MEME WHILE: The Earth Turns over

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 months, 3 weeks ago to Science
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Yes, this is real,

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  • Posted by Dobrien 4 months, 3 weeks ago
    Qreat post brother. Plus 1 , So many problems but none will be solved if we don’t know what they are. This problem is only going to be minimized if we come together and understand what is inevitable. Many memes up . You will like some I’m sure.
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    • Posted by $ 4 months, 3 weeks ago
      Ben got funding to do a top class documentary on the subject from beginning to end. That will produce an even BIGGER wake up call than what we just went through.
      I'll go check out your memes then tonight I'll be working on IN THE MEME TYME . . . I think I'll call this edition: TRASH
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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 3 weeks ago
    So what can we do to save the majority of the human race using technology?
    Are the wealthy only concerned with saving a few and don't see the value of stopping the entire process from happening?
    Isn't this is a project worthy of gathering all humans in a common effort to avoid disaster?
    Twenty years is a long time if billions of people and AI are working together toward a common goal.
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    • Posted by $ 4 months, 3 weeks ago
      The process (the entire event) actually renews the earth and erases our mistakes to a certain degree; so we don't want to stop the cycle even if we could. nothing could do that unless we could stop moving once we move to the galactic equator but then we'd have to dodge everything that move by up and down. (above and below the galactic plane, we encounter a huge wave of electromagnetic dust and debris that emanates from the galactic center:- That's what causes the problem, causes our magnetic poles to reverse and causes the sun to sneeze - micronova)

      BUT! millions survived the mid cycle. We could do that or better and be ready with tools in hand to disperse, rebuild and repopulate.

      Saving our tools and tech is the challenge. The micronova is extremely electrically HOT and will melt all or most metals unless we can protect them somehow.
      Shroud them in pure carbon is the only thing that "comes to my mind" and I tried talking to Elon about that on X but that proves difficult.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 3 weeks ago
        What you just described is a hypothesis, not scientific fact.
        If proven as fact, then we could have enough information to postulate how
        to minimize the effect and save billions of lives instead of spending 12,000
        years repopulating ad hit the same wall again.
        Insanity is repeating the same action and expecting a different result.
        Is it genocide if you do nothing when you could do something and billions die?
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        • Posted by $ 4 months, 3 weeks ago
          The only hypothesis I describe is; will solid carbon shield metals, electronics, tools, Trucks, engines etc from the micronova. I observe that it might because it can withstand 6000 degrees and is weakly electrically attractive, enough under these circumstances to serve as a Faraday cage.
          The second hypothesis is not just finding the sweet spot for our solar system but whats the trade off, what dangers would we be exposed to.

          All else is sound science.
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          • Posted by jack1776 4 months, 3 weeks ago
            I find it interesting that there is more evidence of this theory being fact than a lot of the wildly accepted theories of science today. For example, Graham Hancock points out that we have found petrified trees in Antarctica. Or that frozen woolly mammoths have been found with buttercups in their mouths. One must ask where the butter cups came from as they have never grown in artic regions, this region couldn’t support an animal like a woolly mammoth and yet again, it seems odd that they died suddenly and were frozen before decomposition set in. Questions for science to answer… I’m unqualified to even ask?
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            • Posted by $ 4 months, 3 weeks ago
              At the end of this cycle, 20 or less years form now, when the solar micro nova hits, it blows out the atmosphere on the sun facing side, the atmosphere rushes to equal out which creates an instant freeze, like a spray can held in a constant spray, the can gets so cold, your tempted to let go!
              That is why the woolly mammoth froze with the buttercups unperturbed in seconds.
              Also, that is the point when the mantle lets go of the crust.
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            • Posted by $ 4 months, 3 weeks ago
              At the end of this cycle, 20 or less years form now, when the solar micro nova hits, it blows out the atmosphere on the sun facing side, the atmosphere rushes to equal out which creates an instant freeze, like a spray can held in a constant spray, the can gets so cold, your tempted to let go!
              That is why the woolly mammoth froze with the buttercups unperturbed in seconds.
              Also, that is the point when the mantle lets go of the crust.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 4 months, 3 weeks ago
    No idea if this is real, but would love to wrap it in barbed wire and shove it up Climate-zealot's ass.
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    • Posted by $ 4 months, 3 weeks ago
      absolutely real, even NASA involved and admitted to several things, including the reason for going to the moon. (they found the same glass beeds there that we found here at the poles - which can only be made in space by the sun)
      We are all observing the changes in our solar system, the planets (including ours) the magnetic fields and will be awaiting the tell tale changes on the sun. Etc
      One can find links to the full story in the daily video updates. (I've posted them before and have been involved the past 10 years)
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