Think you're legal? Think again.

Posted by $ rainman0720 2 months, 1 week ago to Government
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So, you could be doing something perfectly legal online while sitting in your million-dollar mansion, or in your mom's basement, or at an internet cafe, and some crackpot in law enforcement in England could decide that what you did is illegal. So he files charges, and submits an extradition order to the US Government, asking them to arrest you and hand you over to British authorities for violating one of their laws...while on your home soil, doing something perfectly legal..

Sounds like something from The Bee, doesn't it? Nope. London's Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley (I refuse to refer to this asshat by his "Sir" title) has decided that if what you're doing in your country is perfectly legal and he doesn't like it, he has the right to arrest and extradite you.

I want so, so badly to be the test case. If I wasn't married (which means nobody else would be directly negatively affected), I would contact an organization like the ADF and ask them if they'd represent me in fighting extradition. I would then set up some social media account for the sole purpose of posting something this idiot doesn't like. (Yes, I'm one of those who has absolutely no online presence other than The Gulch.)

I'd then sit back and see what happened. Of course, I'd make sure that the entire event was as public as possible, so that everyone else could see what was going on.
SOURCE URL: https://www.foxnews.com/media/uk-police-commissioner-threatens-extradite-jail-us-citizens-over-social-media-posts-we-come-afte

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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 2 months, 1 week ago
    It never stops. Thinkers think and Dictators call it a crime. Here is Elihu Palmer in 1801

    "…The strength of human understanding is incalculable, its keenness of discernment would ultimately penetrate into every part of nature, were it permitted to operate with uncontrouled and unqualified freedom. It is because this sublime principle of man has been the object of the most scurrilous, and the most detestable invective from superstition, that his moral existence has been buried in the gulph of ignorance, and his intellectual powers tarnished by the ferocious and impure hand of fanaticism. Although we are made capable of sublime reflections, it has hitherto been deemed a crime to think, and a still greater crime to speak our thoughts after they have been conceived…"

    Elihu Palmer

    Principles of Nature: or a Development of the Moral Causes of Happiness and Misery among the Human Species

    New York, 1801
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 months, 1 week ago
      How in God's name did UK country ever rule waves?
      Ever hold a world-wide empire.
      Win two world wars?
      Why is this country bending a knee to these peckers?
      I don't mean the good people of the UK, the honest salt-of-the-earth folks, but their rotten-to-the-core government.
      I heard the bassturds are telling the press AND social media, not to allow any images of the riots over there to be posted on-line.
      Their country is going up in flames in these riots, and the last thing the gobbernment wants is the world to know the truth.
      The UK as a unified thing is done, stick it with a fork done.
      The real people of the UK have had it up to their back teeth with the sedition going on in their POS government and they are now, finally showing it.
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 2 months, 1 week ago
        You raise some really interesting questions: Why do countries and empires rise and why do they fall? Isabel Patterson wrote in The God of the Machine; “There are as many explanations of the dominance and decline of nations as there are examples…”

        If she is correct (I think she is), then trying to apply some universally acceptable generalities to today’s UK would be a mistake. It may well be that a laundry list of reasons that, like water waves, interact to grow to a tidal wave and wash away the old and open the way for the new – be that better or worse than the present system.

        I’m sure that one situation is true; that when the people in Government start thinking of themselves as different or better than the citizenry as a whole, the foundations of society and governing system begin to crumble.
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 months, 1 week ago
    this should mean war, you go after one of our people like this, we come for you and hell will follow us

    we kicked England's ass twice and saved it several times more
    how dare they try this
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    • Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 1 week ago
      Wonder if they asked D.C.'s permission for this PR campaign, or do they assume that asking forgiveness is enough among comrades in treason?
      Or is it another conspiracy at provocation of patriots? False flag event to follow.
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      • Posted by $ 2 months, 1 week ago
        Wouldn't surprise me one bit if the US government is in on this, and that it's yet another attempt to get us to rise up and rebel, which would give them a reason to invoke martial law.

        But that's fine; if that's what they want, let them try. If they want another civil war, let's give it to them. This IS a hill I'd be willing to die on.
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    • Posted by $ 2 months, 1 week ago
      I could not agree more. In essence, this nimrod is telling me that since pressing the red button is illegal in his country, I can't press the red button in my country, legal as it may be.

      If I was in congress, I would introduce a law that mmakes it illegal to post anything woke online if you live in the UK. I would spell out that posting any woke shit in the UK will result in charges being filed in the US, and that extradition orders will be filed with the UK government. Then, when the complete absurdity was pointed out, I would demand that same person tell me the difference between what I'm introducing and what the UK has done.

