New Female Star Wars Director Said She Enjoys Making Men Uncomfortable

Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 3 weeks ago to Humor
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Before we get to The Babylon Bee's take on this woman, me dino wants to point out that statement is really real for a statement made during an interview.
It was shown on Watter's World and shortly thereafter Jesse Watters said, "I am not going to watch that movie."
Hearing that, me dino sayeth unto my TV screen, verily, "Me neither."
Just reading that director's name~~never mind trying to say it~~Shermeen Obaid-Chinoy makes me dino feel uncomfortable. Never mind watching her highly likely butcher a Star Wars episode. Bet it will be too long like the last one was too.
Click the link to enjoy The Bee.

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  • Posted by $ BobCat 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    I'll bet dollars to donuts that she is out to destroy all white anglo saxon males regardless of political leanings. From the pics I saw of her on other sites, she does the feminine gene pool no favors either. She is a what I call a male genre sexist douchbag to the Nth degree.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 11 months, 2 weeks ago
    There really is no need to watch a film when it was planned as a trilogy nowadays. Now trilogies are just multiple-year billboards for investment, advertisement, money laundering and political signaling and brainwashing.

    With CGI, is there really a need for a 500 million dollar movie? That's money laundering. On screen at the beginning of the films there's 4 production shell corporations to couch and funnel all that money.

    Once in a while there is a singular piece of artistic film making that stands out in a sea of crap.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 2 weeks ago
      "There really is no need to watch a film when it was planned as a trilogy nowadays." I think I've reached the point there's no need to watch a film planned as a single nowadays, LOL! At least if I wait until it comes on TV or other low/no cost service, even after several years, I can turn it off or click away from it without much loss to my time and treasure. The woke messaging has become so prolific in these times there isn't much an old guy like me finds in the entertainment world that is worth wasting my time on - so I don't! I don't waste my money on it, either.
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  • Posted by mhubb 11 months, 2 weeks ago
    the second set of 3 movies were the first 3 movies redone

    same for the last 3 movies

    rosario dawson as Ahsoka was a non-starter for me, just another DEI plant
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