Doug Casey reviews the migrant crisis, places it in an international context, makes a number of controversial statements, but covers a lot of ground with thought-provoking ideas
Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 1 month ago to Government
Here are four of what are in my opinion some of Casey's most controversial statements found in the linked article:
“It would be nice if they did, but I wouldn’t count on state governments to counter orders from DC.”
“I’ve said for years that a civil war was in the cards. The coming US civil war won’t, however, be along geographical lines, as was the War of Southern Secession from 1861 to 1865.”
“More gun regulations are in the works, including a bill recently proposed to make it a violation for more than three armed people to be together. “
“Abbott, a second-class political hack, is using it to grandstand and make himself better-known among Republicans.”
“It would be nice if they did, but I wouldn’t count on state governments to counter orders from DC.”
“I’ve said for years that a civil war was in the cards. The coming US civil war won’t, however, be along geographical lines, as was the War of Southern Secession from 1861 to 1865.”
“More gun regulations are in the works, including a bill recently proposed to make it a violation for more than three armed people to be together. “
“Abbott, a second-class political hack, is using it to grandstand and make himself better-known among Republicans.”
That's an interesting approach to collectivizing the masses, but there are a lot of geographical differences and relationships that don't/won't conform to it.
If societal breakdown and anarchy ensues, for whatever reason, starving people aren't going to be particular about superficialities like politics. Despite Casey's views to the contrary, regional identification may be forced on people, whether they are "Red" or "Blue."
I do think a hot war is possible, but not right away. Stay prepared.
They should get a similar treatment as the original immigrants (colonists) from Europe.
You want a better life? Build it yourself.
Either way the expense is lower than the free ride given to invaders and destruction of our culture in progress.
Let's offer a deal toward becoming an American similar to the deal offered to the original colonists.
In the process they might learn what it is to be American.
(There would still be a need to reject potential terrorists.)
The US giving $$ to the UN also has to stop as it is nothing more than a pipeline of funding exacerbating this very problem. Other methods of curtailing the migration also need to be put in place. Destination Gitmo, once it becomes known, I would expect also to be a deterrent. Gitmo, having a decent port and airfield, can accommodate a decent amount of two way traffic. I'm sure a great deal of noise from the rest of the world will protest this action, but a leader with fortitude will basically tell them to "put up or shut up". Foreign countries will be welcome to supply financing and provisions to alleviate problems in Gitmo. At the same time they would be welcome to provide civilian transport (ships and planes) to bring as many of these people back to their own countries or elsewhere NOT in the USA.
Not a simple problem, but it's a start.
Edit add: I would expect the complaining from other countries to die down to a whisper rather than actually doing something about the problem as I suggest. They will virtue signal until called on it.
fight for your freedom
solves a couple of problems...