The Road to Zimbabwe

Posted by DrZarkov 2 months, 1 week ago to Economics
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The Federal Reserve System now owns nearly 30% of the US national debt, purchasing bonds from domestic holders of that debt, and is now the biggest single holder of that debt. When government begins to become the biggest buyer of its own debt, that's a strategy referred to as "monetizing the debt," printing money to cover the purchases.

Using past history as an example, the Weimar Republic of Germany tried that approach, causing runaway inflation, with the image of Germans carrying wheelbarrow loads of Marks to purchase food. Zimbabwe is the current example, with images of printed money in $100M issues that are worth only a few pennies.

Japan has been monetizing its debt for some time, and now has a national debt that's over 250% of its GDP. Once the payment on that debt reaches a point where it becomes obvious that the country can't even make the interest payment from revenues received, the country is bankrupt, and Japan is nearly there.

US national debt is now more than 120% of our GDP, and the interest payment is now more than the defense budget. We've been skating on the thin ice of low interest percentages, but even a few percentage points rise would be a crippling burden on our economy. We desperately need leadership that recognizes the pending disaster and aims for a balanced budget.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 1 week ago
    Yeah...it doesn't feel very good. Does it? I didn't really want to see the total collapse of my country. But, I think I might see it. We were the shining city on top of the hill. I recently vacationed with the fam out on the coast of California. Right on the coast was lovely. A mile in and beyond it was total shit. Roads not any better than those in Chile. Massive tent cities. Garbage. Rot. Unbelievable traffic. On my way back home to the Free State of N&%$#a I avoided the city areas and it was a big improvement.

    Now...We seem to be racing to WW3 before the election...as some stupid way for the party that's in power, claims to want to "save democracy" actually destroy it.

    I've noticed something in my work with other organizations staffed with younger people (contractors, mostly). Doing everything wrong is the new norm. Everything is screwed up, even when we start with a clean slate. I've had professionals promise me that we can do something a certain way completely back out on that statement later with zero consequence. Lying, miscalculations, improper methods and materials...all the expected norm. Wasn't like this when I was a young engineer starting out. I was expected to be on my game or I was gonna hear about it. That's all gone now...Totally reminds me of A.S....
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 months, 1 week ago
      But wait. There's more.
      As the world wakes up to the fact the dollar is garbage, fiat garbage, those governments are dumping their T-Bills.
      Japan, China, Russia, Germany, France, the Mid-East... friend and foe alike are jumping the sinking ship.
      The day of reckoning is on the horizon.
      We all hope and pray for Donald J. Trump, but the Swamp Creatures are so poisoning the well, I'm not so sure he will be able to stem the tide.

      I know this is a radical idea (a massive understatement) but I think it is time to default.
      Start over, Kill the FED, print our our currency (as the Constitution demands) based on tangible assets (pick one, or more) something with actual value.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 1 week ago
        What does the fedgov have for collateral that they didn't steal?
        Repeal the 16th amendment (which was never properly ratified anyway), and the fed,
        and let the %^&* fedgov die the death it so richly deserves.
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 months, 1 week ago
          I watched a deeply disturbing, yet eye opening documentary a few years back called "Zeitgest"
          (plus an addendum that came out later) It's been out long enough, you should be able to find it free out there.
          They wrap up the last 100 years or so of big government/banking fraud & abuse and how creating endless wars play a crucial role in keeping the scam alive.
          But one point stood out, if you were to take every dime every person owned, all their property, all the assets of every company, large and small, you wouldn't put a dent in what they/we owe.
          It is an unplayable debt. so why even try?
          You know why? Slavery. The only point was to put us in such debt, we can never get out from under it. Ever.
          No miracle can occur, no blessing from God can ever get us out from under this load.
          And it is all (the goal) intentional. Serfdom.
          As Friedrich von Hayek wrote way back in 1944 in "The Road To Serfdom" to point is to enslave you.
          Not to merely spend money, but to recklessly spend you/me into oblivion.
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          • Posted by $ Abaco 2 months ago
            I've seen the movie. It is very interesting, I agree. And...I think that's just about the only explanation for the exorbitant spending that's burying humanity...
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 1 week ago
        Trump is a master at controlled demolition. The Sovereign Aliance vs the Globalists. This is WWIII
        All the stops are pulled . Never before have we seen the irregular warfare on a worldwide stage. Info war, Lawfare, color Revolution, Kinetic warfare , assassinations, biowarfare, propaganda , insurrection, financial warfare , Mass infiltration at the borders , Riots. Cyberattacks,
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    • Posted by 2 months, 1 week ago
      I've long maintained the US will eventually collapse in the same manner as the Ottoman empire, dying from corruption. Our culture seems to be falling into the belief that since everyone lies, the best thing is to be the most creative liar.
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      • Posted by nonconformist 2 months, 1 week ago
        This is a natural cycle. It happened to the Romans as well. Predation tends to increase in society until its demise, unless acted upon in some way. If this didn't happen, some empire could have been able to maintain its health to this day, but we don't observe such a thing.
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 months, 1 week ago
    this is why i say the collapse of the United States cannot really be stopped

