“Presidents” (Another Title That Has Lost All Its Original Meaning)

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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"All of a sudden (or so it seems) there are “presidents” everywhere – as if all of them were elected administrators subject to regular popular referendums – i.e., elections. Like the “president” of Ukraine, for instance. He is in fact an autocrat, a jefe – as they call them in Latin America – who has selected himself to remain “president” of a country that he rules over by decree.

Probably eternally.

We used to call such anything but “presidents” because there was a time when honest language was still valued because a sufficiency of people understood that dishonest language devalues discussion – and things more important than just that.
Nonetheless, we are expected to speak of these Maximum Leaders and Dear Leaders and jefes using the honorific, president – as if they were deserving of it. This includes the “presidents” of this country. They are nominally still subject to periodic public referendums, but once selected – typically, by a minority of the public by the way and so much for “democracy” – they act as autocrats and jefes, ruling by decrees they like to call “executive orders.”

As if that change of verbiage changed the meaning of rule-by-decree.

But they are no longer executives, in the constitutional sense that presidents of the United States for the most part once tried to be or at least pretended to try to be. That sense being an administrator of the laws passed by Congress. Of course, Congress has passed along its sole legal power (under the Constitution, at any rate) to pass laws over to the permanent bureaucracy, which issues what are styled “regulations” that have the force and effect of laws but are much harder to repeal or even amend."
SOURCE URL: https://www.ericpetersautos.com/2024/06/27/presidents-2/

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    Posted by $ BobCat 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    Yes indeed. The leftists have redefined the term 'President' so that today it means, ' Oh Glorious, All Mighty, Holy Exalted Master'.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 2 weeks ago
      When you redefine language to fit a narrative, you corrupt both the language and the narrative.
      I blame the Mockingbird Media Industrial Complex.
      We can find and correct fault in our leaders, society and the world in general, but you'll never know these things when they are lied about or hidden from view by the Press.
      Of all the wrong in this world, having a dishonest press is the very worst.
      We have found the enemy, and it is not us, it is the press.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 3 months, 2 weeks ago
        Mind control.

        The famous CIA program called “Mockingbird” never stopped, even though the CIA claimed they ended the program decades ago. It was a program to control the media narrative, and it has only gotten larger and more dangerous.

        We are bombarded daily with lies and hidden messages by every controlled media source. They are all pushing the same narrative and conclusions. They make it harder for individuals to go against the stream because it makes them look like a kook to their family and friends. They were counting on the FACT that most people are too busy to do research for themselves and instead will rely on supposedly ‘trusted’ news sources.
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 2 weeks ago
          Right down to the Entertainment Industry, or what Katherine Astin Fitts called "The Entrainment Industry"
          The Movies & TV shows, the music, LSD and other drugs flooded into this country, all part of the CIA mind control op.
          Truth be told, they are quite successful at it, to this very day.
          JFK was spot on when he said the CIA should be smashed into a millions pieces and scattered to the winds.
          Sensing Jack could make good on this promise, his brains were blown out, in public, to send the unmistakable message, don't mess with us, we will kill anyone, anywhere, any time.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    English is the national language. Teach it, with proper use of the words contained within its structure. If we can't count on the meaning of the language we speak to communicate, we have no way to exchange ideas. A president used to be a respected, duly elected official. The meaning of that word, like so many others, had been lost in a tangled jumble of nonsense dumped on us to deliberately damage our ability to discuss the most basic of ideas. Stopping this has to begin at the local level, with the individual. I have grave doubts that it can happen. Not all parents understand that our educational system has been weaponized against us from K-12 and beyond.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 3 months, 3 weeks ago
      I have to admit back in the 60's when I was in high school I didn't appreciate English class. I liked reading and was well enough versed in it that I didn't think a class was necessary. Now that I see how Orwellian the language is being twisted and abandoned I have developed a strong appreciation for it. It's as though we are having a biblical Babylonian experience all over again. Obummer's declaration we will need to teach our children Spanish is only the start. The eventual destruction of the English language is underway.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 months, 3 weeks ago
        +1,000 for this.

        English was my overall worse subject. My future hung in the balance, and an English Teacher saved me.

        See, I scored 80% and higher in my ACT (~SAT) in every subject. EXCEPT English. Where I ranked 8%. (Undiagnosed ADHD, A vision problem with my primary eye, created a weird dyslexia, and gifted with memorizing things, got me by... Until it couldn't).

        My English Teacher Passed away this year. They posted my story (I sent to his wife) as a heart-felt Thank You. Exposing how bad my English really was. He made me work. In my senior year, he made me downgrade to 9th Grade Grammar Book, and had me do ALL of those assignments, and redo them until I had 100% He met me once a week after school. (And this was DESPITE my older brother having Assaulted him, and ruining a new suit he wore for his birthday). Ughh...

        He taught me so many lessons (Everything is learnable if you slow down, focus, and get repetitive! Failure is a choice, the same as success is a choice, etc)

        Retesting my ACT, I qualified for numerous Pell Grants and Scholarships. Which gave a "Free Lunch Program" kid a glimmer of hope for a real education... And it changed my life forever! To Mr. Wrosch... A true Teacher!
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  • Posted by $ Genez 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    The blurring of language and meaning has definitely accelerated in the last decade or so. They have to make everything a meaningless jumble because that makes it impossible to have any sort of meaningful debate or discussion. How can you debate when you can't even agree on the definitions of the terms discussed?
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  • Posted by bfreeman 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    Yes, King Barry indicated that he would be OK with talking through an earpiece to the "president" as a third term. Oh! This is what we have today with the person behind the curtain unaccountable for the misery created - by design.
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  • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    President now means that they have the powers that come with the title, and those powers vary all over the map. Biden can push the button and start ww3, which is a very scarey thing, given his frequent "brain resets" observable during his debate.
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