The TSA Is Still Crazy after All These Years (and Its Employees Deserve To Be Prosecuted For Assault.)
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 3 months ago to Politics
"The TSA has been promising to end its boneheaded ways for more than 20 years. Flying out of Dallas International Airport last week, I ruefully recognized that all TSA reform promises are malarkey.
As I neared the end of a TSA checkpoint line, I saw two women loitering behind a roped off section for CLEAR, a new biometric surveillance program that works with 35 airports and coordinates with TSA. CLEAR involves travelers standing in photo kiosks that compare their faces with a federal database of photos from passport applications, driver’s licenses, and other sources. The Washington Post warned that airport facial recognition systems are “America’s biggest step yet to normalize treating our faces as data that can be stored, tracked and, inevitably, stolen.”
Though the CLEAR program is purportedly voluntary, TSA agents at Washington National Airport recently threatened long delays for any passenger who refused to be photographed by CLEAR, including U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR). Merkley said that TSA falsely claimed there were signs notifying people that the facial scans are optional. But the clock is ticking down on seeking voluntary cooperation. TSA chief David Pekoske announced in March that “eventually… we will require biometrics across the board.”"
"The TSA has been promising to end its boneheaded ways for more than 20 years. Flying out of Dallas International Airport last week, I ruefully recognized that all TSA reform promises are malarkey.
As I neared the end of a TSA checkpoint line, I saw two women loitering behind a roped off section for CLEAR, a new biometric surveillance program that works with 35 airports and coordinates with TSA. CLEAR involves travelers standing in photo kiosks that compare their faces with a federal database of photos from passport applications, driver’s licenses, and other sources. The Washington Post warned that airport facial recognition systems are “America’s biggest step yet to normalize treating our faces as data that can be stored, tracked and, inevitably, stolen.”
Though the CLEAR program is purportedly voluntary, TSA agents at Washington National Airport recently threatened long delays for any passenger who refused to be photographed by CLEAR, including U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR). Merkley said that TSA falsely claimed there were signs notifying people that the facial scans are optional. But the clock is ticking down on seeking voluntary cooperation. TSA chief David Pekoske announced in March that “eventually… we will require biometrics across the board.”"
My first memory is that of a four-year-old (1950 maybe) on a passenger plane looking out a window down at several rows of parked airplanes I have no idea where.
Lost count of how many times I flew during the Fifties, Sixties and the Seventies. Always enjoyable for air travel being in another world back then.
Capt. Al was doing rides for $20. Irresistible.
I wonder if an election will be allowed next year.
The traitors in DC may declare martial law after they create an "emergency"
with a false flag event, just as they did on Jan 6 2021, and as they probably
did on 9-11-01.
The Deep State is the evil empire and their power comes from control in D.C.
(Frequently minority, not merit, hires who love to hold the whip, in my experience.)
Populated by painfully-unaccomplished, envy-intoxicated, compliant, sub-literate, power-hungry, pension-whores.
It is an exercise in pure willpower to hold my tongue when moving through that damned cattle chute.
TSA is just another government grifter program.
Airport security is one thing I would lay on the airlines themselves. They're in a much better position (called competitive pressure) to perform accurate safety checks (TSA still fails test screens at an alarming rate). Not only that, but you can bet they wouldn't be intrusive about it.
I think we ought to send all these TSA agents to the border. At least their heavy-handed incompetency would be par for the course...