    those doing this are beyond insane
    that includes the voters and politicians voted from by idiots and parasites
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 1 week ago
    The Federal Reserve System now owns nearly 30% of the US national debt, purchasing bonds from domestic holders of that debt, and is now the biggest single holder of that debt. When government begins to become the biggest buyer of its own debt,…… the Federal Reserve is not the government!
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 months, 1 week ago
      The FED is neither Federal, nor does it own any Reserves.
      They hold our money.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 1 week ago
        Trumps EO clearly states that any person or organization that engages in Crimes against humanity including Trafficking, and enabling these activities will have all their assets seized and forfeited. All the gold the FED holds by law is turned over to the treasury. The US Treasury by law does not hold any debt. The FED is holding a bag of debt. I would rather hold the gold than the debt. Perhaps we are witnessing the controlled Demolition of the Fiat central banking system. Don’t dismiss Trumps speech at the Bitcoin conference. Also just as important was Trumps no tax on tips and no tax on Social security. This kind of talk got the Satanic Banksters in a whirling dervish.
        Tax-free tips lead to a capped income tax, which leads to the abolishment of income tax, which leads to the destruction of the financial system as we know it. I don’t believe the rollercoaster of a ride we’ve been riding the past few weeks has anything to do with Biden and the Democrats, and has everything to do with Trump letting the Deep State Satanic cabal know their control of the American financial system is almost at its end.
        What was Trump doing when all the Olympic distraction was occurring? He was speaking at the Bitcoin Conference. Do you see now that they were distracting us away from? At the conference, Trump clearly stated that he saw Bitcoin as an important part of the American economy going forward. He wants to stockpile Bitcoin.

        This isn’t to say Trump is necessarily telling everyone to go out and buy as much Bitcoin as they can, or that Bitcoin will replace the US Dollar. He was in fact saying that Bitcoin would be used to strengthen the US Dollar. Whether one goes out and buys Bitcoin or not, it will be used to protect and strengthen the US Dollar and the US Economy. He suggested that the US Government should stockpile Bitcoin, but what you choose to do is your business. By the US Government stockpiling Bitcoin, every American benefits. MAGA the best is yet to come. That will be easy if the FED and Deep State is destroyed.
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 months, 1 week ago
          That all makes perfect sense. However..
          We've known that the scam that has been going down the for the past 100+ years is clearly illegal/unconstitutional, yet on it goes.
          What's it going to take before this Republic of "free citizens" rise up and take our country back?
          Of course this must be done in the most peaceful manner possible.

          Not in the manner of the "mostly peaceful" of the George Soros funded PantyFah anarchists/cum-Communists or the Burn-Loot-Murder Marxists.

          Just for the record Tampon Tim cheered these riots on in his Minnesota and Heels-Up Harris organized a fund raiser to bail out the (pitifully few) criminals who got arrested.

