Public Lands including National Parks to be Asset Managed by Blackrock ??

Posted by $ BobCat 3 months, 4 weeks ago to Government
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WTF. Well the Elites and One Worlders certainly despise WE The People, the pissants. The government needs a HUGE reminder that those lands are owned by US, not the government.
A HUGE Reminder!!!
SOURCE URL: https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-06-19-wall-street-public-lands-nyse-november-17.html

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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 3 months, 4 weeks ago
    I find this pretty disgusting. It's bad enough that people like Bill Gates and the super-wealthy are buying up farmland and mid-western real estate with the underground aquifers. If this legislation goes through it will stymie rural cities and towns from doing land exchanges. In such a scenario large federal land-owning corporations could bleed community coffers dry in such transactions. This would be plundering on an epic scale creating a feudal country of America. We are heading there already. Do you think gasoline is high, water will be too expensive to drink, and forget about watering your landscape? People who have enough money will be able to sink wells for water of course they will have to check to see if the water they're drilling for isn't already owned. Food in supermarkets will soar in price worse than it is now. Mass starvation will ensue. Maybe then the masses will rise.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 months, 4 weeks ago
    One HUGE REMINDER would be the universally despised by our so-called elites one hopefully soon to be reelected Donald Trump.
    Orange Man Bad with all sorts of crosshairs affixed on his back may well be our one last hope.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    This sounds very "third-world-ish" to me where the legal system (created by the elites) increasingly sucks the life out of the citizenry. Oh wait, since America is being converted into a third world country at a rapid pace, this is just one more natural step in achieving that goal.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    I have been watching this disgusting crap build and am still trying to figure out how the land owned and paid for with our taxes to maintain can suddenly become someone else's property just becsuse congress passes an illegal, unconstitutional land grab scheme, then realized my question was my answer. They shred the Constitution. There is no law. NIFO!
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