The Elite Have Been Told What To Think All Their Lives and Live In A Bubble of Propaganda - They Have No Ability To Think For Themselves. They Are Brainwashed Fools. Survey Of Useful Idiot Elite.
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Philosophy
The complete survey results are at this link:
Please download and read just what utter fools lead and steal from the rest of us using government power, believing (without any evidence whatsoever) they are superior to everyone else.
They say we have too much freedom and trust government to never do wrong. They are utter fools.
Please download and read just what utter fools lead and steal from the rest of us using government power, believing (without any evidence whatsoever) they are superior to everyone else.
They say we have too much freedom and trust government to never do wrong. They are utter fools.
But there are many adjectives: worthless, egotistical, arrogant, greedy, self-serving, narcissistic, phoney, vacuous, pinko, pompous ... and the list goes on and on ..
Look it up.
My family (both sides) is lousy with narcissists, psychopaths, Dark Triads and Dark Tetrads.
Live where no one else wants too.
Figure out how to be happy with that lifestyle.
Watch with a contented smile on your face as these “elites” are destroyed by the civilization they are enabling.
Wait until the fires and screaming stops.
Begin rebuilding a just society.
35 years of business ownership, the requirements to protect my interests, an undying love of expressive language and insatiable curiosity are the foundation for the next stage of learning. I'm not liking what I discover in many aspects. Yet, to refute would not be objective. I know there are simpler solutions. Dobrien posted on public banking institution through the Post Office last night. I think Joe Lange is spot-on. Once again, simplicity beyond complexity .... in concept, at least.
Trust the guy? Hmmm..... don't know him. Can it be a facade to lead into something I don't want? Perhaps I'll explore.
Until there are real penalties, including mortal, for the transgressions, the abuses will continue. The example is of an immortal robot from The Objectivist's Ethics.
The web site looks more like a multi-level scam. I tried signing up (the free option) and the confirmation email never came, so no access.
1. I think that The Donald was recruited long ago for the role he currently fills. I don't think he's part of the swamp even though he's spent time there.
2. Dr. Shiva "invented" email in 1978. But I was using it on the Arpanet in 1976. I believe we called it "mail"
Here's Willie Kantrowitz's info from the 1974 Arpanet Directory including his computer mail address.
M.I.T. Lincoln Lab - TX2 Group
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts
(617) 862-5500 ext 7349
No, I'm not entirely convinced by Shiva.
Shiva holds Copyright on "EMAIL" since 1981. I remember seeing my cousin communicate as you describe, from terminal at UW LaCrosse in 74.
As for shiva-mail, loads of us who used Arpanet mail, DEC's mail, Multics mail, etc. (way back when) laughed when Shiva put himself forth as having INVENTED it.
You want REAL programming look at The Story of Mel
a) is the survey just propaganda (a conspiracy of the elite) from the start, designed to manipulate non-elite, or
b) are the responses to the survey indicative of propaganda brainwashing of those surveyed, and were they (useful idiots) chosen for that reason, or
c) other reason for the obviously insane survey result?
Favor and disfavor based upon skewed, assumptive questions, without a dissertation on qualifying can be very misleading. The next populist now has a tool of manipulation for those that do not question the validity of the survey.
How do I know I'm not being screwed? Dan Appleton: Quod Cogito Ergo Sum, It thinks, therefore I am. Everything in print or multi-media is to be held in utmost disdain until proven, repeatedly, to be healthy for the individual and all respective "cultures".
A healthy human culture requires 3 things. Enthusiastic pursuit of expressive language, objective philosophical base for interaction and objective rule of law to keep the animals from straying from the second. We have had the first and the (arguably) third but never the second within America. This is why 1 and 3 are under assault.
Gotta go for now. Dispatching for field service for a couple of days.
So -- what is one to do? If you cannot change the System, then work to change Yourself.
Identify anchor points that you have with the System, then minimize / eliminate them.
Get off any prescription meds.
Be cautious of what you choose to put into your body (food, hydration, needles, dope...)
Be extra cautious of what you choose to put into your mind (lots of anxiety-inducing nonsense out there).
Avoid crazy people (some are dangerous, others are just harmless loons ... but, steer clear of crazy).
