Women’s view of choice re aborting fetus remains Dems’ most devastating weapon. Today’s Virginia legislature results, after Youngkin’s pleas for 15-week abortion “compromise,” will tell tale (again)
Someone, maybe Einstein, once wrote or said, “Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over, expecting different results despite not getting them.” The same thing can be said about preaching the same sermon, expecting people to change, but not getting any change.
Women who would abort their babies probably should not be the mothers of our future generations.
Then the GUY should have the right to order the Abortion, or be ABSOLVED of financial responsibility.
Let's see how fast that "Clump of Cells" argument lasts.
My problem is that this has become a great Honeypot/Trap to snare a check...
In the UK, it is believed that over 30% of ALL children are not the husbands. So much so, it is ILLEGAL to do a paternity test without the mothers permission... MMmmm Why?
So, there is a strategy here. Lets take that away if we maintain this. What argument does a woman get if she agrees it's a clump of cells... UNTIL SUDDENLY they've trapped the right target... Then it's suddenly MY PRECIOUS!
As for politics, politicians who expect remain in office while removing the abortion privileges that females have had for all their lives are foolish.
Women constitute more than half of voters, and many vote solely to assure themselves the privilege of sexual promiscuity without responsibility.
That voting block has repeatedly ignored the repercussions of the nationwide suicidal policies of the politicians they are supporting.
Such universal suffrage is and has always been a mistake and is why the States United were never intended to be a democracy by the founders.
nice trade some people make...
As far as having a "reasonable dialog", I have given up. Most attempts turn into emotional screaming matches, because people have been taught that feelings are more important than facts.
tell us what crime the unborn commite4d to be killed for
at some early point
it has its own DNA
its own nervous system
its own heat-beat
it feels pain
That's some Carte Blanche. This is the pendulum swinging too far.
Back in the old days... Shotgun weddings were real.
The system is broke. People are broke.
Nature makes us desire sex when we are young and stupid... B/C otherwise our species would have died off over 1 million years ago...
"Selfish" is a word that just jumped into me dino's noggin.
Oh, I just tested positive for pregnant again. No big deal. Off I go to see my abortionist again. La! La! La!
Keeping her legs closed apparently never occurred to her.
I have heard of judges ordering drug addicts to get permanent surgery to render them infertile. Sounds like this woman was way overdue.
31 States explicitly allow for judicially-determined sterilization. Only two specifically outlaw it.
A modern Muslim girl may be killed for shaming her father. Maybe even stoned by her neighbors.
both parents (to teach some responsibility to both sides)
and those doing it
I’m left too at least be satisfied that the people who do it will not be able to pass their dysfunction on to another generation. If there is a silver lining to this dark storm cloud that would have to suffice.
I completely agree that societal pressure should be such that one would suffer terrible shame for miking that choice. The problem is that shame is a dirty word today. Things that are horribly shameful are common place today. Hell Susanna Gibson of Virginia should be to ashamed of her actions to even show her face outside; yet she ran for office lost and is now complaining that republicans used her actions against her.
I part with Ayn Rand's assertion that the gestation phase is not part of being human regardless of how well she verbalized her argument.
As for parting with Rand, obviously as a Christian I part with her on religion.
It's no different than operating a motor vehicle. You do it recklessly and you end up in an accident refusing to take responsibility for your own actions. Mature people understand that risks are involved and they take responsibility to drive safely.
Oh, did I mention my son is adopted? He's 50 now and in spite of many challenges, my wife and I were never his servants and he was never our master. He is a fine responsible loving man with three sons of his own and I wouldn't trade away a single second of our relationship. If his birth mother aborted him all that would never have been.
all for selfish reasons
I'm interested in any facts you'd like to bring to the discussion. Please elaborate.
And if you're pointing to the webmd article, you might want to read it. They state themselves that the facts aren't clear. Not sure how this bolsters any "scientific" claim...
who next will you declare as "inconvenient" and seek to murder?
the old? the sick? those that do not vote the way you like?
you missed you time, Germany, 1933-1945
the unborn FEELS PAIN