The Obamas are just getting started -again.
I agree with the above article. FJB and the hyena will be replaced as the turmoil from within due to the staged demonstrations - leaving the Obamas to come to the Dem's rescue sometime around Chicago Convention time.
What are your thoughts?
What are your thoughts?
you think allowing the democrats to steal elections and ruin the nation is good for the country?
importing millions of il-legals is good??
they attacked Trump before he got into office, while he was in and now
Trump is just in the way.
caused by people that want him out
"gee, guess who fell down three flights of stairs of the White House"
then no one is at fault
"gee. biden got sick.... or hurt....
King Barry has nothing to worry about. He is "The Anointed One."
Some portion of our "the rich" here is the Deep State heavily invested in China for long being into sending American jobs overseas.
All they give a damn about are themselves and their fellow rich elites who all go to the same ritzy cocktail parties just like lib Hollywood celebrities.
What they all have in common is hating Trump for standing between them and "the little people" they look down their noses at.
You know why Dems want you eating less Red Meat? Because they KNOW their policies are going to make it so EXPENSIVE you won't be able to afford it. So they can say they did you a favor.
But remember what the Communists of Russia HOPED to achieve... 2 Eggs for breakfast for the citizens. We thought they were joking. But they had a 5 year plan to get there.
Well the Dems have a 5yr plan to get you below 2 oz of meat/day. Because, to them, cows grazing in a field is against nature and causing global warming (as opposed to part of the natural life cycle of the planet)...
If you don't like how things are today... Ask yourself if you VOTED For this? And were you better off 4 years ago? Was McDonalds a lot more affordable back then? It was to us...
For example: I am a man and any man is not born with a uterus. Therefore, I cannot get pregnant.
Another example: Only a brainwashed butthead or a bullied wimp would cancel me for stating the above example.
Now is the time to decide whether you can go "Galt" even a little bit. They need to lose most of their producers completely or all of their producers partially.
We may have to make them feel it.
for a dem, she has several great qualifications
she claims to be a woman (almost wrote she is a woman LOL)
she is the right skin color
she hates America
what else does a democrat need?
Big Mike ain't going anywhere.