. Keep in mind I am only an illusion.
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 2 weeks ago
              Keep in mind I'm extinct.
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              • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 2 weeks ago
                But that's an illusion, medino.
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                • Posted by $ allosaur 2 weeks ago
                  Me dino was just trying to say we ain't all that different.
                  Volcanoes here in my Jurassic World can't even singe me.
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                  • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 2 weeks ago
                    Illusions and extinctions. No, we're not all that different.
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                    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 week, 6 days ago
                      Every morning when I look into the mirror to shave, I just have to so happily yell, "It's alive! It's alive!:"
                      Okay, made that up,
                      It's usually, "Dang, you're getting old!"
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                      • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 6 days ago
                        Sorta like myself. But not so happily. It's the nightmares...
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                        • Posted by $ allosaur 1 week, 6 days ago
                          Me dino thinks maybe Dobrien gave us both a point.
                          Used to have creepy dreams I would not really call a nightmare that made me fall out of bed five times within two months.
                          Stopped that weird nonsense with a simple Amazon purchase. That was three so years ago. Now I'm 77 and I don't need to be falling down.


                          SEE DOWN HERE.
                          Well, that didn't work out. My weight secures a right angle portion of a protective bed bar that slides between mattresses.
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                          • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 6 days ago
                            Yes, that link didn't work. I've never fallen out of bed yet, and I'm not much older than you! My daughter bought me one of those beds where the head can be put at an angle. And it's...interesting. But it doesn't help the nightmares. There's a sort of well, defeatist theme in the nightmares.

                            How do you know Mr. Dobrien upvoted us?
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                            • Posted by $ allosaur 1 week, 6 days ago
                              He is an old friend and he started this post, which means he has access to all conversations on it..
                              We even spoke on the telephone shortly after I showed up in The Gulch a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..
                              He is a well-meaning good guy but I do not always agree with some of his opinions.
                              Hear that, Dobrien? That's when I usually just kinda cools it. Psst! And I'm usually into my cups this time of night. Am.
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                              • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 6 days ago
                                Thought last night that I should remind anyone whose ears are attuned to the conversation about nightmares, that when Croesus of Lydia asked the Oracle if he should make war on the Persians. The Oracle answered that Croesus would destroy a mighty empire. Unfortunately, Croesus failed to ask whose empire. Turned out he destroyed his own.
                                In other words, my defeatist nightmares are about the defeat of those opposing me, not my own.
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  • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 6 days ago in reply to this comment.
    Well, I'm married, me dino. But thanks for the invitation!!
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 week, 5 days ago
      I have a lady "PC keyboard pen pal" who occasionally posts in The Gulch. She is a widow in Indiana and I'm divorced in Alabama. We have our roots called kin keeping us in place.
      I'm sure Dobrien can guess who she is but let's not state her name here. She probably doesn't care but I'd rather not take a chance on that. .
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      • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 5 days ago
        And you can roar right through the keyboard! Amazing.
        I'm jealous.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 1 week, 5 days ago
          Recently, I read a new theory about dinosaur calls after previously reading that it is now believed that raptors and some other dino critters had feathers.
          It is that at least during that last Cretaceous Period you could hear those critters making bird calls.
          Imagine a T-Rex screeching like an eagle or else issuing ear-splitting chicken clucks while fighting a Triceratops.
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          • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 5 days ago
            Perhaps T-Rex had an Adam's Apple, of sorts, and instead of screeching he was, well, roaring.
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 1 week, 5 days ago
              Or crooning?
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              • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 5 days ago
                Are you bed-room talking me, dino?
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                • Posted by $ allosaur 1 week, 5 days ago
                  That's where my PC is. Small house has no needed steps to climb in and out and convenient hand grips here and there for the handicapped.
                  Now hear me croon~~
                  Handicapped man I yam I yam!
                  Handicapped man I yam I yam!
                  Me dino will be happy as can be~~
                  When I get my artificial knee!
                  Handicapped man I yam!
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                  • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 5 days ago
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                    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 week, 4 days ago
                      A blind couple lived here first. Makes a perfect fit.
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                      • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 4 days ago
                        I'm not sure whether to take you seriously or not!!
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                        • Posted by $ allosaur 1 week, 4 days ago
                          Me dino am a type two diabetic with a left charcot (the "t" is silent) foot.
                          Once upon a time I was fit enough to be honorably discharged as a corporal from the Marines, use the GI Bill to earn a BS in journalism, work for 7 years as a reporter/photographer plus 3 months at a new job at a paper who did not like Reagan and me and worked 21 years at a state maximum security prison where at times things got physical. Then I worked semi-retired odd jobs until 2013 when I for a few years I already knew I was a type 2 diabetic noticing my feet were always feeling sore. That's before I very gradually developed charcot left foot.
                          Now I'm living in a house with an interior redesigned for a handicapped couple and for almost a year I've had an ulcerated hole in my left foot.
                          A couple of months ago a podiatrist gave up on trying to heal the hole and referred me to a wound specialist at a hospital.
                          I also need my right knee replaced due to a bone touching a bone but an orthopedic surgeon won't touch that until the wound in my left knee is replaced.
                          You have just read the short version. I've left out a lot of details because I don't want to be up all night. It's 10:59 PM right now.
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                          • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 4 days ago
                            I'm sorry to hear that, dino. You have led a very interesting life, and I imagine have a great deal longer to live because people are interested in knowing what you know. But of course that is up to you and you-know-who.