          None of these facts are brought up in the Lap Dog Press. With all that boot-licking media, still, still, Kabala won't allow to be interviewed....
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    • Posted by 2 months, 1 week ago
      The Reserve and government are fused at the hip, so it's become a proxy. Isn't it convenient that the Reserve is telegraphing that regardless of real fiscal signals, it intends to drop the rates in September, just in time for positive financial results to be on the books just before the election?
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 1 week ago
        The Banksters that control the Fed are the enemy.
        The Warburgs the Rothschilds ,Paysuer all the Bloodline families , the ultra wealthy through millennium. Do we have a chance at defeating them , yes . We are under a revolution that has never been seen before. People are finally awakening to this system of systems. The FED is in between IRAQ and a hard place. Inflation is much higher than reported and job numbers are way worse than reported. 20+ months in a row job creation revised downwards.
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        • Posted by 2 months ago
          I've been watching the job creation numbers, and most of the new jobs are government jobs, not revenue generating jobs, so the picture is even more distorted than reported.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 2 months ago
            Every month the government generated previous months' employment
            figures are "adjusted" downward to hide the bad news.
            Media only reports the lies and ignores the downward adjustments.
            Employment is lower than reported every single month.
            Just as the inflation figures are also misrepresented to make it
            appear artificially that inflation is low. Media spreads the lies like
            composted bullshit, but the only thing that grows is more lies.
            Oh, and sKamala is way ahead of Trump in the polls. Right.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 months, 1 week ago
    Spending more and more at the grocery store and bringing home less and less in the trunk. Also, I was in Walmart and Best Buy the other day and noticed a LOT of empty shelf space. Agreeing with Dobrien, the Federal Reserve is not a government institution in spite of the camouflaged moniker. It is a private corporation to which the congress sold us out over a century ago. This isn't going to end well as history and current events demonstrates. See the book "The Creature From Jekyll Island".
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 months ago
    Just last night I was getting out of my truck in front of the house when a neighbor I've never met came by with his dogs. Here...strangers stop and talk, and I pet his dogs a bit while we got to know each other. I explained that while I came from California I'm no lefty. Our conversation quickly came to the marxists and how we're screwed and they're probably going to win.

    They're going for broke now. WWIII. Total chaos. Lies like we've never heard. Paid attendees cheering when Kamala says "Trump's going to raise taxes and take away medicare" and when Joe says, "American can be described in one word 'iufnfiewqponjfdjhaskopjhfas'....hiking the hills of the Himalayas with Ping!"

    It's over. Tomorrow I acquire my 51-RA backwards and really good clips.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 months ago
      Seems you get riled up by the fake news. SKamala and Walz have as much support as a house of cards. These pigs that create this false image ,that cause a reasonable man like yourself to claim its over certainly deserve some credit. They create Blackpillers who like to spread doom. Fear is the tool of Satan.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 months, 1 week ago
    A balanced budget will never happen as long as unbalanced elite run every position in and out of govrnment. With the massive whitewash flooding out of that crooked, partisan media, I fear too many sheeple will cave or wear blinders. The Donald will win the popular vote, but the cheat is already in place. Only a very few will see it, and they will be drowned out by a gleeful, insane celebration. We are toast...
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 months ago
      Fear is what they want from you ,do not give in to it. The majority of the country is awake. The FED Reserves fiat notes will never allow a balanced budget , the interest owed is virtually infinite.
      The central banking system has never been as vulnerable as its is now. BRiCS and Constitutional currency will rule the day. Q told us Gold will destroy the FED. I will stand with those fighting the system.

      Gold Standard Coming Back?
      Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 12 Dec 2018 - 7:01:15 PM
      Anonymous 12 Dec 2018 - 6:57:57 PM
      Q: Do we have the gold?
      Gold shall destroy FED.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 2 months, 1 week ago
    I get offers in the mail for loans and credit cards. Apparently I'll be able to borrow my way out of debt. If little ol' me can do that, then the gummint, with its immense borrowing power, should be able to borrow us all into super-dooper prosperity.

    Who got left holding the bag in Zimbabwe and in Weimar Deutschland?
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 2 months, 1 week ago
    Well then why/how does Trump seem confident that he can fix the situation. If I believe ANYBODY it is him. But how ???? I do not believe it is all financial expertise. There MUST be some social acumen as well. Ohhh I forgot...the socialist/commies. DAMN
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