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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    Incompetence is the mode of operation these days of DEI. Yesterday I cashed out at store for a final amount of $4.16. I handed the clerk a $5 bill along with a dime, a nickel, and a penny expecting a dollar in return. The clerk gave it all a blank stare and then looked at me and repeated, "It's $4.16." , "Yes", I said, "and I gave you a five dollar bill and sixteen cents. You need to give me one dollar in change.". Again with the deer in the headlights stare and a long uncomfortable pause while this extremely complicated transaction was being processed in the poor kids brain. The kid poked the touch screen a bunch, shook her head, and poked some more. Finally, I could see a light go on somewhere behind the clerks eyes and she opened the drawer and handed me my dollar and a receipt. She must have recently graduated from our public school system where more than half fail basic math.
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  • Posted by $ 2 months, 4 weeks ago
    I saw the $100 was withdrawn from my account and it went somewhere but it didn't show up on my credit card and I was charged a late charge and interest charge. I accessed the chat section of my bank and the answer I got was ''I am just learning how to do this and cannot answer your question". I just ignored my July payment and sure enough...I got a call. I explained all this to the young man on the phone and he hooked me up with the banking side of their company. The banking side lady said, 'We show this payment going to the credit side. I'll put them back on the phone.' Since I had spent almost an hour earlier explaining to the credit side and he flipped me onto the banking side when the banking side wanted me to talk again to the credit side, I hung up and resumed getting rid of fleas Fred picked up by being out in t he yard of my condo. I have 3 times told the condo folks to exterminate the fleas and mosquitos in the yards. Oh well, I just mixed me an orange juice and vodka and went back to reading my book, an antique by Lewis Browne...'This Believing World'. It was gifted t o me by a former employer. nb
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