                            Just out of curiosity and for no other reason, is there a Mrs. dino?
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                            • Posted by $ allosaur 1 week, 4 days ago
                              I have grown being used to and like being divorced from the greatest disappointment of my life.
                              We have grown kids with kids and Christmas, Thanksgiving and their birthdays keep us connected. My feelings for her, though, are comfortably zero. So I'm always polite.
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                              • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 4 days ago
                                Did she remarry? (That may be a little personal; if so, just ignore it.)
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                                • Posted by $ allosaur 1 week, 4 days ago
                                  She married once more and they divorced shortly thereafter..
                                  I have two sons and the first is a stepson named Josh Moussavi after his not so real as I was father disappeared after running off supposedly to Tuscaloosa. My ex when we were married led me to believe that was an Italian surname. That blew up in her face when it became world news that Iran exiled their President Moussavi for being too moderate.
                                  Not caring to be connected to Iran or Islam, Josh had his name changed to Autry, the name of my ex's next hubby after me.
                                  Autry was long gone while I kept up with my child support and kept all three kids one weekend after the next instead of once a month being the norm.
                                  When Josh got married to Kristen (they now have two boys), Josh blew my mind when he named me to be his best man. Josh and family are members of the First Baptist Church. Not me. I have a couple of issues with that particular denomination.
                                  My ex had three boyfriends that I know of and they are~~
                                  1. Secretly a teenager while married to me until her youngest sister told me what she was up to. Her family has always been on my side, believe it or not.
                                  2. A security guard so down and out that he slept in the backroom of the store he guarded.
                                  My ex met him in that store. Finally they shacked up at her home and that included a little daughter that the guy had previously stashed somewhere somehow. Later during a conversation about that relationship, my ex confided, "I put a stop to that."
                                  3. Her last beau was the most amusing. He falsely claimed to be a Navy SEAL and that he was nicknamed "Flipper" for swimming under a sizable boat from end-to-end. When Flipper turned out to be a convicted felon who served time with no military record at all, my ex told him that the police would have to be present if he wanted to come back to fetch his sizable tropical fish aquarium.
                                  Lisa my ex had that aquarium for years thereafter.
                                  Now that she lives with my daughter as an invalid, it now dawns on me that Lisa no longer has that aquarium. I don't care what happened to it either.
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                                  • SpiritWoman replied 1 week, 4 days ago
  • Posted by Rex_Little 2 weeks ago
    Sadly, there are a great many who would enthusiastically agree with #2 if you replaced "Kamala Harris" with "Donald Trump". Some of her TV ads are built around the theme of "We're not going back to that."
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  • Posted by Rex_Little 2 weeks ago
    As for the list of Biden's "accomplishments", at least he did get us out of Afghanistan, something Trump should have done but didn't. I don't know who to blame for the mess that was made of it, but I doubt Biden had any input into the operational details.
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    • Posted by 1 week, 6 days ago
      Your knowledge ,that has been fed to you by paid liars is inadequate to have any understanding of reality . Biden left $84 billion in weapons and he wants to take your guns. He sacrificed 13 soldiers and left 3000 Americans in his chaotic exit. All while bringing in Thousands of military aged Afghans . .Hundreds of service dogs and Bahgram Air base.
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