Was 2023 REALLY the second hottest year (in the UK) since 1884? No, the data used and the computations are rubbish designed to fit a pre-designed result. It's the absolute OPPOSITE of science.
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Politics
"According to the UK Met Office, 2023 was the second hottest year in the UK since 1884.
Quite obviously, this is complete nonsense. Unless they are troglodytes that never venture out in daylight, why would anyone in the UK believe such absurd drivel?
The Met Office states:
2023 is provisionally the second warmest year for the UK according to mean temperature. [. . .] 2023’s provisional mean temperature of 9.97°C puts it just behind 2022’s figure of 10.03°C and ahead of 2014’s 9.88°C.
Right, it’s “provisional” drivel.
The UK summer of 2023—where I live—was a thoroughly miserable affair. We had a few weeks of decent sunshine in the spring and a couple of hot weeks of Indian summer. That was it!
The rest of it was cold, wet and comprehensively devoid of anything we might traditionally call “summer.” The winter preceding and following it wasn’t particularly cold, but nor was it unusually warm.
I’m knocking on a bit and can remember about 50 years of my life. I know, for a fact, that I have lived through many warmer years. Sure, this is anecdotal, but I haven’t completely taken leave of my senses and I still have a functioning memory. No way am I unquestioningly buying the Met Office’s silly claim.
Neither do I believe any of the legacy media reports trying to convince me that the Met Office’s preposterous assertion is evidence of an alleged climate crisis. It simply isn’t true, so it is not “evidence” of anything at all. Although it does suggest deception.
The Met Office—obviously unreliably—tells us “UK mean temperatures have been shifting over the decades as a result of human-induced climate change. [. . .] 2023’s provisional mean temperature of 9.97°C puts it just behind 2022’s figure of 10.03°C.”
For a start, “human induced climate change,” or Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), is a questionable and unproven scientific theory, not scientific fact. This too is just another claim from the Met Office which it wrongly asserts as fact.
The Met Office also tells us that “sunshine was near-average for much of the UK.” If we have got this right, the Met Office is claiming that, with average hours of UK sunshine in 2023—which also seems pretty dubious to me—somehow, since 1884, the only year that has been “hotter” was 2022. Which doesn’t ring true either.
What’s going on?"
It's Deep State lies and propaganda to enslave all the people to the few looting genocidal traitors.
"According to the UK Met Office, 2023 was the second hottest year in the UK since 1884.
Quite obviously, this is complete nonsense. Unless they are troglodytes that never venture out in daylight, why would anyone in the UK believe such absurd drivel?
The Met Office states:
2023 is provisionally the second warmest year for the UK according to mean temperature. [. . .] 2023’s provisional mean temperature of 9.97°C puts it just behind 2022’s figure of 10.03°C and ahead of 2014’s 9.88°C.
Right, it’s “provisional” drivel.
The UK summer of 2023—where I live—was a thoroughly miserable affair. We had a few weeks of decent sunshine in the spring and a couple of hot weeks of Indian summer. That was it!
The rest of it was cold, wet and comprehensively devoid of anything we might traditionally call “summer.” The winter preceding and following it wasn’t particularly cold, but nor was it unusually warm.
I’m knocking on a bit and can remember about 50 years of my life. I know, for a fact, that I have lived through many warmer years. Sure, this is anecdotal, but I haven’t completely taken leave of my senses and I still have a functioning memory. No way am I unquestioningly buying the Met Office’s silly claim.
Neither do I believe any of the legacy media reports trying to convince me that the Met Office’s preposterous assertion is evidence of an alleged climate crisis. It simply isn’t true, so it is not “evidence” of anything at all. Although it does suggest deception.
The Met Office—obviously unreliably—tells us “UK mean temperatures have been shifting over the decades as a result of human-induced climate change. [. . .] 2023’s provisional mean temperature of 9.97°C puts it just behind 2022’s figure of 10.03°C.”
For a start, “human induced climate change,” or Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), is a questionable and unproven scientific theory, not scientific fact. This too is just another claim from the Met Office which it wrongly asserts as fact.
