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One of life’s simple pleasures is arguing with a leftist, hitting the send key, and waiting for the inevitable “Reeeee”. It’s so freaking easy. A definite dopamine hit.
My favorite is going on a comment thread on MSNBC and looking for (or sometimes making it myself….hell yes I troll) a post by a righty using poor grammar. Inevitably one of the “most educated generation” will correct said grammar. They just can’t help themselves. And then I strike by Quoting my favorite piece of Critical Race Theory literature back at them. “The characteristics of White Supremacy Culture” by Tema Okun. “ The MSNBC board of Diversity Equity and Inclusion has found your post to be in violation of our standards. You have exhibited the characteristic of Worship of the Written Word. This is a tenet of White Supremacy Culture. In the future….please try to be less white.”
Absolutely love the responses I get back. I loves me a good Reeeeeeee in the morning.
This is what they get if they criticize missing punctuation: ,,!,,(-.-),,!,,
Sharing like mad!