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Social media is full of socialist/ anti-capitalist propaganda, and this can be clearly seen in today's youth
It's time we beat them at their own game.
I'm currently taking matters into my own hands and setting up infrastructure to blast social media with Ayn Rand content.
If you would like to help, have any ideas, let me know
Follow one of my instagram accounts : @VisionOfRand
What will you do that Ayn Rand Institute, The Objective Standard or Atlas Society are not?
What we are currently losing the battle, either people have not heard of ayn rand or they hate her.
ARI themselves told me they have not been able to create a top end funnel and would like to.
And the atlas society is a disgrace, they have dilluted ayn rand's principles.
So insteaed of questioning the validity of my argument, why don't you be productive and help ?
As a rule, every ambitious and curious mind I can get to read ayn rand, is a victory.