The Met Office also tells us that “sunshine was near-average for much of the UK.” If we have got this right, the Met Office is claiming that, with average hours of UK sunshine in 2023—which also seems pretty dubious to me—somehow, since 1884, the only year that has been “hotter” was 2022. Which doesn’t ring true either.
What’s going on?"
It's Deep State lies and propaganda to enslave all the people to the few looting genocidal traitors.
That said, I'm all for warming.
Everything is better warm, like a longer growing season.
You can deal with the heat without AC.
You die when it gets cold without heat.
Let's face facts, this is all about societal control, only about control.
These little nazis need to be put in their place.
Minus six feet dirt nap.
I don't think that's too much to ask for.
But they can safely ignore that, every year we move forward.
When people talk about Climate Change I now ask them this "Based on WHAT % of the earths surface are these calculations?" (It's a fraction of a fraction of 1%).
These stations? Really. Near what city?
How much of the planet is uninhabited? How many square miles are covered by these thermometers?
And I am supposed to believe that people who CANNOT predict tomorrows weather... KNOW the right fraction of a percent of places to measure to get an ACCURATE Picture of what? Of what they WANT to show you? AND you are not surprised it is AGREEING with what they WANT to tell you?
By the time I get there, they either FEEL Stupid, or realize I might have a point. LOL
In Framingham Mass there was a weather station going back 100+ years, now a NOAA station.
The sensors were located in a field some 500' from the building.
When the Anthropological Glow-Bull Warming (AGW) hoax went into high gear, the scabs at NOAA moved the temperature sensors from the field next to the outside A/C compressor, surround by an asphalt parking lot.
I found this out (with the actual photo documentation) from a "climate change" watch dog group called "Watt's Up".
This scam is repeated at weather stations all over America.
Lies, more lies, piled on top on of yet more lies.
You/me cannot trust anything our alleged "government" tells us.
This is a Globalist Control weapon.
No meat eat bugs, no cars, no boats or ATV's, live in a cubical in a city with digitally programable currency.
Your CBDC will limit your travel to 15 minutes, use your AC, forbid you to buy meat, or guns and ammo.
Then comes the best part, if you don't "spend" you CBDC, let will take away that amount you were told to spend.
If you think I'm making any of this up, you are sorely mistaken.
CBDCs are horrible.
But this group is NOT ready for Crypto at all, despite my feeling that Crypto is the only way out, as long as it is Decentralized, PoW, and unassailable via the courts, etc.
Centralized crypto currency, is controlled currency.
Specifically one that is forced upon We The People.
And when I realize THEY printed my birth certificate... OMG, I might not be male (ROTFLMAO)...
That's how deep the distrust is.
Yes... Climate Hoaxing... They were ALSO CAUGHT in an email scam where they were upping the numbers.
Newsflash. If the earths crust gets a lot less sun... We will have more earthquakes according to a PhD friend of mine, who passed away, but worked with the Japanese team who are now predicting WHERE and SIZEs of quakes based on crust cooling (and other complexities WAY beyond me).
We need another 50 million to join the strike.
He was a climatology professor long before people even knew what that meant.
He has proven all the computer climate models are wrong by simply running them backwards: i.e. take the present state of the climate, run the program to produce what was the climate 10 years ago, 100 years, a thousand years. They all fail. Epically.
His theory of how weather evolves is based primarily on the Sun and the secondary effects of the moon on the solar winds. He said in a lecture I attended, this is how the Old Farmers Almanac (Ben Franklin) determined when best to plant crops.
Prof. Lindzen is a fascinating character.
"That's a damn lie," me dino said to my TV, "I can remember two or three summers that were a lot hotter than this 'un!"
Liked to refer to Mr. Marxist Fundamental Change as our Liar-In-Chief back then. Now we have another one of those despite it being Obama's third term.
I haven't seen cold like that, for years, until...this winter!
I guess "Global Warming" has run its course.