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I'll go check out your memes then tonight I'll be working on IN THE MEME TYME . . . I think I'll call this edition: TRASH
Are the wealthy only concerned with saving a few and don't see the value of stopping the entire process from happening?
Isn't this is a project worthy of gathering all humans in a common effort to avoid disaster?
Twenty years is a long time if billions of people and AI are working together toward a common goal.
BUT! millions survived the mid cycle. We could do that or better and be ready with tools in hand to disperse, rebuild and repopulate.
Saving our tools and tech is the challenge. The micronova is extremely electrically HOT and will melt all or most metals unless we can protect them somehow.
Shroud them in pure carbon is the only thing that "comes to my mind" and I tried talking to Elon about that on X but that proves difficult.
If proven as fact, then we could have enough information to postulate how
to minimize the effect and save billions of lives instead of spending 12,000
years repopulating ad hit the same wall again.
Insanity is repeating the same action and expecting a different result.
Is it genocide if you do nothing when you could do something and billions die?
The second hypothesis is not just finding the sweet spot for our solar system but whats the trade off, what dangers would we be exposed to.
All else is sound science.
That is why the woolly mammoth froze with the buttercups unperturbed in seconds.
Also, that is the point when the mantle lets go of the crust.
That is why the woolly mammoth froze with the buttercups unperturbed in seconds.
Also, that is the point when the mantle lets go of the crust.
We are all observing the changes in our solar system, the planets (including ours) the magnetic fields and will be awaiting the tell tale changes on the sun. Etc
One can find links to the full story in the daily video updates. (I've posted them before and have been involved the past 10 years)