Atlas Shrugged Non-Fiction: Lawyers Who Voided Musk's "Excessive" $56 Billion Pay-Plan Seek $6 Billion Worth Of Legal Fees ($288,888 per hour) From Shareholders

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 3 weeks ago to Business
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"The reasoning for the excessive fee rests on the fact that the victory to void Musk's pay plan results in 266 million shares being returned to the company.

Needless to say, Elon Musk didn't stop to find the irony in the situation. "The lawyers who did nothing but damage Tesla want $6 billion. Criminal," Elon Musk fired back on X on Friday. "
I hope they get the shares but must hold them in escrow for 10 years in which time the company goes bankrupt and the shysters get nothing whatsoever. Ditto for the shareholders who are being rewarded for foolish federal programs that cheat every taxpayer in the US, and who have done nothing to be rewarded for.
SOURCE URL: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/lawyers-who-voided-musks-56-billion-pay-plan-seek-6-billion-tesla-stock-legal-fee

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    Posted by mccannon01 9 months, 3 weeks ago
    I've said before the Founding Fathers attempted to lay the corner stone of a justice system in America, but what we have today is a legal system and the two are not the same. The legal system is corrupt up to its eyeballs and is like a mafia style business run today by mainly left wing extremist lawyers and politicians (who are mainly lawyers) designed to extort money from anyone they want and funnel it into their bank accounts or pet projects. It's the perfect set up for waging "lawfare" on their opponents and getting rich at the same time.
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    • Posted by 9 months, 3 weeks ago
      Exactly right, mcc. If they receive that $6 billion, it will be used to enslave others, just as shysters have done for over 100 years. 👍
      They created a system that enriches them by creating problems for and at the expense of others, without providing any product or service.
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  • Posted by mhubb 9 months, 3 weeks ago
    nothing was done to stop the il-legal alien POTUS 0bama when he stole from the share holder of the auto companies

    likely nothing will be done to stop this as these are lawyers, you know the slimes that are the highest donators to the democrat party of traitors
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 months, 3 weeks ago
    I'm lost. The lawyers went to work for Richard Tornetta. What they get paid should have been negotiated before they went to work. Why would Tesla pay them anything/ They were never employed by Tesla.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    It appears Shakespeare was correct about lawyers. And even thought Biden does nothing for Israel, these guys likely will put all their donations in for liberals. As to Musk, he was shall we say naive about human nature? I do believe the EV tend is dying, and Tesla will not continue in any case. We know the CO2 agenda is a bunch of lies and crap science. Still, I like to see Musk succeed, he is smart, if too trusting.
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