      I know full well that all I'd get back is silence.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 1 week ago
        Turnabout is fair, but unconstitutional here.
        Instead make travel to the UK by Americans illegal.
        "This action by the UK will reduce the tourism in the UK by Americans to near zero. Go ahead morons, destroy your own economy."
        But the con-gress won't do anything except possibly to extradite Americans if they support free speech.
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        • Posted by $ 2 months, 1 week ago
          I like it. And I agree; if I had a European vacation in the works, I would probably strongly reconsider eliminating any UK destinations and go somewhere else.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 1 week ago
            I might've been tempted 25 years ago if the pound had been about 0.60USD.
            Royalty and its parasitic fallout have never been an attraction for me, in the UK or D.C.
            Wine tasting and French cuisine in France is more attractive than hitting pubs and eating meat pies in England.
            I wouldn't mind tasting single malts in Scotland though. ;^)
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            • Posted by mhubb 2 months, 1 week ago
              in Hell
              the english are the cooks
              the french organize it
              the germans provide the entertainment

              ih Heaven
              the french cook
              the english provide the entertainment
              the germans run it

              i believe this cam from the Late/Great Dave Allen on his TV show many years ago
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  • Posted by BostonTEA 2 months, 1 week ago
    So anyone traveling to England should be concerned that, as they get off the plane, that some jack-booted equivalent of a UK TSA will have some AI program go through your social media posts, and say "hey, we don't need to go through an extradition process, we'll just arrest this person on the spot!"
    Time to boycott travel to England.

    I think the US Government should issue a travel warning for those going to England.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 months, 1 week ago
    I think my father must have been anti racial prejudice at a very early age. He was a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy during WW2. When he deployed from San Francisco bound for Houston, Texas at the end of the fighting he was told he must take a train car full of GI's back to Texas. He realized when they crossed the Mason--Dixon Line he would have to segregate men who had been fighting together, sleeping beside each other and eating together. He quickly visited the Carpenters' Local Union in California and informed them he needed a confirmation from them that he had a job offering in San Francisco, this eliminated him from being chosen to do this distasteful order to be in charge of such a detail. He paid his own way back to Texas. Later in years he was hired as the General Contractor to build two Holiday Inns to open simultaneously in a certain American city for an event they held each year. He noticed his men were dragging the work so to prove it to himself he went out on a Sunday to the site and hung 26 doors timing himself. On Monday he was cited to appear before the Union and they informed him he was going to be fined $1500 for working with his tools. He explained his reasoning and informed them he would hire workers who were red or yellow, black or white, but they didn't have to drag his finish date. He would have future work for them. The Union said they were still going to fine him. He said 'okay I'll shut down the job and throw 400 men out of a job in your city for two weeks.' They said he couldn't do that. He gave them the phone number of the construction company he was the GC for and see if they would agree he could do that. Daddy won! nancy benefield
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 1 week ago
    Ok... If people in Afghanistan an see a photo of your daughter showing her midriff they're going to snatch her up over here, ship her there, put her in a hole and kill her with rocks. Why not? Same logic. Who's to say WHICH nation's laws apply here if England's applies here? This is stupid as anything I've seen for many months. This is even dumber than calling gun confiscation a "buy back".
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    • Posted by $ 2 months, 1 week ago
      Perfect analogy. For one country to be able to enforce its laws on citizens of another country is incredibly stupid.

      Of course, my spidey sense (or what my wife would call my tin hat receptor) is telling me that it's a great step towards globalization, making one set of laws apply to everyone in the world.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 months, 1 week ago
    Me dino can't wait for globalism to take over the whole wide world like those people who are better than most of us wants.
    Why? I've never seen Europe. Not even China. Hope I can ask for a jail cell with a view.
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  • Posted by Orwellian 2 months, 1 week ago
    I like rainman0720's attitude, I also have to many relationships to be the test. There must be a social influencer that is willing to be the test case. After all they live and die by the followers numbers.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 months, 1 week ago
    Our current administration, if they cared about this country surviving at all, would ban travel to England and tell the dishonorable Commish Rowley where his decree should go. Instead, the cowardly bunch is probably jumping for joy that the Brits are willing to do some dirty work for them. It's sickening, but if England's people don't rise in anger, I can't complain. Our people outside the Gulch are just as myopic and wimpy. Go Galt, Go Gray, Go Underground.
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