Cultivate relationships with sound-grounded folks (I really dig mountain climbing and climbers - there is no way to fake your way to the top of Rainier, Adams, Shasta, Hood, Gannett, Granite, McKinley, Aconcagua...)
Think -- that would be a verb -- by constantly asking, "Is That True?" "What Evidence Supports the Claim?"
And -- keep the dialog rolling here in The Gulch.
Dobrien posted yesterday on public banking system that was in force until 1967.
The US Treasury could sell monies to banks at production value and, under some fairly stringent guidelines, be paid in some sort of fee/tax/non-profit mode from the profits at face value. This is used to fund government service at County, State and Fed level.
End non-profit status for any business.
Overhaul the school system. We teach expressive language, objective philosophy, civics and law as primary. I've stated prior within this post. This rids us of the realschule vs volkschule dilemma of elites and plebeians.
Re-establish the organic representation instead of the corporate DC debacle of statute vs rights. The history between 1861 and 1871 is skewed with misrepresentation and usurpation of powers.
End Democracy. Make a clean statement, in law, the difference between Electors and Voters. Any one may become an Elector by holding land unencumbered by debt. Leverage business owners who have more than (5?) employees and own their place of production unencumbered ..... these are the risk takers/stake holders. The Electors decide the election. The voters petition the electors.
Just a few ideas.
So...what to do?
I closed manufacturing business of 30 years. Told my customer base to .... go away. Mostly global 100 manufacturers.
Moved 300 miles to a county 3% of the previous metro area. Last day of March 2020.
Developed my lil gardens "Dystopia Farms". Now eating 80-85% from my resources and procuring my other necessities from a consortium of approx 100 individuals with 1000 acres between us. I know my beef/hog/fowl producers and have the opportunity to name my little "feasties" at will. We are all studying the present debacle from a plethora of resources. Farmers to Pharmacists. I'm kinda the go-between as a farm-assist and a pharm-assist. Just scored 1k 12mg Iver for $650! I also have a supply, ever growing, of Aronia juices. Highest natural Quercetin value we can find, and the largest mid-west producer of Elderberry is only 20 miles away. Like you, within the climbing arena, I gravitate to off-shore sailors, being mutual mortality is the binding factor of interdependence. Within my new community we all perceive our mutual mortality is under assault. We are all preparing for the worst. In today's world, words are cheap, real equitable actions ...... priceless.
And now, instead of developing manufacturing processes and solutions for the mega-corps, I get under semi tractor and trailer with a specialty repair and have 5 times the profitability. They desire the service as it restores operation, depending on the repair, for 12-20% of replacement .... and usually within 48 hours vs a two week wait for the latter.
I've already won the game of life .... I've not been this happy since I was 6.
Regarding the half-dozen individual land owners there in Wisconsin working toward Allodial Title -- are your properties adjacent? I would think that this would be of benefit.
A few good things about Wisconsin-- I have family, friends, connections there. Plus, as another old college friend noted -- you need to be of hearty mind and body to put up with Wisconsin Winters. True enough ... one big reason for now living in S. Arizona. Thanks for anything that you can provide to me re Allodial Title (in Wisconsin, et al).
The process of investigation is in infancy as we are a bit scattered geographically. Properties are not conjoined.
Winter up here? Mild for the past thirty years compared to the previous twenty I remember. Jan 9,12 and 13 we had 5,7 and 7 inch snow falls. Then we had "zeros" for a week; now everything is melting. Things have definitely been getting warmer since the global warming started ....... 40 ..... thousand years ago, or so, maybe .... or not.
(Big business attracts big looters. Starve them to death.)
I easily fall into the "elite" category, and suspect many here do too, except the the 10,000/sq mile population density in my zip code. My town is less than 500/sq mile. I would NEVER live where the population is >10,000/sq mile, and I suspect the population density is a bigger indicator of the results than the other metrics.
The $500 vs $100 in taxes for climate change is misleading. People with much lower income have much less disposable income. I joined the NRA and GOAL with life memberships. Each was $1,500-ish, and in terms of my objectives (more freedom, including firearm freedom), the $3,000 was a trivial investment. To idiot-lemmings who are so much smarter in "science", $500 to fight the invented issue is similarly an easy decision. Jesus, buying an EV is a much bigger investment than $500.